Grizz kills Yellowstone Hiker

mmmm, too bad - hate to see this happen. A law suit will most surely be forthcoming.

Notice how they really stress first killing in the park since "86"... ain't much for them to eat in there anymore...been illegally immigrating to other parts of the Western Hemisphere..
>mmmm, too bad - hate to
>see this happen. A
>law suit will most surely
>be forthcoming.

Thanks to Utah for that one!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-11 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]Sad deal. For both the humans and the bears. Of course they aren't going to do anything to the bear, so maybe not.

It is ironic though that our society wants to kill a mother who protects her children yet lets a mother who kills her child go free.

Don't get me wrong - I think we have a responsibility to exterminate this bear, just making a snarky comment.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I really see no reason to kill that bear if it was a sow protecting her cubs. That is an unprovoked attack and I'm surprised the way the bears are expanding their population in and outside the Park that with all the people hiking that there isn't a lot more of this happening. There are so many stupid comments by people after the article that it was ridiculous. One guy said he lives in Californication and came across a brown bear and her cub on a bike ride. Obviously it was a black bear with brown color phase since there are no grizzlies or brown bears anywhere near there. One guy said he protects himself against the bears with a 45ACP pistol, LOL! I hope he has the front sight filed off so it will go up his wazoo easier when the bear grabs it as it laughs at him!!!
They won't kill the bear because the bear was doing what bears do. It didn't come into a camp ground and raid a attacked a percieved threat with deadly consequences. The Feds can be dumb but they're not THAT dumb. Sad deal but there's no sense in killing the sow and turning the cub into a circus act at "BEAR WORLD" just down the road.
"Oh, it's just doing what it does"....BS, Kill the freakin' thing. I would have. My bear spray is laced with lead and copper.
This is great timing. I drew a moose tag just south of Jackson and my g/f was already on the phone with me this morning alerting me of this article. I'll never hear the end of it.
I know that bear was doing what the bear was supposed to do - but once it learns that it has to hold no fear of humans it will become increasingly aggressive and will become a problem bear.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
A group of us were in the park yesterday when the attack happened. We spotted a large male grizz about a half mile out and another one about 300 yards out. Only about a mile from the incident. Not many elk sightings.
An unfortunate tragedy but not unexpected given that the sow was simply defending her cubs against a perceived threat. It would serve no purpose to put down the sow unless it was proven that the attack was unprovoked. The risk of being in bear country.

Doesnt the first line of the article say that authorities are hunting for the bear?

I see no reason to kill it. Im not a real fan of killing these "problem" animals. Any large predator walking the woods where we walk could be considered a "problem". Especially a female with kids.
Why would you put a bear down that was doing what come natural? She was protecting her cubs. You always hear of something like this atleast once a year in yellowstone or grand teton park. Either a bear mauling or bison goring of a dumb tourist who wants to get a closer picture of it or people jumping in the thermals in yellowstone. They have no clue about wild animals or the environment around them. We were in town square of Jackson and a tourist seen a life size mount of an elk and told his kids "Look at the size of that antalope kids." It just goes to show the stupidity.
Sneak, unless a problem bear or a dangerous rogue, there is no reason to put down the sow just because she defended her cubs. BTW, the sky here in CA is clear and bright blue.

Grizzmoose, are we reading the same article? Who knows if it is accurate but it clearly says

"The decision not to track and kill the bear isn't unprecedented. . . ."

The first line of the link I posted says nothing about trying to locate the bear.
Exactly! I have no idea where he came up with the deal that they are tracking the bear because it sure isn't in that link!
Sneeke01, Animals get shot all the time for doing what is natural. Example: Coyote harrassing sheep.

I'm not saying the solution here is to kill the bear. I wonder why they aren't interested in keeping better tabs on it?

Not sure your point about a "dumb tourist". Would you have a different opinion if it was a hard core WY outdoorsman and his wife?

Anyway, here are some more details that just got released
You guys are making me think Im nuts. The article was updated a couple of hours ago according to the link. Im telling you, when I first clicked on the link earlier this morning, the first line stated something to the effect of "Authorities in Yellowstone Park are currently looking for a female grizzly bear that attacked and killed a visitor."

It clearly doesnt say that now, but prior to the most recent edit, it definitely did. I swear!
grizzmoose---For what it's worth I believe ya!!! We didn't need this thread to know you're nuts! Hey, just kidding and trying to liven up the party here tonight, LOL!!!
If we're foolish enough to want Grizzly bears in close proximity to humans, and humans are foolish enough to wander around unarmed with Grizzly bears, why cry about it when someone gets what they ask for?

