Guess the score.


Long Time Member
The Kona plick finally bagged an animal. Give your guess. A lot of work and wait went into this trophy. It was an early season LE tag he got with 38 points. He didn't start to put in for it until he was 24 so do the math and you can see that time was running out. Needless to say the plick was happy to put it together.


Way to go. Won't top JB's 375er and probably have to go SCI since it looks like high fence. I'll guess 197
Given the fact that he is standing 5 feet behind it, he has really small hands, is only 4' 11" tall and he is bearly holding the rack, I would guess the fish is right around 220 "range".

Jeez, who's the old guy?

Now do you want offical FCI (Fish Club International) score or Monster Muleys score? Cuz the will be quite abit different from each other.
sorry, i looked again and the plick (rans) is even dorkier than last time i looked, and i still say its kilo's fish
You burned 38 points on a pisscutter? I've caught steelhead bigger than that.

What did you use for bait? JB's Marlin?

J/k! Very nice! How many pints of tuna can you get out of a fish that big?

How long does it take to land a big one like that?

Looks like 152 lbs. The exact same size as Kilo's. Hummmmm!

>I thought kilo was ate by
>a turtlesaurusrex. No ?

There are so many old people in Kona it's impossible to keep track of who is who.


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