Grindr, Putin and 06 Jan?


Long Time Member

CIA involvement too.

This is the last paragraph.

If you cheated on your spouse in the past few years and you were careless about your location data settings, there is a good chance there is evidence of that in data that is available for purchase. If you checked yourself into an inpatient drug rehab, that data is probably sitting in a data bank somewhere. If you told your boss you took a sick day and interviewed at a rival company, that could be in there. If you threw a brick through a storefront window during the George Floyd protests, well, your cell phone might link you to that bit of vandalism. And if you once had a few pints before causing a car crash and drove off without calling the police, data telling that story likely still exists somewhere.
They don’t go after George Floyd supporters. They think that pathetic women beating, drug addicted, dead beat is a hero. So you won’t see arrests for that. The CIA and FBI needs to go and people should be held accountable for the damage they’ve done for the last 8 years.
that article is scary AF. I realized we could be tracked but not to the extent that article outlines.

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