Grumpy Old White Bastard


Long Time Member

At the ripe old age of 47 that's what I am.

I've had it.

Everyone wants to be a freaking thug.

Big sloppy tattoos up to the neck, teenage girls all tatted up with multiple facial and tounge piercings.

Wannabe bikers, ugly baggy ass pants that you gotta hold up with your hands, trashy looking clothes boxers hiked up.

Fat chicks showing that belly hanging out with some stretched out panama license plate tat on their fat ass.

Disrespect for honest hardworking clean cut people.

Rap music blasting out at the intersection shaking the ground.

F-Bombs used as every other word in a dumbed down cannibis slurred sorry ass vocabulary.

Personal responsibility out the window, It's the cop's fault.

The "it's all about me" attitude where "excuse me" "please" and "thank you" are foreign languages.

I'm turning into my dad.

those old "Leave It To Beaver" episodes are looking better and better to me all the time.

By the time I finish a shift with the public, I commute outta town and hit my mountain retreat, I don't want to see another living person outside my family.

Think I need some R&R.

Don't forget HH that we owe them everything and that an honest days work is non existant....I know what you mean, well said.

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
HH, join the club. sit back, let out a breath, get a grin on your face and say, "F" all of you ingrateful SOBs.
Now does everything looks and feels better.

I hear ya Harry, Wish I could afford a couple thousand acres in the middle of the rockies and just get away from it all...


You got things pretty close....want to have an even worse thought? In a couple of years, when we're old, we have to rely on those people you just described to keep the lights & heat on.

Doesn't that just thrill ya?!?
Ha! Wait till you are 62! It gets worse.

Pretty much why I only associate with the kind of people on this site. Most everyone else just disgusts me.
When did respect, class and dignity become uncool?
Nice clean appearances, caring and helpful deeds toward your fellow man become so out of date?
Kids that don't refer to their dad as Dude?
Referring to girls and women as "Bittches" and "Ho's" as cool?
I guess every generation strives to be different than the one before.
I've just lost that step with what's cool now.
Guess I'm the dork.
Best post I've read in a long time !!!!
Supprised your not getting slammed for it.
We all just let it happen,it's on TV, it's everywhere and it's a shame we have let our society get dumbed down like it is.
you guys could live in China...
thats the only place you can get away from it!
but the shop break room smell like a bait shop and you could not own guns and go hunting!
what are you saying, the way disrespectful people act is ok?
this culture is a good thing?
you got kids?
of course it is the parents that let most of this life style happen, no one gives a s--- anymore.
I care about how my kids act and I am will to battle them
if needed. However, so far I feel like my kids are respectful
(time will tell :))

The problem, IMO, is no one is accountable anymore. Everyones
problems are blamed on someone else.
>HH, join the club. sit back,
>let out a breath, get
>a grin on your face
>and say, "F" all of
>you ingrateful SOBs.
> Now does
>everything looks and feels better.


"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
An excellent post Harry. I really had to laugh about the "I am turning into my dad." Me and my brother have said this a hundred times and we NEVER thought it could happen. That is, until we became old and grumpy white bastards.
well I could be the only old fart on this site that is glad he is not turning into his dad. I don't want that dope smoking beer guzzling piece of work around me and my kids at all.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-08 AT 04:48PM (MST)[p]'They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.

I can't even talk the way these people talk:

Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.
And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows it's important to speak EnglishExcept these knuckleheads.
You can't be a doctor With that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.
These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.$500 sneakers for what ? ?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2 ? ?
Where were you when he was 12 ? ?
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn'tknow that he had a pistol ? ?
And where is the father ? ?
Or who is his father ?
People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack,Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up ?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body? What part of Africa did this come from?? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; They don't know a thing about Africa .
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job. Someone Working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.
We cannot blame the white people any longer.'

Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Ed.D

It's NOT about color... It's about behavior!!!
Harry, I did the same thing as you 11 years ago. Moved to a small place, 15 acres in the mountains and only go down to make my money. After that it's back up the hill to get my peace, and I live in the Bay Area, CA.
I wasn?t going to weigh in on this one until Overton and FLEH started baiting me. My grumpy old ass took the bait. Here is my solution.

Congress passes a law giving every grumpy old bastage over 50 free use of a taser.

The Supreme Court up holds the law with no restrictions as long as the following rules of engagement are met.