Got no dog in this fight, but just so grizzmoose doesn't think he's lost his mind completely, the Salt Lake TV news station I was watching did say "the Park officials where trying to locate the bear". No idea if that is true or not.

I know this much, I'm not at all interested in getting mauled by a griz or any other critter, for any reason. Whatever that means.

Eel- Got what they asked for? Wow! You're nuttier than squirrel crap.

Shotgun1- I'll shoot any snake on are correct. As for getting a wife only has room for one set in her purse. Thats where the last ones ended up. Btw- are you stalking me, or do I know you?
SneakAttack, if someone goes unarmed into grizz country, they're asking for trouble. You're not the only one who doesn't get it. Mr. Matayoshi didn't get it either. IMO. I would rather be nuttier than squirrel crap than actual bear crap.

>The article says the Park didn't
>even try to pursue or
>locate the bear.

It's because the poor bastage that got chomped was from California. It's one more out of the gene pool. Sorry, no sympathy for idiots who go into the back country unprepared...
Eel, ok I'm with you now. I misunderstood what you were sayin, my bad. I agree 110%. My bear spray comes in 240 grain matter where I'm hiking. You're not as nutty as I thought.
Everytime I hear about a bear mauling I think about when I was a kid I thought that a good way to die would be to be mauled by a bear. This thought came about because of all the stories I read in mags like Outdoor life and how the people who survived had felt no pain whatsoever during the mauling. Needless to say I have changed my mind on that philosphy.
There's probably some pain..........

I'm glad they decided not to shoot the bear. Saying this might make me sound like a tree hugger (which I'm not). But the bear was doing what it knows to do. I know if I were them and saw the bear and cubs once I would have headed the opposite direction.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
She be a MAN KILLER now. Once they get the taste of human flesh they never go back!!!

But seriously, why do people go hiking in a danger zone without bear spray? I take a little can of pepper spray everytime I go on a hike anywhere. You never know what's around the corner. It's just stupid to think that nothing will ever happen to you in the mountains.

Dumb People need to stay in the city.
>I'm glad they decided not to
>shoot the bear. Saying this
>might make me sound like
>a tree hugger (which I'm
>not). But the bear was
>doing what it knows to
>do. I know if I
>were them and saw the
>bear and cubs once I
>would have headed the opposite
>"Elk dont know how many feet
>a horse had" - Bear
Ill bet if she ate one of your family you would feel different.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
First off, its sad to see anybody get killed. BUT... pretty ignorant to 1. Hike in bear country unprepared and 2. Continue to hike when you've already seen a bear with cubs.

They should require people visiting Yellowstone to carry bear spray. Of course you'd probably hear about hundreds of idiots spraying themselves with bear spray but at least they'd be somewhat prepared.

I had a run in with a collard griz above Sinks canyon in the Winds a couple years ago while bow hunting Elk. You know what I did? I left the area!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
Unfortunatly not everyone is as bear aware as you,most people have no experience with them and think Yellowstone is a giant zoo_Once that bear has lost all fear of humans (NOW) it will kill again,why take the chance?If your going to let people roam the park your going to have to protect their dumb ass's.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
This idea that a sow with cubs that attacks a threat is now a man killer and has lost all fear of humans is idiotic. A grizzly with cubs would go at Mack truck if it felt threatened. Doesn't make it a Mack truck killer. Were the hikers intentionally threatening the bear? NO. Does the bear know that? NO. This was not a predatory or opportunistic attack. THOSE are the ones you deal with.
Yep! That's exactly why they didn't hunt her and the cubs down since it wasn't a situation where she looked those hikers up and ate them!
Most grizzlys dont have much fear of man to begin with,if you didnt know that you calling the idea idiotic is pretty funny.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 02:17PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 02:13?PM (MST)

The F&G in MT just shot TWO grizzlys for killing CHICKENS,why?because they know they are a threat and would rather save a life than cater to the tree huggers like those of you on here that want to keep a man killing grizzly from being killed,what a bunch of pansys!There aint nothing common about common sense.

