Grizzly bears


Very Active Member
When is the hunting community going to step up and start managing these critters? We continue allowing the liberals to cram everything Into our communities and down our throats. When is enough, enough? Give an inch they take a mile. I can see Montana caving to these groups, because that state has already begun to roll over and let the yuppies take the reigns, but Wyoming, really? It's the cowboy state. Cowboy up Wyoming.
Several States need to Cowboy-Up!

But we are getting Out-Numbered by the other Types at an Alarming Rate!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Yes, unfortunately, in today's world, we breed ignorance and entitlement.
There's a diagnosis for everything now. If you don't behave a certain way, its because you "have a condition" It's these youngsters that are growing up with these (pampered) conditions that are calling the shots for you and I. Unfortunately, it ain't going to get better. Sympathy from the right folks is directed toward these ignorant creatures and that is where your losing battle starts.

Wait for it! If you haven't heard of the "Hug-A-Bear" Foundation, it's coming!

They're cute and cuddly right?!
>And why is judge in the
>9th district court in Montana
>making the choice????
We have plenty of those in California, but Trump has been replacing them .
>The "hunting community" doesn't manage grizzly
>bears. mtmuley

I agree this is not a "hunting community" issue, this is a judge and frivolous lawsuit issue.

I called a Grizzly in to 30-40 yards last week in an area of Idaho that wasn't supposed to have any. There were two prints walking down the road in front of us, and luckily they had split and only one came in. It took off but could have been completely different outcome. I was shaking for an hour afterward.

They are spreading out now, re-establishing new/old territories.
Broke Back Cowboys calling the shots now days.

East and West coast nut jobs trying to escape their own insanity ruining some awesome places. So so sad.
I think we should restore grizz to every part of their home range.... in the state of California. Then maybe they will get it.
>Broke Back Cowboys calling the shots
>now days.
>East and West coast nut jobs
>trying to escape their own
>insanity ruining some awesome places.
>So so sad.

What is ruining some awesome places? mtmuley
>>Broke Back Cowboys calling the shots
>>now days.
>>East and West coast nut jobs
>>trying to escape their own
>>insanity ruining some awesome places.
>>So so sad.
>What is ruining some awesome places?

Did my statement offended you or do you really need it explained?
>>>Broke Back Cowboys calling the shots
>>>now days.
>>>East and West coast nut jobs
>>>trying to escape their own
>>>insanity ruining some awesome places.
>>>So so sad.
>>What is ruining some awesome places?
>Did my statement offended you or
>do you really need it

Yeah, explain. mtmuley
>I think we should restore grizz
>to every part of their
>home range.... in the state
>of California. Then maybe they
>will get it.

They have been talking about bringing them back here , I hope they do it would make an awesome hunt
The grizzlies are ruining a lot of awesome places. Or do you enjoy packing your .45, bear spray, electric fence, looking over your shoulder non-stop while you field dress your elk, yelling ?hey bear? the entire time. Ya, that's a hell of a time. 10 years ago in the same area, you'd enjoy that whole process, kick back damn near worry free and take in the night show.
>>>>Broke Back Cowboys calling the shots
>>>>now days.
>>>>East and West coast nut jobs
>>>>trying to escape their own
>>>>insanity ruining some awesome places.
>>>>So so sad.
>>>What is ruining some awesome places?
>>Did my statement offended you or
>>do you really need it
>Yeah, explain. mtmuley

I think Fullthrottle did a good job explaining the problem at the top of the page.

? We continue allowing the liberals to cram everything Into our communities and down our throats. When is enough, enough? Give an inch they take a mile. I can see Montana caving to these groups, because that state has already begun to roll over and let the yuppies take the reigns, but Wyoming, really? It's the cowboy state. Cowboy up Wyoming.?
>The grizzlies are ruining a lot
>of awesome places. Or do
>you enjoy packing your .45,
>bear spray, electric fence, looking
>over your shoulder non-stop while
>you field dress your elk,
>yelling ?hey bear? the entire
>time. Ya, that's a hell
>of a time. 10 years
>ago in the same area,
>you'd enjoy that whole process,
>kick back damn near worry
>free and take in the
>night show.

