Greatest Scam in History


Long Time Member
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ?Greatest Scam in History?

By Noel Sheppard | November 7, 2007 - 17:58 ET

If the founder of The Weather Channel spoke out strongly against the manmade global warming myth, might media members notice?

We're going to find out the answer to that question soon, for John Coleman wrote an article published at ICECAP Wednesday that should certainly garner attention from press members -- assuming journalism hasn't been completely replaced by propagandist activism, that is.

Coleman marvelously began

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in [sic] allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the "research" to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

Environmental extremists, notable politicians among them, then teamed up with movie, media and other liberal, environmentalist journalists to create this wild "scientific" scenario of the civilization threatening environmental consequences from Global Warming unless we adhere to their radical agenda. Now their ridiculous manipulated science has been accepted as fact and become a cornerstone issue for CNN, CBS, NBC, the Democratic Political Party, the Governor of California, school teachers and, in many cases, well informed but very gullible environmental conscientious citizens. Only one reporter at ABC has been allowed to counter the Global Warming frenzy with one 15 minutes documentary segment.


I have read dozens of scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct. There is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril. I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismissal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.

In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Al Gore cronies all of them. I think a couple of good things have happend because of the hype but at a cost.
The only thing he said that can't be argued with is " in a decade or two " somebody is going to look stupid, it may or may not be him.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 10:25AM (MST)[p]Dude

I believe you could argue with that too. At least on a slow day.
Go kill a buck.


You could argue with it but it would do no good, time is the only thing that will resolve this debate. the pro warming crowd will continue on with their research and the antis will attack them and scream like mashed cats, we'll know who's right in a decade or two.

Season starts two weeks from today, snow on top will help move the deer down so I hope global warming holds off another month or so at least.
202, I would have to disagree, 2nd best scam. Orson Wells pulled off the #1 scam!

Yes we'll be proven right in a decade or two.
On to even bleaker things.
My brother drew the 12AE late in 1992. 50 tags, 48 hunted 2 did not. 47 bucks killed. Guess which hunter didn't kill a buck. If you guessed my brother you'd be right. He still is mad at himself. Passed on bucks that were huge.


Mainstream drive by will label him as a crackpot. What is needed is more scientists to step forword. It would be a good thing if mainstream started reporting facts instead of political propaganda.
Hard to believe but true is the fact that global warming models do not factor in precipitation, one thing that does cool the planet.

Dude says those who disagree with Al with 'attack' the believers. I dare say the 'believers' are the ones making the attacks. Al himself just this week compared to questioning global warming to question whether the earth is round. They are the ones saying the debate is over. Yet, now the number of 'dissidents' from the scientific community keeps growing. So, I ask, do those pushing this really care about science, or are they concerned about their 'agenda'? Ransom, the sad part is the 'mainstream media' is lock and step with this 'agenda'.

So you guys don't think global warming is real? or you don't think it's man caused? I'm not sold on what's causing it but if you don't think the planet is warming and facing problems because of it you need to lay off the kool aid and read a little.

Ransom, the first 180 class buck I see is going to get shot at, I consider myself a trophy hunter but not a lucky one. from everything I've been able to find out a 180 class buck is good on the Kaibab just as everywhere else. if I don't find a buck in that class I may end up like your brother did, that would suck with a once in a lifetime tag.

Yes I think global warming is real. It happens daily. It also happens in short cycles and long cycles. Cooling happens the same. Just today I see the evidence of warming 62 at 5AM now at 7:40 it's about 68. Will hit about 85 by mid afternoon then cool again.
Lets see the facters, sun cycles ( think big nuclear reactor), water and clouds, tilt of planet and orbit and other things beyond your control.
One can believe its our fault( wetern civilization) or its natural. I don't believe your friends.

I'm with you on this one overton. I cannot believe that we aew even remotely capable of the things they say we are accomplishing. When you get down to it global warming is just another theory pushed by the evolutionists to help prove the myth they can't seem to find the evidence for. Think about it, if the theory of evolution is the real origin of our home, then it WOULD be possible for us to destroy it. One "thing" out of balance and the whole thing can go out of whack. Now, put creation into the mix (where it belongs) and I find it hard to believe that the creator who is intelligent enough to put it all in place would design a self destructive element into it! I find it sad to see so many people who will chase such silliness in the search for ANY answer besides the TRUE one.
"So you guys don't think global warming is real? or you don't think it's man caused? I'm not sold on what's causing it but if you don't think the planet is warming and facing problems because of it you need to lay off the kool aid and read a little."

