Grandpa and the Kid



One day, Grandpa and his young grandson Stevie went out to the lake to spend the day fishing. After getting the boat and both their fishing rigs in the water, Grandpa decides to have a cigar. Inquisitive Stevie asks, "Grandpa, what's that"?
Grandpa says, "Why, its a cigar Stevie"
"Can I have one too Grandpa?" Stevie asks
"Well...can your pee pee touch your pooper" replies Grandpa.
Completely embarrassed, Stevies replies,"Aww gee"
"Well I'm afraid you're just too little to have a cigar, young man" states Grandpa.
"Oh...alright Grandpa....sheesh!" says Stevie

As the day wore on Stevie started getting hungry and asked Grandpa for lunch. Grandpa reached into his cooler and grabbed a couple of sandwiches and a soda pop for Stevie. When he reached back into the cooler for his drink, he pulled out a nice cold beer.
"What's that Grandpa?", Stevie asked
"This is an ice cold beer, boy" replied Grandpa
Stevie tried again, "Well, can I have one?"
"Well...can your pee pee touch your pooper" replied Grandpa.
"Geez Grandpa....naw" Stevie replied sagging his head.
"Well I guess you're just too little yet to have a beer" says Grandpa in a stern voice.
" Aw gee whiz Grandpa" says an upset little Stevie

Finally, the time had come to load up the boat and head home. Stevie helped his Grandpa put all the gear in the truck and opened the ice chest one last time to make sure the fish in there were okay. The two great fisherman were heading down the hill from the lake when Grandpa decided to stop at the General Store in the little town below.
When they arrived at the store, Grandpa told Stevie to go pick out an ice cream. Stevie picked through the popcicle case and found the biggest, most colorful popcicle he could.
"How bout this one, Grandpa?" asked Stevie
"That's perfect' replied Grandpa
When Grandpa arrived at the cashier, he noticed the rolls of "SCRATCH-N-WIN" lottery tickets behind the counter.
"I'll take two of those tickets you got there also" stated Grandpa
Grandpa gave one of the tickets to the young lad and instructed him, "scratch off the silver and see if you won, Stevie"
Grandpa scratched his ticket and found the typical...
"Sorry, please try again" phrase.
"Whaddaya got there Stevie" asked Grandpa
Stevie replies, "What does 5-0-0-0 mean?"
"What? $5000? Did you say $5000 Stevie?" exclaimed Grandpa
"Five-zero-zero-zero Grandpa" said Stevie
Grandpa couldn't believe his ears. $5000.00. Wow! That could buy him that new boat motor he always wanted, and have enought to get some gear to outfit his boat as well.

"Let me see the ticket Stevie" ordered Grandpa
Stevie looks at the ticket and then looks at Grandpa and asks "Can your pee pee touch your pooper, Grandpa?"
With a shocked look on his face, Grandpa put his chest out and his chin up and replies, "Why, yes it can my boy"
Stevie grins at his Grandpa and says........
"GOOD...Then go F%&K yourself!"


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