Predator free hunting huh fullthrottle? mtmuley
>The grizzlies are ruining a lot
>of awesome places. Or do
>you enjoy packing your .45,
>bear spray, electric fence, looking
>over your shoulder non-stop while
>you field dress your elk,
>yelling ?hey bear? the entire
>time. Ya, that's a hell
>of a time. 10 years
>ago in the same area,
>you'd enjoy that whole process,
>kick back damn near worry
>free and take in the
>night show.

In cody you cant even go to dairy queen without packing. last year we had a grizzly running around town and was seen behind dairy queen and in several yards.
>The grizzlies are ruining a lot
>of awesome places. Or do
>you enjoy packing your .45,
>bear spray, electric fence, looking
>over your shoulder non-stop while
>you field dress your elk,
>yelling ?hey bear? the entire
>time. Ya, that's a hell
>of a time. 10 years
>ago in the same area,
>you'd enjoy that whole process,
>kick back damn near worry
>free and take in the
>night show.

Guess you should stay on the porch. mtmuley
I'm not saying predator free. Actually? Ya, I guess I am saying it. Predators suck. In all seriousness though, I'm not against grizzlies, they have there place just like everything else. But they have got to be managed, sure feels like their numbers are way too high in many places. Hell, every time you turn around somebody?s getting mauled, the fish and game are in pursuit to euthanize a bear. What a waste. Not only that, they have no reason to fear humans, never been hunted before, we are just an easy meal.
I don't think hunting is going to instill fear of humans into grizzly bears. I'd just as soon not have to deal with them, but I know I will. Managing these bears is going to be a fight. mtmuley
Pretty sure the hunting community and state of Wyoming isnt much to blame. Everything has been done to have them delisted, but a judge in Montana rules over anyone else and what all biologists and scientists had to say. Wyoming wants a hunt, had a hunt scheduled with tags drawn, prior to the judge in Missoula shutting that down. What exactly do you call, Cowboy Up? not much else can be done when it is a federal issue being fought by people who for the most part dont get effected by dealing with grizzlies on a constant basis in the mountains. . I hunt constantly in grizzly country, are they beyond recovered, yes. Did the scientists and biologists for game and fish feel the same, Yes. But yet here we are with no season and that it out of the hands of the State of Wyoming. . Do I believe hunting the minimal # of bears that were allowed to be hunted is going to have a major effect on the grizzly/human interactions that are happening each year? No, not at all. Grizzlies are here to stay, there will always be issues with them, but having them state managed with hunting seasons is at least a start.
When is enough enough? When they finally educate people into believing that sport hunting throws the balance of nature off and is not only not needed, but harmful. Nature does just fine on its own. It has taken some time, but eventually we will get there.
What are you doing about fullthrottle? It's easy to ask he rest of the States residents to fight back but what about you. Cowboy Up, FT? How many of these pesky bears have you eliminated from the population? Fight back, your in the Cowboy State!
Well, to be honest I haven't done a damn thing. Cowboy state, cowboy up, was actually a compliment to those true blue cowboys and cowgirls that founded, inherited, and made that state what it is. The best in the lower 48 as far as I'm concerned. The born and bred cowboys I've been around generally stand for what they believe in, manage the land, the critters, there livelihood better than most, and are some of the hardest working, common sense SOB?s I've ever meant. On top of all that, they don't put up with to much BS, from the liberals, the feds, whoever. You can take that for what it's worth. My rant was basically cheering on these folks, in hopes that they will continue to fight and stand there ground against these agenda driven bureaucrats.
My input on this subject comes from years of hunting and living in grizzly country in NW Wyoming. I am also a retired attorney. The Federal District Judge involved in this latest ruling was Judge Christensen. He was an Obama appointee who did a real big favor for Max Baucus when he was a US Senator in Montana. The favor involved vetting Senator Baucus' mistress for the Attorney General spot in Montana. The Judge's ruling was predictable by anyone with a brain. He was the successor to the other federal judge who was involved in ruling against Wyoming on the wolf issue. He is an eco-elite tree hugger.