Grumpy old bastages may tazer any individual if:

1. Their baggy ass pants don't cover up their underwear.
2. They have a body part that is visibly pierced.
3. They say the ?F? word in public.
4. They say the ?F? word anytime in Spanish.
5. Their Honda Civic is less than 8? above the asphalt.
6. They wear their baseball cap sideways.
7. They have a tattoo just above the crack of their ass that is visible. (unless it's a really cute little over 18 gal)
8. They dress like Morticia Munster
9. They are sharing their music with everybody.
10. They ride a skate board anywhere close enough to be legally tazed.

That is the top 10. I think reasonable grumpy old bastages should be given some discretionary opportunity to tazer any little plick that annoys them.


I'm writing in RUS' name for president this fall. I've had it with wimps and RUS just proved he was worth his salt.

I can't stand that crap and am too old to change. That's why I teach in a little old hick town where 45 year old guys I taught still call me Mr. Very seldom have any kid show a lack of respect one kid I know of with a tattoo. Baggy pants stuff hasn't hit yet a few piercings but not real obnoxious ones at least that I can see. My biggest problem is kids missing school and practice to go to brandings. They just branded 800 took about half the boys in school. I know its old fashioned and out of style but its what I prefer.
Harry, I've come on to this thread about four times now, and keep shuting it as anything I would have said earlier would make your comments seem tame. I've taken a deep breath and hopefully can be more tactful now.

Kids these days are the way they are in large part due to TV, cable TV especially. Also, we watch NBA games where 9 of the 10 players on the court look like they came from prison. Truth be known, more than a few of them would be in prison if they weren't skilled at basketball. Take Allan Iverson, he looks like he came out of the joint, and would be there or dead if he couldn't play like he does. It's our fault to a degree that we pay teams the money to watch these POS's. I used to share season tickets to the Sacramento Kings, got so tired of watching millioniare 'thugs' and 'gangstas' that I dropped out of the ticket group...and have never watched another NBA game since then.

I grew up in a hard part of Sacramento, lots of minority kids and I got robbed more than once while in high school. Nowadays, these white kids from the suburbs who don't have a clue about how they're percieved by groups they're not part of. They think they're cool, but the inner city kids think they're idiots.
This post is right on the money.

This is why i moved into the middle of nowhere. Do our grocery shopping 1 hours and 10 minutes from where we live. The kids go to school 40 minutes from where we live.
And we LOVE IT!!!

I still got to go to CA every 2 weeks to make my money though.
You guys are doing my heart good! I was afraid I was in the minority. I probably am, but not amongst you. Thanks.
Whoa not all young people are like this

I'm semi young at 25 but even when I was 10-24 years old I never wore baggy pants, still don't and never will get a tattoo, have no metal in my body, and still say thank you and please.

But don't get me wrong it seems like 95% of 12-25 year olds are little punks, the bad part is people like me just get labels in there with them.

I even recently moved up to Montana to try to separate myself from these people but nope they are still up here.

I need to find me a way to be like ##### Proenneke in alone in the wilderness.

I guess what separates me is I don't watch much TV, its a waste of time, in fact when I moved from Phoenix 6 months ago I left my TV with my little brother because there is no use for one in Montana, There's no time for TV with hunting and fishing everywhere.

My thoughts on the solution MAKE VIDEO GAMES ILLEAGAL
One thing I do a lot of that helps some kids is coach baseball. Serious players generally don't look like these idiots anyway, but I'm always talking to them about college baseball, what it takes to make it to that level, and how appearance and character are a big part of making it. Most of the guys have short hair, real short for most of them. Not many have any tattoos at all, more have earrings than I'd care to admit. Not a single kid has any other piercings that I know of. They all understand that no matter what they look and act like, when we're on the field, we're there for a reason and they have to look and act a certain way. I think it's the only time a few of them have ever worn their hat straight in years.

Kids are different these days, that's for sure.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-08 AT 11:07PM (MST)[p]Too funny HH! - Sound like tou have been living in Cali for too long! Cheer up - your old man complained the long-haired dope smoking Haight-Ashbury hippies didn't he? Some of them turned out to be respectable though right?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
....the kids are bad but I ain't real happy trying to buy my peanuts and beer while the carpet pilot behind the counter holds his cell phone in one hand speeking farsy and trying to make my change at the same tme....what's this world coming to?

Name me one dope smoking, acid head, haight-Ashbury hippie, that is still alive, that turned out ok. If they survived they became the bent wrist liberals of today that helped screw up a entire generation!!! they are the ones that caused most of us to sit up on our rural mountain hill tops and look down at the valley and say, screw all you "F"ing meat head idiots.

