grizzlies released in swan valley area???



Heard a rumor that 5 grizzlies were released in the swan valley area and that locals had been seeing them regularly. just wanted to see if this was true and where most of the sightings were at?

Thanks, timberline
I'm pretty sure I saw one up in the Palisades 13 years ago. I was under the impression that they may be there from Yellowstone and Grand Teton Park anyway. Really only about 40 miles as the crow flies to get there from the Park and they certainly have some remote country to hide in along the way.
In fact, right in the proclamation they state that Grizzlies are already down there. I too would be VERY interested to find out if they released an additional 5 down there. Probably trying to increase the chances of them breeding in the area.

I have trail cam pics of a grizz on a bait in Swan Valley this spring, but I'm not smart enough to upload them.
I am pretty sure they didn't release grizzlies into the area. Grizzlies have already met all of there recovery goals to be delisted, they have just been held up in court by "wildlife" groups, much like the wolf issue. There have been grizzlies in that area for a while now, we had one hit a bait not far from swan valley. The government just doesn't do stuff in secret and in a black helicopter at night. They have way to many regulations they have to follow. I wouldn't beleive everything you hear. But I wouldn't argue that the locals are seeing more of them.
If you are wondering give a call to Fish and Game and ask for Andrew Sorensen. He is the officer responsible for units 64, 65 and 67. Although I believe the southern portions of 64 may be out of his area, he is a large predator specialist with experience studying Grizzly bear behavior. If something like this had occurred he would know about it. Personally, I don't think there is much merit to the story.
I was reading about a horse camper that went on a summer trip through the Queens River area near Atlanta that mentioned in the story a Ranger warned that a Grizz had been spotted in that area numerous times.

Has anyone heard of any Grizz in any area's other than the WYO and Mont borders.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-10 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]I know of one old grizz that's been in the area for years, but I hadn't heard of a release of any new bears. I sure hope not. I haven't heard anything from the locals, and I'm sure I would have by now.

Bullelk- PM sent.

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