Who is denying that the planet is 'warming'? I am not, I am saying Gore and the rest of the loons out there say there is no debate on global warming being MANMADE. That is the problem when people either dismiss the Creator or deny him altogether, they think they 'need' all the answers and that they can control EVERYTHING. The climate on this planet has been changing and cycling for millions of years, yet now it is 'our' fault and mother nature and the solar system are not part of the 'cause', even with EVERY planet in the Solar Sysytem warming at as high or higher rates, and the have no humans consuming 'natural rsources' there. The hypocracy and adacity to believe we as mere mortal humans can control the entire universe is amazing.

"IF" evolution is the real origin of our home? good one. I've always heard the far right used creationism for an excuse to ignore the environment but now I've heard it myself. evolution can be traced by fossils and science, what have you got?

I'm not saying global warming is all man caused but when you look at the amount of pollution we put into the environment every day it's hard to say it couldn't be. ofcourse it doesn't matter because the creator will just move us ( those who believe) to another place we can crap in until it's unlivable so why worry right? of all the reasons I've heard to defend the lack of concern over the environment this is the most lame.

"but when you look at the amount of pollution we put into the environment every day it's hard to say it couldn't be."
No it's not, see that was very easy. Pollution and warming aren't the same. Pollution is bad, but in other ways don't get me wrong. Your lefty fiends will be proven wrong by the way.

In 1992 180" wasn't rare at all. Lots of nontypicals back then. Guys he camped with killed giant bucks including one with 3 antlers, sounds goofy, which by memory was 37". Good luck and am confident you'll have some cooling, at least at night.

I don't know of anyone who doesn't think we should lessen our dependence on foreign oil, but when some of the alternatives that are produced would cause more "harm" than good and cost the economy trillions more to do hardly anything, I think that is what a lot of people have a problem with.

"For example, 2 million tons of concrete, about double what a nuclear plant requires, must be produced and delivered to anchor enough windmills to match one nuclear plant's energy production. Just producing this concrete emits the CO2 equivalent of flying a Boeing 747 from New York to London 450 times."
Dude, please 'enlighten' yourself by watching the links posted a few posts up. You will see/hear the MANY flaws of "An Inconvient Truth". The SCIENTIST in the first video makes it clear that CO2 is NOT a polutant, not that accuracy and FACTS matter much to the GW crowd. According to what this SCIENTIST showed on his charts, the earth is COOLER than it has been MANY times during the last 40,000 years. Education and facts are scary to the left I know, but give it a try just this once.

"Smashed cat"?


judas freakin priest!!!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 02:24PM (MST)[p]I just think it is mighty convienent that one of Gore's main solutions to this "problem" (observed natural phenomenon that has been occurring slowy over the past 200 - 300 or so years - see Little Ice Age) is to purchase "carbon offsets". This means buying stock in certain companies who research climate control and carbon energy solutions. All the MAJOR Hollywood stars are buying in to it left and right. HMMMMMMMM... fools and their money are soon parted.

Smells like snake oil to me!

Just because some idiot actor plays a climatologist on TV doesn't mean they are one in real life! IMO They are a bunch of self-absorbed idiots that don't have anything better to do with their time or money and in order to not feel guilty about their own hoarding of money and resources make up excuses to rationalize their guilt and try to make the rest of us who are just trying to live a normal life feel guilty about what we are doing.

I get tired of the hypocrisy. Did anyone see the NFL on NBC last Sunday and all the other shows "Going green" - turning off the studio lights to set an example for the whole country! And then turning around and broadcasting it in high energy consuming HD technology? PLEASE! Give me a freaking break! They sure didn't conserve any energy by blacking out the commercials at all did they! They know who butters the bread.

Global warming may or may not be real and it may or may not be man-made. Yes we have a stewardship over this earth and better do all we can to conserve it and be greatful for what we have been given but TRUST ME - we are not going to destroy this earth! It has an eternal destiny that will be fulfilled as part of God's plan. I repeat - we are not going to destroy this earth by ourselved but God might destroy us if we piss him off with any more of our arrogance! Maybe we should be more worried about that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

"It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman". Finally looked it up.

I agree with your last post, makes alot of sense. Of course you know we're mashed cats, right? Quote from Dude. He's funny, a little dangerous though.


NBC's thing was ridiculous. I wonder how much CO2 was involved in sending their associates to Greenland and the South Pole etc.

Glenn Beck is celebrating "Cole Week"

More PHD's are saying there's something to global warming than say there's not. if you want to get down to the money who has more, the energy companies or the hippies? when you say follow the money , follow it both ways. I don't really have a side picked yet so I'm just going to watch our resident MM climatolgy experts and their hero's battle it out with the worlds leading scientist and see what sorts out. we'll know in a decade or two who the idiots were.
RE: More PHD's

I would like to see where you get this information that more PHD's say there is something to Mad Made global warming.