>Whoa not all young people are
>like this
>I'm semi young at 25 but
>even when I was 10-24
>years old I never wore
>baggy pants, still don't and
>never will get a tattoo,
>have no metal in my
>body, and still say thank
>you and please.
>But don't get me wrong it
>seems like 95% of 12-25
>year olds are little punks,
>the bad part is people
>like me just get labels
>in there with them.
>I even recently moved up to
>Montana to try to separate
>myself from these people but
>nope they are still up
>I need to find me a
>way to be like #####
>Proenneke in alone in the
>I guess what separates me is
>I don't watch much TV,
>its a waste of time,
>in fact when I moved
>from Phoenix 6 months ago
>I left my TV with
>my little brother because
>there is no use for
>one in Montana, There's no
>time for TV with hunting
>and fishing everywhere.
>My thoughts on the solution MAKE

Rifle guy, you are right on the money. I agree TV is what had dumbed down the last 2 generations and glorified perverted lifestyles.
Your right about video games as well. My kids are not allowed to play them at home and the TV cannot be on except after dark and I know what they are watching.
Bingo, great post...
I am just 10 years ahead of ya and have had it as well.
IMHO, we have arrived at an all time low in moral fiber and character as a nation, mainly because of liberal ideas and compassionate caring.
I say BS, a spade is a spade and "accepting" all this crap is only enabling it...

Stop Global Whining
We need some sort of worldwide catastrophe that wipes out the stupid people. I know it sounds a bit mean, but it needs to happen, and I believe it will, eventually. Could you imagine if half these people lived 100 years ago? They wouldn't have survived past 15. It is amazing how many stupid people are in this world.

Unfortunately I am in this generation. I hate to admit it. I hate that most people my age don't act it. I am coming up on my 10 year high school reunion this year, and as in every high school there are the tough guy wannabes. Well you'd think after 10 years they might grow up a bit. Nope, most of them are talking all tough and slinging their ghetto BS about where to have the function. They act like they are still in high school. It really is sad.

It's Bush's fault!!!
My point exactly RELH! A lost generation breeds and even more lost generation!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
There may be something to the Cali thing.

There ya go, typical argument like: You are against gun control?
So the opposition throws out....Yeah so You're advocating every man woman and child should be packing RPG's & fully automatic weapons?
NO people who don't walk my line should not be arrested or shot on sight.

No I'm just a little disgusted with the rudeness I encounter on a daily basis and the seemingly never ending parade of "toughguy costumes" I see surrounding me.
I often wonder how these pussies would fare spiking out on top of the mountain, packing out elk quarters and enduring the harsh conditions of the wilderness.
(Hope I can endure another season myself)

As far as the rap culture (that I've referred to in the past)
Am I reacting the way the oldsters did to Elvis Pressley & the Beatles?
Or has society sunken to an even much lower low?

Certainly not all kids are bad because they listen to hip hop and wear styles that I object to.
Just tired of thug lifestyle being admired and glamourized.

Rant Off.
HH Hope you feel better now that you got that off your chest. I know I sure do. DITTO on everything you have said. The Dumbing down of America is underway and we can thank the the Liberal views of the media and politicans for allowing this to happen. Can't imagine what this country will be like in another 50 Years.
As some of you know I teach school in a small toewn in Northern Wisconsin. One day last year we had a new kid from the city move into town along with the baggy pants and the attitude. I was on duty before school started and we had an Ice storm so the sidewalk and stairs leading up into the school were icy. I warned Mr. Baggy pants that he might want to use the handrail due to the ice. He ignored me and kept his hands in his pockets. He hit that ice patch and went down on his face he couldn't get his hands outta his coat pockets fast enough to catch himself and his baggy pants took his equally baggy undies straight to his knees showing the whole school the whiteness of his moon. I turned my back and acted like I never saw a thing but I was really thanking God for his unique sense of humor. I never had a better day at school.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-08 AT 08:56AM (MST)[p]
your Not Grumpy just a sign of the time's we live in, this outta sum it up real good for yah!...

2 Timothy - Chapter 3- This know also, that in the last days dangerous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, lacking self-restraint, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, conceded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they, which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with many lusts, (affairs)

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
here's the answer,

James 1:21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and excessive naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
>manny you need your own preaching

you willing to head it up? I mean hey its just the truth.
HH- you left out all those metro sexual skater kids that wear WOMEN'S pants and can't get them to cover up their ass no matter how hard they try. Those ASS clowns make me want to sock em' one for being so goofy.

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