GraveYard Shift?



This crap is getting old.
Any of you guys have jobs where you rotate shifts?

"We know when it's hot,we know when it's not, if you don't mind thank you"

we are YoungCountry, we like all kinds
of music and people, 'cause we do draw some lines'
no our hair is not orange,we don't wear chains and spikes
but we know how to have fun come Saturday night
I was at a family BBQ a few years ago. I was scheduled to work the night shift. When I was saying my goodbye's to head off to work, I went to hug my dear sweet Great Aunt as she was hosting the party. As I was giving her a hug, she asked where I was heading off to. I told her, "I have to go to work." She yanked my ear pretty good and said, "You don't HAVE to go to work!! You GET to!!!!"

I say that to my self all the time. I said it a couple of times last night as this was the 14th, 12 hour night at work in a row. A few more days then it's a 14 day vacation during Colorado's 2nd season.

Good luck to all. Especially during those brutal nights...

Be safe,

I use to work graveyard...hated every minute of it. Sundays were the worst because you had to get some sleep but the family were all home and hated to miss time with them. Remember..."Work to live..NOT live to work"
I've had to do the graveyard shift before. It worked out good at the time because I was building our house. I started getting dizzy spells, and the doctor told me I needed at least 5 hours sleep a day/night. Sorry doc, not until the house is done.

I also did swing shift for several years.

Night time is for sleeping.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I work the Noc shift all the time,been doing it for 15+ years in the medical field, much better than day shift.. no haveing to play politics with the other disciplines, it's quieter, no phones ringing constantly, no family members to get in the way, ect...
AND best of all I get to have all the lakes and fields all to myself when the rest of you guys are at work.

Like we say on Noc shift...we are ok, the rest of the world is screwed up....LOL we work day shift you guys work the night shift....
I work a 7 on 7 off schedule and one week a month I have a 12hr night shift, but it doesn't bother me too bad. We have a tv and internet so it goes by pretty fast. Plus having every other week off to hunt or play is pretty nice.
Worked as at Night Stocker (note the proper use of the word!) at Albertson's for a few months. It was 11PM-7AM every other day. Never could get used to it. As soon as I got off work, I would come home and watch my son while the wife worked (tried to get some sleep) then headed out to my other job from 1-9PM. The worst was Saturdays after a Friday night graveyard because we worked Saturdays from 7AM - 2:30PM, so it was steady work one job to another 11-2:30. Sucked big time.

Also worked the Pre-load at a UPS facility for 4 years. Get up at 2:15AM, 45 minute commute, arrive at work at 3:20, get the facility ready, start the belts at 4AM or so. Work like HELL until 9AM, paperwork and other stuff until 10, sometimes 11, later if I had to do Haz-mat. Peak season (Thanksgiving - Christmas) we would start as early as 1AM and go until we finished. Then off to school.

Plus I have pulled way too many all nighters doing homework and papers so my cicadian rythym is all messed up.

Oh well - I can sleep when I die.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Work rotating shifts all the time. Right now im on 12 hour nights till monday morning. Mafia wars on facebook takes up a lot of my off time.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
I loved graveyard when I worked it.

Having my days to do what I wanted and then getting to sleep mid-afternoon for 5-6 hours was perfect.......slept like a brick too!

Now I am on day shift and it totally sucks!
traffic headaches.....gym is crowded.....stores are packed and crowded!

Here's what happens on graveyard meet some wacko frickin sob's!! Last night around 11pm I'm at my brothers hotel about to run the night audit when in strolls a guy in his late 40's to mid 50's wearing a tore up old levi coat and worn pants...he hands me a peice of paper (instantly I think oh hell I'm bout to get robbed!!). He says "Hi I'm Rocky, I'm a poet and was wondering if you would read this and I'll come back in a month or so and ask you what you thought of it?" Uh sure guy...

So here's his wonderful poem lol...

The Modern Man,
digital and smoke free,
a man for the millennium.

I take it slow, I go with the flow.
I ride the tide, I've got glide in my stride.

I'm a high-tech, free-lance, low life, bottom feeder,
a hands-on, foot-loose, knee-jerk, head-case.

I ain't a rude dude, but I'm the real deal,
rough, tough, and hard to bluff.

I'm ridin' the wave, dodgin' the bullet,
over the top, under the radar.

I'm so interactive, I'm hyperactive,
and from time to time I'm radioactive.

I'm a toll-free, heat-seaking, bite-size, oven-ready,
pre-heated, warm-hearted, cool-customer.

I'm behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve,
in the moment, on the edge.

I'm gender specific, voice activated, user friendly,
hospital tested, clinically proven, ready-to-wear, built-to-last.

I'm hangin' in there ain't no doubt,
and I'm hangin' tough over & out.

Rocky. what the hell does all that mean?? Gotta love these here graveyard shifts fellas!!

I work from 2200-0600 hours. It works out better as far as family life goes. When I get home I help get the kids off to school and when they get home I am up. Dinner time as a family, wether it's donuts or a cooked meal would not be possible on the old afternoon shift. I am able to attend more evening events and help out with homework etc. As mentioned above we get to work. In this job market I bet a-lot of people would be happy just to be working.
Never Catch, That is pretty Random!! I know I couldn't write anything like that. You should type it up and print it out for him. You never know you may get robbed one night and Rocky will pounce out of the shadows and catch the criminal for you and be the hero!! LMAO Pretty interesting poem though!!
"I know I couldn't write anything like that." You n me both boz!! lol that dude seriously must be on something to come up with all that...he actually had it all printed up nice n neat though, probably had 20 more copies to hand out to every other open business in the bs though, really happened!!

I work the night shift and I hate it. I've been sick ever since I started it. It will pay off in 2 years when my wife finishes school and I retire at 33.
I worked the shift for 2 yrs up until about april this yr. It almost killed me, I'm serious. When the doc said they see so many problems because of it and I should quit, that was it for me. After being on low dose chemo for the last 6 months, looking back there is no way in h*ll I would have made it on that shift. I'm almost 50 though.

About 12 yrs ago I worked rotating 12's, 3 on 4 off, 4 on 3 off. Absolutely loved it. BUT, graveyard is a young mans game and I will never do it again.
>"I know I couldn't write anything
>like that." You n me
>both boz!! lol that dude
>seriously must be on something
>to come up with all
>that...he actually had it all
>printed up nice n neat
>though, probably had 20 more
>copies to hand out to
>every other open business in
>the bs though, really

You missed out on a golden opportunity there. You should of just got a serious look on your face and told him he was the next Robert Frost waiting to be discovered. :)

On the subject of graveyards, I have always been a night owl and love it.

I worked graveyard inventory at the brewery for years. I liked it a lot better than working swing shift. At least on grave you get to see your family in the morning and evening. Swing, I never saw them. A big bonus of gravy yard was you get off just at the right time to go hunting or fishing. I got off work at 7:00 am on Friday and usually wouldn't go to sleep until sometime on Sunday. Got a lot done in that time.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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