
Long Time Member
Being a big hockey fan it would be the Rocket.
The glare of a champion.

C'Mon Eldorado. Maurice was great but not even comparible to the Great One!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-11 AT 09:11PM (MST)[p]Jerry Rice , breaking Jim Browns TD record. Against the raiders on MNF. And he was not finished yet. No I am not talking dancing with the stars

gaetz, in my book the Rocket was the greatest player to
have played the sport. He was the total package: he could
score, check, and fight with the best of them. By his force
of will he lead his team to multiple championships in his
storied 16 year career.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 07:24AM (MST)[p]for me dan fouts. in general how could you vote against jerry rice, true profesional and most of his records will never be broken. current players.....that tennis dude nadal has had a good run. maybe albert p. is st. louis, or maybe ron jeremy.
The GOAT, Ricky Charmichael. No other sport even comes close to supercross.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Bill Bates or Don Beebe...these guys aren't talked about since their careers are over but in their day, they didn't take much credit and they gave 110% every play.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]+2 Kawboy, I was privaleged to watch him race at several supercross races in SLC and vegas and at one national. The national race really showed how good he was and how fast he can ride a motorcycle.
MJ and Kobe never got to play one another, both in their primes, but here's what DID happen the last time they played...



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