Greybull, WY Poacher Sentenced


Long Time Member
Greybull poacher pleads guilty, will spend year in jail, pay $27K

by Kristen Inbody

Serial poacher Gary Vorhies has been found guilty of four poaching charges in Big Horn County.

Vorhies, 47, formerly of Greybull, pleaded no contest Saturday to three charges and guilty to a fourth new charge.

Vorhies was sentenced to four years in jail with three years suspended and $27,120 in fines and restitution.

His actions were a ?serious violation against Wyoming citizens,? Judge Thomas Harrington said in court.

Vorhies fired his public defender shortly before the hearing and represented himself as he entered his pleas and at sentencing.

During his four-year probation, Vorhies is banned from hunting, fishing and antler collection.

He can't possess in any state any firearm, bow, trap or anything else that could be used for any form of hunting or to be with anyone who does.

He also is prohibited from setting foot on state or federal land, though he can drive through without stopping.

?He?s to have no connection with any wildlife,? deputy county attorney Jim Hallman said. ?We asked for this kind of penalty because according to Game & Fish he is a repeat offender, and he's been convicted of charges in Park County in the past.?

Vorhies was found guilty in Cody in 1992 of poaching an elk and in 2001 of poaching two bighorn rams.

G&F suspended his hunting privileges for 50 years.

The duration of his probation is limited by the maximum length of possible sentencing, in this case one year for each of the misdemeanor charges.

The four charges in Big Horn County were for these incidents:

?In fall 1999, Vorhies killed a 4x4 white-tailed buck with a broken brow tine near Greybull.

Game warden Bill Robertson of Greybull said the deer had an unusual tine. It was taken out of season and while Vorhies was suspended from hunting.

Robertson said Vorhies used an interstate game tag falsely obtained and declared the deer was killed in 1990.

?In September 2000, Vorhies shot a five-point white-tail deer near Burlington without a license.

?In November 2000, Vorhies guided an out-of-state hunter west of Shell to a white-tailed buck, which the hunter shot. Vorhies told him not to tag it and guided him to another.

?Also in November 2000, Vorhies shot another deer in a closed area without a license.

The investigation into the four incidents began as G&F wrapped up a case against Vorhies in Cody, but evidence took years to surface, Robertson said.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Vorhies was found guilty in Cody in 1992 of poaching an elk and in 2001 of poaching two bighorn rams.

G&F suspended his hunting privileges for 50 years.

So what does the above sentence mean...nothing to Vorhies. He is a scumbag and could care less what the law says and does to him........LOCK THE POS UP AND THROW THE KEY AWAY.

That is the only way to keep him out of poaching. The fine, forget it he is not going to pay it if he is in jail the rest of his life.

I agree Kilowatt. This SOB needs to serve that 50 yr suspension behind bars. If he has been cought before on more than one occasoin what on earth is going to stop him from doing it again. In fact he will probably go back out in one year and do it again in spite of the G&F!!!
He's done time twice, once in WY and also in CO if I recall correctly. I wonder how many animals he poached in AK, since he claimed to have guided for R & R, and had lots of pics with him and big brown bears.........

He is one of those who will never stop. Never. He needs to be locked up for a long time, because I don't see him even pausing before he takes another animal.

That "wonderful judge" shouldn't have suspended even 1 hour!People like Vorhies are beyond rehabilitation!The elk he poached was entered in Bugle magazine's "Bull of the Woods" contest.What a guy.I think he may have even won in his division.Scumbag is a befitting name for Vorhies.
The guy is a piece of trash. One year in jail is nothing to this scumbag. I was looking at the Cody elk he poached. It was on display at the hunting Expo week before last. I think it scored 367 or so. He'll get caught again in a few years and they'll do nothing more than slap him on the wrist...

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