


If I shoot my 30-06 holding the rifle level and drop a bullet from the same level as the barrel which one will hit the ground first? The fired round or the dropped round.

+1 They will hit at the same time. Gotta love physics classes.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
lol. interesting.

the only thing I ever learned from physics was if you are in a car traveling 50 mph and throw an apple up why it comes back down in your hand. it too is traveling the same speed when it leaves your hand.

Also two identical cars crash head on both going 50 mph, most people say that is like hitting a brick wall at 100 mph but it's not, like hitting a brick wall at 50 mph because they have the same mass and size.


The one dropped will land first.

The fired one has (1) gyroscopic stability and (2) will tend to yaw [fly with the tip slightly up]

The yaw will give it a slight aero lift
Mythbusters actually took this one on and showed they will hit at the same time. I believe they used a 9mm pistol for this.
Myth Busters came up with a difference of 39.6 milliseconds.

I don't know about any of that but I do know that if you are riding in a truck going 30 miles an hour and throw an empty beer bottle at a road sign that is too close to the road it may bounce back and make a dent in your truck.

I also know that an empty beer bottle, when thrown from a truck moving 60 miles an hour, may bounce on the rocky ground and not bust, but a bottle of the exact same type that is still filled with beer will shatter in the street if you open the door of the same truck and it falls out.

And those lessons I learned in highschool when I was not in physics. And all in the same day.
did you pray as the last one was falling or bawl when the last full one fell out & broke?

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed


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