Guess dem legs


Long Time Member
I don't know who it is, but i love them shapely hard legs!!![/IMG]
sorry guys, the legs were very deceiving. Might be an OK body but with that head on the shoulders its not even something Wiz would hit.

Its Shuana Sand. You want to upchuck in your mouth now?

Wisz packs a LARGE Paper Bag!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
F'er, I wanted to upchuck at the first picture. Damn few women can pull off wearing that tall of heels with that short of shorts although many will try that shouldn't. It had ugly white trash written all over it.

I am glad you posted the results when I seen the first pic I was thinking it was Roy . I never responded just in case it was.

I didn't recognize the name or the face off my phone but on closer inspection I see who she is. She's Lorenzo Llamas's 4th wife turned porn star. That explains it.

Caution, somewhat revealing swimsuit footage

If she would only change the word "perfect" on her panties to "do-able" then I'd think about it. I'd have much more respect for a woman/he-she for being honest! Who am I kidding....I'd hit the sh!t out of that. I'd have a paper bag handy just in case....

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