Heres a link to one of the stories,i think they killed the other one the next day.PROBLEM SOLVED thank God the feds arnt running MT.
Nonya---There is quite a bit of difference between the sow and her cubs just going about their business in the wilds and having those hikers walk up on them, which triggered the mother's self defense mechanism and what you posted. In the Montana case those bears were coming into human areas and were becoming habituated to easy meals around humans, whcih is not the way a wild animal should be acting. Those are the cases where F&G either traps the animal and takes it a long way off or if they don't think that will work the animal is euthanized.
A grizz sow with cubs Going about their buisness in an area that is covered with inexperienced hikers,when is that going to work?With one dead guy under her belt how long till another one gets mauled?Im much more concerned about saving a human life than a Gdamn bears,thats the antis job.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]It isn't the bear's fault that we have let them overpopulate Yellowstone and the surrounding ecosystem to the point where people are now wandering all over the place in THEIR domain with a high likelihood that this will happen more often. Either the people need to respect the fact that the bears are going to do what bears do and stuff like this is going to happen or there are two things that can take place. Either don't allow humans in the areas they inhabit, which is probably what the antis would love to see happen because it might include hunters, or allow them to be hunted and the numbers taken down to where they should be to lessen human interaction. I believe the latter would be the best way to at least lessen the problem and make the bears respect humans because right now they are at the top of the kingdom out there, not man!

PS: There was no need to put the tagline back on, as I would hope that we are adults having a discussion of a serious nature, just like the wolf situation that has caused lots of grief. I'm probably on your side as far as hunting them, but I don't feel this paricular situation warrants what you are mentioning, or that the sow and her cubs will become human hunters because of what happened. Obviously neither did the authorities or they would have treated the situation differently with the millions of people that frequent the area. JMO like you have yours!
NONYAMT.......extensive effort on your part, in any regard, would be wasted in your effort to be a bigger "appendage". You have reached "magnum" proportion on this one!.

"What's good for me, ain't necessarily good for the weak minded"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 03:41PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 03:39?PM (MST)

It is our fault if it kills again,if you value the bears life over some ignorant vacationer then you definetly have some ass backwards values.Yep those feds in charge know whats best for us,they couldnt possibly make a mistake when it comes to wildlife managment!!!Its a friggen park,hunting would never take place there and wouldnt have any effect on this problem.
PS I said a WHILE,forget that part?

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
nickman---There is absolutely no sense talking with this guy on ANYTHING since he is obviously the expert on EVERYTHING! Just ask him, LOL!!! I will admit that I did have my head up my azz even thinking I might have an honest adult-like conversation with this member.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-11 AT 08:21?PM (MST)

I'm going to jump in here and giver my $.02. The link that i read said, basically, the bear was 100yds away when we saw it and we tried to leave but the bear came and got us.

To me, that doesn't sound like a bear protecting cubs in close quarters as much as a bear that saw a meal and chased it down!

Edit; here's that link. After reading it again, this is a bad bear. I think the "mother protecting cubs" issue was brought up by the fakers in effort to justify the bears carnage.

Quote from the article.

"The couple was hiking west back toward their vehicle. At approximately 11:00 a.m., at a point about a mile and a half from the trailhead, they walked out of a forested area into an open meadow.

It appears that the couple spotted a bear approximately 100 yards away and then began walking away from the bear. When they turned around to look, they reportedly saw the female grizzly running down the trail at them.

The couple began running, but the bear caught up with them, attacking Mr. Matayoshi. The bear then went over to Mrs. Matayoshi, who had fallen to the ground nearby. The bear bit her daypack, lifting her from the ground and then dropping her. She remained still and the bear left the area."

The only thing that the story doesn't address is where the cubs were in relation to the sow and the hikers.
You guys all have my permission to kill any stinkin Bar that kills me. And know this if that dude that got killed was any realitive or friend of mine that bear would all ready be dead. And its cubs. BH1
That bear should have been killed immediately while they could ID it.I hope the next guy it kills is the tree hugging liberal scumbag who decided to let it go.I doesnt take an expert to figure this out,if a bear kills people FOR ANY F*&KIN REASON,it needs to be killed,if that doesnt make sense to you why dont you go hike around Yellowstone for a week and report back to us with more of your wisdom.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
Nobody really knows how far they were from the bear(s). They say 100 yards, but they might not know 100 yards from 40! Who knows whether what the wife told people was the truth or an attempt to make it look like the attack was no fault of theirs. It would seem like with that attack happening in an area fairly close to a large lodge where the wife and I stayed in 1998 while in the Park that if the authorities felt it was anything other than what they stated that they would have immediately tried to locate and dispatch the animals. The area where that occurred is a very busy tourist area and I'm really surprised that regardless of what the circumstances were that they didn't immediately bring in dogs to track the animals and dispatch them to eliminate any possibilities of another occurrence. That would be the only way to insure they got the right one with the number of animals now in the Park. The sow didn't feed on the guy so there would be little or no evidence at a later date to tie an animal in with the attack.
No not stalking you, I just remember how scared you sounded and your asinine comments when someone posted a picture of a harmless snake.
guy was a dumazz to get that close to the cubs and even dumber for not having protection. unfortunate but in the imortal words of ron can't fix stupid. i vote to let the sow go, or move her

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