Guess that trickle!


Long Time Member
This could be a tough one butt she is very well known.
Where do you come up with this stuff Feleno? Your posts are like opening a Christmas present from the in-laws, don't know what its gonna be, but will be interesting if useful or not...
much of the credit has to got to my severe oxygen depravation i experienced during birth... and I got a couple good sources for pictures. Combine the two and this is what you get. Merry Christmas
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-08 AT 09:55AM (MST)[p]That would be Elle Macpherson. I don't know how to spell her name, but you know who I mean.
You are correct!
You do know, according to the message board rules you will not be allowed to guess the next time around.

time hasn't been all that kind to her
I think your posts for the most part are in very poor taste...If you have a need to post girly crap go to a porn site. I'm no prude but I come on here to see, talk, and read hunting stories and pictures not wade through your girly pictures. No offense but I think your posts should be deleted...Just my opinion!!!
I was unaware of the rules, thanks for the heads up. She used to be a one hell of a looker, not so much these days. IMHO.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-08 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]I don't know about you KING, but it is my oppinion that hunting and women make a great combo. If you don't approve of Felenos posts, don't open them. Keep em going Feleno!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-08 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]whats the saying...."if you dont like it, don't look". its just that simple. i don't agree with some of the stuff on here but i won't get involved with a post I don't like. When we sit around a campfire we talk about women, drinking, sports, hunting... all kinds of stuff. Same kind of things i post here. if you go back through my posts you'll see i've posted about a variety of topics.
My campfire also includes many topics of the female gender. Probably more so than any other topic. I for one enjoy your posts Feleno............
I was going to guess Bea Arthur!! Yikes!!

I like your posts as well, Feleno. It gives me a place to sharpen my "less than acceptable for the workplace" skills!!

Don't visit the Campfire if you don't like F-Dudes pics. The Mods are over zealous at nuking his posts so nobody has to worry about burning their eyes.

All other areas of this forum contain the outdoor meat and potatoes your after.

I for one like visiting the campfire and participating in F-dudes brain teasers

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
Thanks for the support gents. i try to lighten things up a bit and add some humor or entertainment. Sometimes i go a bit to far and offend SOME. I try to offend EVERYONE so my opologies go out to those I miss :)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-08 AT 03:44PM (MST)[p]kingfish said: "I think your posts for the most part are in very poor taste...If you have a need to post girly crap go to a porn site. I'm no prude but I come on here to see, talk, and read hunting stories and pictures not wade through your girly pictures. No offense but I think your posts should be deleted...Just my opinion!!!"

King, you and I have been around here a while and I respect your opinion more so than some visitors to MM. However I disagree that this particular forum (campfire) has anything specific to do with hunting. The description under the title "Campfire" says "Swap stories, advice, and opinions.". The general forum title says "Let's talk Hunting", the mule deer forum deals with mule deer, Elk with elk, etc. The political stuff was given it's own forum to remove that from those of us who choose not to argue such things. This campfire forum has always been a place to let off steam, tell a few jokes and relax. It has never been only for hunting topics. If the management here at this site chooses to have it deal with only hunting, so be it. I think it would be a grave mistake. There are a few who I believe generate more "business" (traffic) for this site than average. I would not come here at all if the only thing to do is argue about Spider bulls and poachers.

I view Feleno's posts, and many of my own, as jokes. If those type posts are not allowed here then what is? I personally find disussions about professional footbal about as enticing as having toenail surgery. UFC? I'd rather have hemmoroids removed. Religion? Don't even start. Recipes? Well OK. My point is, if I don't want to discuss a topic here I don't have to. If I don't want to look at it I don't. But I won't tell someone they need to go to another site to talk about any of the above.

It is not usually my intention to offend. So don't be offended. Let's just enjoy life a little.
+1 NV

We need to have a little variety and a little humor to enjoy life!
What is said in the campfire, stays in the campfire...whatever..
I like the variety and the guessing games, but I'm not very good at them. Probably don't spend enough time on the other kind of sites? LOL.... Carry on!
You guys that are commenting on Elle MacPherson not being what she once was crack me up. If any of your wives look even close to that at her age, you and they will be very fortunate. How many women in their 50s can even wear a bikini, let alone look like that in one?
My neighbor don't even wear the whole Bikini depending on the day and how much wine she had the night before. Then too they hide her arm pits when laying down. LOL

She's one of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues all-time most photographed models, and did Victoria's Secret modeling before starting her own lingerie brand. Her nickname is "the body" and if you saw pictures of her not too many years ago, you'd know why. I think she still looks damn good for her age. She ain't twenty five any longer, but very few women in their forties and beyond look like she still does.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-09 AT 11:25PM (MST)[p]Kilo, and just WTF do you have to tell us about XXX stuff? What kind of cookies are on you computer?

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