>Sometimes "open mindedness" is mistaken for


Don't back.


This is not the battle flag of Oregon by the way.

"Sometimes "open mindedness" is mistaken for stupidity."

And, sometimes stupidity is mistaken for "open mindedness". A perfect example is to say, " I will let the "experts" debate this over the next ten years", instead of educating oneself on the topic. To sit back and ALLOW this 'crapaganda'(new word) be protrayed and crammed down our kids throats and implementing BAD policies, is NOT "open mindedness", it is "stupidity".

>"Sometimes "open mindedness" is mistaken for
>And, sometimes stupidity is mistaken for
>"open mindedness". A perfect example
>is to say, " I
>will let the "experts" debate
>this over the next ten
>years", instead of educating oneself
>on the topic. To sit
>back and ALLOW this 'crapaganda'(new
>word) be protrayed and crammed
>down our kids throats and
>implementing BAD policies, is NOT
>"open mindedness", it is "stupidity".


Wow. You guys are getting rough now. Dude's not stupid just argumenative. A devils advocate. If we all were global warming supporters I'd bet he'd be an anti. I agree it's not good to let this be crammed down our kids throats and the rest.

I figure why take a chance? When the grandkids stay the night I unplug their 3 watt nightlight! "We're trying to save the damned polarbears, now quit crying and go to sleep!"

>I figure why take a chance?
>When the grandkids stay the
>night I unplug their 3
>watt nightlight! "We're trying to
>save the damned polarbears, now
>quit crying and go to


No you don't. I know because I'm a grandpa too.

>I figure why take a chance?
>When the grandkids stay the
>night I unplug their 3
>watt nightlight! "We're trying to
>save the damned polarbears, now
>quit crying and go to

OMG now you gotz me crying. Im a 45yr old kid ya know
>I figure why take a chance?
>When the grandkids stay the
>night I unplug their 3
>watt nightlight! "We're trying to
>save the damned polarbears, now
>quit crying and go to

switch to LED damnit
If FOX says global warming is a hoax then the debates over. 75% of the worlds scientist beleive in man made global weather changes or feel the possiblity does exist, yet only FOX and MM'ers know the truth.

As smart as you guys are you should be able to convince the world you have the answers and solve the mystery us common folk can't comprehend. I think I'll just set back and watch your progress.
My only response to this is I hope you democrat's succeed with all of your man on man ways and abortions so it will genetically weed you out! I hate political correctness and I don't believe in global warming!

I believe when a democrat gets into the white house we will be taxed to hell for global warming, gas taxes, war taxes, and so on. Just so they can get more pork for their dang social programs.
> "IF" evolution is the real
>origin of our home? good
>one. I've always heard the
>far right used creationism for
>an excuse to ignore the
>environment but now I've heard
>it myself. evolution can be
>traced by fossils and science,
>what have you got?
> I'm not saying global warming
>is all man caused but
>when you look at the
>amount of pollution we put
>into the environment every day
>it's hard to say it
>couldn't be. ofcourse it doesn't
>matter because the creator will
>just move us ( those
>who believe) to another place
>we can crap in until
>it's unlivable so why worry
>right? of all the reasons
>I've heard to defend the
>lack of concern over the
>environment this is the most

Evolution is only a theory. There is no proof of things evolving. Quite the opposite things are devolving (aka decaying). Take for example dogs there have been more breeds of dogs created from breeding in the last 100 years then the last 1000. Trace two breeds back to a paticular sire and ##### and they have the genes for both breeds but their offspring do not have all the genes that thier parents have. This is why pure breds have so many genetic problems. They are devolving not evolving. If you want to believe you came from sludge go ahead.

On a personal note: Dude I saw some comments about you getting an elk. Is this true and if so where are the pics and story?
>My only response to this is
>I hope you democrat's succeed
>with all of your man
>on man ways and abortions
>so it will genetically weed
>you out! I hate political
>correctness and I don't believe
>in global warming!
>I believe when a democrat gets
>into the white house we
>will be taxed to hell
>for global warming, gas taxes,
>war taxes, and so on.
>Just so they can get
>more pork for their dang
>social programs.

I hope your responding to Dude.

you gotta admitt though something just ain't right with the weather, we havn't seen frost yet and it's Nov. Colorado unseasonably warm ?...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-07 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-07 AT 10:22 AM (MST)

"...75% of the worlds scientist beleive in man made global weather changes or feel the possiblity does exist,..."

