

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-26-09 AT 05:23PM (MST)[p]scroll down and watch video! :9


Archery is a year round commitment!!
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dang it!!! Why would you post something like that!!!!!

..another reason to stay in the good ol U.S. of A.!!!

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
My 8 year old son says, "Cool"!!

That would really freak me out to have an insect that big growing inside me. That was gross.

That guy has some SERIOUS hygene issues!

The upside would be, you could have a ready source of trout bait in the high country and they wouldn't spoil on a 2 week trip.

We used a hot coke bottle to get them out of our cattle. I always thought that was way cool.
+1 nickman on the trout bait, and I did the same trick with the bottle, and no bullchit had a buddy that cowboyed on a ranch, use to go help him on the weekends with the cattle, one weekend we were riding along and he kept telling me it felt like he had a bad boil on his ass and was really sore, he couldnt take it anymore later that day so he pulled his pants down ans got his pocket knife to lance it, and no crap he stuck that thing and out shot the bot worm, man I laughed like hell and he said it felt better than the best fart he has ever let go...

What was the deal with the duct tape, was he freaking trying to incubate them or something, why you would let them get that freaking big before doing something is beyond me.


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