Guitar Hero


Very Active Member
Ok, so I am going to admit that I just bought a Nintendo Wii for my daughters birthday (and My fathers day! hehe) and I was doing some searching for some games. I have played Guitar Hero a couple of times at a friends and Rock Bank I like even better cuz it has the Drums wich is really really cool to me. Well I guess they are coming out with a Guitar Hero that will have drums and everything like the Rock Band. I think I am going to wait and buy that one when it comes out in Oct.

Well, anyway........I found this website while searching around and got addicted!!! If you scroll about half way down the page, there is a place that you can play a little Guitar Hero on your Computer!!!!!!!!! GREAT!!! Something else besides MM to waste my time instead of actually getting some work done!!! JEESHHHH!!!

Go to the link, give it a try and see how well you can do! I cant remember what my score was, but I had 74 notes in a row was my best. Give it a try.
I just heard on the radio the other day, that down in Mesquite they are haveing a Guitar Hero Championship. I believe it is this month and the winner walks away with $3,000. Not to bad for a game.

Just heard it on the Radion again. I was wrong, it sounds like it is $5,000 for the winner. It is at the Oasis Casino this weekend (june 6-7) in Mesquite. They gave a phone number to call for info, I hope I got it right.



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