

Long Time Member
The hub of the Global Warming now freezing over. Click on the link T.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-08 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]Funny thing about January, it can freeze in Greenland. nobody said they were growing pineapple there, they said it was warming.
Well I happen to like pineaple so I'll buy cheap land above the Artic Circle and plant some. Man caused global warming would be great with all the additional land area becoming ice free. More water for the crops too. Maybe Huge Utah 400" bulls could be relocated up in the far north with some Sonoran Desert Muleys thrown in. Seems like a win win to me.
And with all we have learned we could colonize Mars by having Haliburton Drill for oil on Mars and just burning it to produce green house gas. The cycle of Utah Bull Elk and Sonoran Mule Deer could then be repeated. Plus there are additional planets for future consideration. Liberals would be excluded from my plan.

So Greenland is the one with the ice and Iceland is the one that's green? I'm confused.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
202, I can't get the link to work. Can you help?

dude, for someone who is supposedly "open-minded" on things, you sure seem one-tracked.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Well I am no expert but I have flown over both in a jet. Greenland looked to be 99% ice. Iceland seemed to be equal parts white, green, blackish and brown which I took to be mostly rock, ice and some pastures. Looked like wilderness. Glad I don't live on either island. But with global warming I might rethink that somewhere in the future.

Iceland is beautiful in it's own way from the pictures my son sent me he spent 6 months their monitoring the melting of glaciers. NO Global Warming Crap I'm sick of that subject. but the real beauty of Iceland as my son put it is the women. Remember their the descendants of Leif Ericson and the other Vikings. They also have free thermal springs where swimsuits are optional. I think that makes the winters much shorter. One problem not much to hunt few Ptarmagin, pastures are mainly short tough little domestic sheep. Greenlanders are mainly along the Western coast and related to inuits probably why the winters are longer. Iceland interior almost all wilderness rim road runs around the island.
Thank God for global warming. Global cooling would really suck.


202, you fool! Haven't you heard? One of the major symptons of global warming is colder temperatures! Get a clue!:)


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