Scheduling grizzly hunts immediately after delisting was stupid from a public relations standpoint. It was if the Wyoming Game and Fish wanted them back on the ESA list. A hunt sounds great, but it increases donations to eco-elite groups. It fuels an eco-elite fervor and plays into their emotional narrative. It was a royal screw up by the powers that be. The Judge may not have ruled as he did without the "imminent threat" that would have existed because of the pending hunts.

I wish that the G&F had people working for it that thought things through before proceeding. They don't. Under state management, the G&F could have methodically reduced the significant grizzly populations by killing those bears that were a problem. In 5 years the population would have been reduced to a manageable number. This could be done quietly and methodically. Instead, they now have to get permission from the USFWS to take a bear out. The grizzly bear population is high in NW Wyoming. Based on my conversations with a trapping crew in 2018 in Sunlight/Crandall, the grizzly bears in that area show poor growth and are not healthy. Their numbers are also way up.

This is just my observation after being here for 20 years or so. I run into grizzly bears frequently. Their presence has caused me to avoid certain hunting areas. I was helping a buddy hunt goats this year and we avoided a particular area because we knew it would result in a bad bear encounter. The ESA needs to be amended. We also need to have EAJA provisions removed from any and all environmental lawsuits. It would knock a lot of these phoney eco-elite lawsuits out. With the EAJA we know have, the taxpayers are funding these lawsuits. When the EAJA was enacted, it was intended to be used in litigating civil rights issue.

Politically, we as hunters are way outnumbered. Grizz, wolves, lions etc have too many emotional, easily manipulated, clueless city people voting to protect them. We will not be able to vote our way out of this. There is no political solution. Cowboy up = SSS, plain and simple. Either start doing what needs to be done, or sit around and cry about the decline of our hunting opportunities while doing nothing to prevent it.
>>I think we should restore grizz
>>to every part of their
>>home range.... in the state
>>of California. Then maybe they
>>will get it.
> They have
>been talking about bringing them
>back here , I hope
>they do it would make
>an awesome hunt

They wont even let you hunt lions, and looks like theyre taking away bobcat. If you think for a second that cali would allow a grizzly hunt you must be stoned out of your mind.
>Politically, we as hunters are way
>outnumbered. Grizz, wolves, lions
>etc have too many emotional,
>easily manipulated, clueless city people
>voting to protect them.
>We will not be able
>to vote our way out
>of this. There is
>no political solution. Cowboy
>up = SSS, plain and
>simple. Either start doing
>what needs to be done,
>or sit around and cry
>about the decline of our
>hunting opportunities while doing nothing
>to prevent it.
If you think SSS works you might be stoned ,they use satellites now to look at you if you shoot a wolf ?
>My input on this subject comes
>from years of hunting and
>living in grizzly country in
>NW Wyoming. I am also
>a retired attorney. The Federal
>District Judge involved in this
>latest ruling was Judge Christensen.
>He was an Obama appointee
>who did a real big
>favor for Max Baucus when
>he was a US Senator
>in Montana. The favor involved
>vetting Senator Baucus' mistress for
>the Attorney General spot in
>Montana. The Judge's ruling was
>predictable by anyone with a
>brain. He was the successor
>to the other federal judge
>who was involved in ruling
>against Wyoming on the wolf
>issue. He is an eco-elite
>tree hugger.
>Scheduling grizzly hunts immediately after delisting
>was stupid from a public
>relations standpoint. It was if
>the Wyoming Game and Fish
>wanted them back on the
>ESA list. A hunt sounds
>great, but it increases donations
>to eco-elite groups. It fuels
>an eco-elite fervor and plays
>into their emotional narrative. It
>was a royal screw up
>by the powers that be.
>The Judge may not have
>ruled as he did without
>the "imminent threat" that would
>have existed because of the
>pending hunts.
>I wish that the G&F had
>people working for it that
>thought things through before proceeding.
>They don't. Under state management,
>the G&F could have methodically
>reduced the significant grizzly populations
>by killing those bears that
>were a problem. In 5
>years the population would have
>been reduced to a manageable
>number. This could be done
>quietly and methodically. Instead, they
>now have to get permission
>from the USFWS to take
>a bear out. The grizzly
>bear population is high in
>NW Wyoming. Based on my
>conversations with a trapping crew
>in 2018 in Sunlight/Crandall, the
>grizzly bears in that area
>show poor growth and are
>not healthy. Their numbers are
>also way up.
>This is just my observation after
>being here for 20 years
>or so. I run into
>grizzly bears frequently. Their presence
>has caused me to avoid
>certain hunting areas. I was
>helping a buddy hunt goats
>this year and we avoided
>a particular area because we
>knew it would result in
>a bad bear encounter. The
>ESA needs to be amended.
>We also need to have
>EAJA provisions removed from any
>and all environmental lawsuits. It
>would knock a lot of
>these phoney eco-elite lawsuits out.
>With the EAJA we know
>have, the taxpayers are funding
>these lawsuits. When the EAJA
>was enacted, it was intended
>to be used in litigating
>civil rights issue.

