Grizzlies in California--coming right up!


Long Time Member
Oh yeah! Protected lions, wolves and now, let's bring on some grizzlies!! California needs more apex predators on the loose without the ability to SCIENTIFICALLY manage them, including hunting. Lions, check; wolves; got you covered, grizzlies--coming right up!

I wonder how many folks will get mauled/eaten in the future before the enviro's start packing heat or changing their minds about management???

Petition seeks return of grizzly bears to the West
Read the story -
Nothing wrong with grizz they will kill a lot of black bears and coyotes everyone's complaining about eating the deer.
And we shall release them in areas that had the highest concentrations, such as SF, Berkeley, LA and Oakland for a much better "survival" rate.
>I nominate Golden Gate Park for
>the fist release site!

Yes....and we should have Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Diane
Feinstein be the first group to camp out at the park.
>>I nominate Golden Gate Park for
>>the fist release site!
>Yes....and we should have Nancy Pelosi,
>Barbara Boxer and Diane
>Feinstein be the first group to
>camp out at the park.

That would take guts, something those Libtards are direly deficient of!!
I sees this har black bar, biggest dern bar I ever done seen. So I tells ol' Bessy, best hit the mark. I put the bead on this here bar and Bessy shoot kleen through it and put out it's lights. So anyhow Mr Warden, what ya think, ever seen one bigger, huh have ya now?

"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
How about send the enviro whackos on a camping trip to the back country of Yellowstone without any side arms for one week. I bet they start to change their minds.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams

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