


NEw poster, but long time Lurker ;)

'Sup loosers ?


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Are you back from your traveling road production of Broke Back Mountain?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Got to post up pictures so we can see if it really you or a newbie. LOL Where you been too much Brokeback up there.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Moosie is wearing a different sort of chaps now. Did the conversion change your luck Moosie?

AHHHh you will see pictures of Dead Critters this year. And many of them. I hate bragging about all the Tags I draw so I laid low this year (OK, truth be told I was broke and had to lay low this year).

Speaking of wearing Chaps and wanting to see pictures of me to make sure it IS really me.... Me and the BOYZ dawned our chaps last week at the Temple :


You know you're impressed.

Here is my Little girl :


My 2nd to oldest Son just completed Hunters Ed and now there will me Moosie x3 out in the field. (He still has one more year before Big game). Expect a lot of CHIZZ to be slayn. You know me and the Camera, I'll be back wit hthe "LUCKY KNOME HAT" and some carnaige.

OHHH, my oldest boy (Age 13) drew the Late season Owyhee tag for any Local Crew. Nothing too special.... but I think he might get an "OK" buck out of there come November :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

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