Grizzly Delisting by 2014?

I heard delisting back in year 2000. of course they can survive off the white nuts, they just go and clean up after what the wolves have killed
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-13 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]You can bet the antis will jump on that decrease in whitebark pine trees with both feet even though the entire scientific community says the bears are more than recovered and many are in areas where there aren't any of those trees.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-13 AT 05:33PM (MST)[p]@ $6,500.00 a Grizz tag, non-ressy, if ya it even realistic?

The ONLY way it would be "cheap" compared to AK is if you had a NR friend who could take you into the wilderness. A majority of the best griz country is in designated wilderness.

If the tag alone is $6500...I'd bet an outfitted hunt for a NR would likely run another 5-8K.

Thats pretty well at the price point to just head North for a griz.

Different story for residents.
Guess it depends where they make the hunt areas. There are plenty of bears around Jackson, Dubois, above Pinedale and elsewhere that aren't in the wilderness. I've seen bears and tracks numerous times up on the Wood River and in Sunlight Basin over the years. Anyone ever fish up Sunlight or Crandall Ck's and not see grizz tracks? Wouldn't be much of a hunt if they overlap it with elk season. Go sit near a gut pile somewhere and you'd fill yer tag...
All the more reason to make sure the wolf hunts are managed well and successful at maintaining a sustainable population. Rest assured the management of wolves will be looked at when assessing the state management plans for grizz.
At $6500 for the tag, it will eliminate MOST of the NR hunters out there, me included. It's a real financial Everest when you add in the mandatory outfitter fees.
I would need to look elsewhere to scratch the itch.
Same. Maybe Idaho or Montana will be cheaper. I wonder if Idaho will even have one.

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