Great Barrier Reef


Long Time Member
G'day Mates,

BeanWife and I just got back from a couple of days out on a remote island on the Great Barrier Reef Called Lady Musgrave Island. It is an atoll about 3 acres surrounded by 1200 acres of fringing reef an lagoons. Man o Man what a cool place. The snorkling was incredible with fish of all sizes and descriptions. Under one bombey I came face to face with potato cod fish (looks like a bass) that was much larger than me. Also a a couple of white tipped reef sharks which they say are not 'biters'. The only downer was they wouldn't let me spear anything for dinner. We also had an incredible thuderstorm which dropped 10 inches of rain in five hours with non stop lightning. Pretty average the said.


Sounds like one incredible trip Beanman, that has got to be the most incredible place on the planet for snorkling & marine critters. What took you down there ?

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