Hit the nail on the head. Well said.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-19 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]No, they dont. You think there are satellites watching over every wolf? Take the tinfoil hat off. Lots of uncollared wolves out there, and a wolf can cover some ground and take a while to die after being gut shot anyway. When sss doesnt work, its because somebody forgot the third s. Not because there are satellites constantly monitoring every wolf, grizz and lion out there.
>AT 02:10?PM (MST)

>No, they dont. You think
>there are satellites watching over
>every wolf? Take the
>tinfoil hat off. Lots
>of uncollared wolves out there,
>and a wolf can cover
>some ground and take a
>while to die after being
>gut shot anyway. When
>sss doesnt work, its because
>somebody forgot the third s.
> Not because there are
>satellites constantly monitoring every wolf,
>grizz and lion out there.
I can't believe people post stupid crap like this anymore. You are way late to the party. The chest thumping idiotic bravado of SSS don't work. Just ask us in wolf country. Unbelievable ignorance. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-19 AT 10:59PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-19 AT 10:47?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-19 AT 10:43?PM (MST)

>>LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-19
>>AT 02:10?PM (MST)

>>No, they dont. You think
>>there are satellites watching over
>>every wolf? Take the
>>tinfoil hat off. Lots
>>of uncollared wolves out there,
>>and a wolf can cover
>>some ground and take a
>>while to die after being
>>gut shot anyway. When
>>sss doesnt work, its because
>>somebody forgot the third s.
>> Not because there are
>>satellites constantly monitoring every wolf,
>>grizz and lion out there.
>I can't believe people post stupid
>crap like this anymore. You
>are way late to the
>party. The chest thumping idiotic
>bravado of SSS don't work.
>Just ask us in wolf
>country. Unbelievable ignorance. mtmuley

Youre not the only guy here in wolf country. Whining about predators online doesnt work either. But imagine if everybody who whined online actually took action whenever they had the chance. That would have a lot more impact. If sss doesnt work its because not enough of us will risk running afoul of the law to do what needs being done. But keep on crying online, that will reduce predator numbers far better than shooting them as often as possible.

As i said before, there is no political way out of the predator problem. That leaves only two things a guy can do. Take direct action at every opportunity, or whine online. If everybody did the former, vs everybody doing the latter, which would have more of an impact on predator populations?

And im not just talking about wolves, im talking about all predators impacting our game herds. ##### has gotten far out of hand. If youre not willing to do your part addressing it, you have no business complaining. Hell, most of the guys whining the loudest about predator impact on our herds wont even put in a lick of effort to legally hunt predators, and often wont even buy a damn bear or lion tag.
I've never complained about predators, and I've never killed one illegally. And I won't. I'm lost as to how 5 wolf tags in Montana isn't enough. I know a guy that has killed 9. In 5 years. Damn near a full time job. The SSS is for idiots. mtmuley

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