I will ask you again, where are you getting this information? The more I research the subject the more I find the opposite is happening.

On an unrelated note, I found this graph interesting.


" For many years, following widespread ICE AGE predictions back in the 1970s, we've heard that our planet is warming up "at an alarming rate". A study from the National Academy of Science claims that "global warming is real and has been strengthening since 1981." These scientists say that the leading cause of this latest warming is the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide. They also state that by the year 2100, temperatures may increase by 2.5 degrees to as much as 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit above those of today.

Up until late 2002, much of the Northern Hemisphere north of Latitude 40 was actually becoming GREENER with less total ice. In fact, the average growing season had been extended by around 2 weeks based on satellite data at the time.

BUT, now, we believe that temperatures are beginning to cool again, particularly in north- central Canada where this summer there was only about 2 weeks between damaging freezes from late June into mid-July. One of our Harris-Mann Climatology clients went fishing between July 10-13 in northwestern Saskatchewan and reported "piles of ice" still on the ground in the region and temperatures close to the freezing mark.

Although the recent summers of the early 21st Century have been amongst the hottest and driest on record across most of the U.S., the winter seasons, by extreme contrast, have been some of the coldest in recorded history. For example, Siberia in Russia reported readings of -70 degrees in January of 2001.

Even if our planet is warming up as many scientists claim, we're still much cooler today than we were four to eight-thousand years ago. In fact, there were probably no mid-latitude glaciers about 800 million years ago, because the Earth's climate was so mild at the time.

Temperatures today are primarily measured over concrete surfaces compared to grassy ones years ago. We all know that concrete and asphalt absorb heat and this often results in higher afternoon temperatures, especially when we have conditions of very little wind. During a typical hot, summer day, high temperatures may be as much as 3-7 degrees warmer at the official airport or downtown locations compared to outlying rural areas."
>you gotta admitt though something just
>ain't right with the weather,
>we havn't seen frost yet
>and it's Nov. Colorado unseasonably
>warm ?...


Tell that to my tomatoes. LOL

>AT 10:46?AM (MST)

>AT 10:22 AM (MST)

>"...75% of the worlds scientist beleive
>in man made global weather
>changes or feel the possiblity
>does exist,..."
>I will ask you again, where
>are you getting this information?
> The more I research
>the subject the more I
>find the opposite is happening.
>On an unrelated note, I found
>this graph interesting.

> " For many
>years, following widespread ICE AGE
>predictions back in the 1970s,
>we've heard that our planet
>is warming up "at an
>alarming rate". A study from
>the National Academy of Science
>claims that "global warming is
>real and has been strengthening
>since 1981." These scientists say
>that the leading cause of
>this latest warming is the
>increasing emissions of greenhouse gases
>and carbon dioxide. They also
>state that by the year
>2100, temperatures may increase by
>2.5 degrees to as much
>as 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit above
>those of today.
> Up until
>late 2002, much of the
>Northern Hemisphere north of Latitude
>40 was actually becoming GREENER
>with less total ice. In
>fact, the average growing season
>had been extended by around
>2 weeks based on satellite
>data at the time.
> BUT, now,
>we believe that temperatures are
>beginning to cool again, particularly
>in north- central Canada where
>this summer there was only
>about 2 weeks between damaging
>freezes from late June into
>mid-July. One of our Harris-Mann
>Climatology clients went fishing between
>July 10-13 in northwestern Saskatchewan
>and reported "piles of ice"
>still on the ground in
>the region and temperatures close
>to the freezing mark.
> Although the
>recent summers of the early
>21st Century have been amongst
>the hottest and driest on
>record across most of the
>U.S., the winter seasons, by
>extreme contrast, have been some
>of the coldest in recorded
>history. For example, Siberia in
>Russia reported readings of -70
>degrees in January of 2001.
> Even if
>our planet is warming up
>as many scientists claim, we're
>still much cooler today than
>we were four to eight-thousand
>years ago. In fact, there
>were probably no mid-latitude glaciers
>about 800 million years ago,
>because the Earth's climate was
>so mild at the time.
> Temperatures today are
>primarily measured over concrete surfaces
>compared to grassy ones years
>ago. We all know that
>concrete and asphalt absorb heat
>and this often results in
>higher afternoon temperatures, especially when
>we have conditions of very
>little wind. During a typical
>hot, summer day, high temperatures
>may be as much as
>3-7 degrees warmer at the
>official airport or downtown locations
>compared to outlying rural areas."


Bush is at fault.


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