Grandma Tazered

yep, he warned her several times. probably should have zapped her again and rattled her dentures just for good measure. Don't matter if she was 72 or 27, age makes no difference, she didnt listen and was combative.
Probably could have been handled better. To me, it reflects worse on the officer. I don't think he was justified.
They teach you in class how to take somebody down. If that was a 30 year old man, he would have been on his face in 3 seconds.
That cop seemed to forget he had 2 arms.

I love the part where she is yelling "Ahhhhh, ahhhh!" Could listen to that all day. :)

So come on, what if she was your grandma Feleno?
LOL!! Old bitty got what she asked for!!

I think the cop went a little overboard and matched her emotions from the very beginning, but in the end, it was the right thing to do. She was beginning to resist arrest and become a danger to herself and the officer. She didn't struggle after that - and all she had to do was sign the ticket.

People need to understand that the officer is only doing his or her job and there is no reason to argue your point with him or her at that moment. If you don't like the ticket - appeal it through the proper procedures, have your day in court. I have found that most of the time if you talk with the judge or the prosecuter you can get the fine reduced or work something else out that costs you less. You are arguing with the wrong person when you argue with the officer.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It is cops like this that make the claude dallas's come out. Over zealous cop with mighter than thou attitude. What a discrace to the honorable men and women who truly strive to protect and serve.
gonna have to go with Jack on this one, i mean hell, that guy is like 6'5" and pushing 300 pounds, he cant cuff a 72 yo granny without a tazer?
Im gonna say justified, Sign the darn ticket and fight it out in court, Grandma or not, she was pushing buttons, so I guess you could say he pushed back.... I have seen videos of older people than her just get out of car and shoot the cop before he could tell them what he pulled them over for, so for those of you who think this guy was a disgrace maybe you should MAN up and go do his job, and see if you do it any different, His size doesnt matter I would say he warned more than most would have...
she did deserve to be arrested, but the cop was out of line. he deffinately dropped down to her level.....or lower. i'm one to talk, but a little tackt goes a long way. older people expect younger people to treat them with respect ( concept i know!!) even if they do get cranky. the letter of the law is on his side, but he still could have handled it better. he deffinately doesn't get the cop of the year award.
Trust me, it may not seem like it to all of you, but he hurt her LESS with that tazer than had he decided to man-handle her and take her down.. The tazer has ZERO lasting effects and causes nothing but temporary paralysis and pain.. Had that brute man-handled her down, he probably would have hurt the old hagg by yanking her shoulders or wrists behind her back while she resisited..

Age has no bearing on being tazed.. She got EXACTLY what she was asking for..She was actively resisting the arrest by the officer, and tha'ts where the use of the taser lays on the Use of Force sliding scale... end of story.

But on that same note, alot can be said for the demeanor of the cop. He probably could have desculated the whole senario with a more respectful and patient demeanor. It seemed he was putting too much of his own emotion into the scene and had had enough of the old hagg's crap and already had his mind made up to taze her ass..
I just love to listen to all the "arm chair quarterbacks" that consider themselfs as experts on the duties of LEO's concerning the use of reasonable physical force to effect an arrest.

Has any of you experts considered what that officer may have been taught in his dept. as to what is expected concerning the escalation of force to be applied. Some depts are teaching their officers to go to the tazer before using hands on physical force that may result in more severe injury to the officer and even the suspect.

One of you mentioned he should have applied hands on restraint in leu of the tazer. That would call for the officer to grab her by her wrist and twist the arm to her back in order to be cuffed by applying what is referred to as a "arm bar" movement.

During that, if she should lose her balance, or kick out at the officer, she could fall while the officer is holding her arm behind her back. At her age and due to brittle bones, you have a high expectation of a broken arm. For the ones who may say bullcrap to this, it happen to me with a lot younger woman. Upper arm was fractured due to her kicking out at my partner as I applied the arm bar and spun her around to the trunk of the car to get her in a cuffing position.

Now if that officer violated dept. rules by failing to use the taser, guess who is in trouble. You also run the risk of a gun grab during a scuffle or being stab by a knife you did not know the suspect had.

My personal feelings, you do not abuse a suspect nor allow any other officer to do so, but if that suspect should use or attempt to use physical force to resist an arrest, take them to the ground hard and fast by any lawful means that avoids injury to yourself.

A lot of you seem to have a objection to the use of a tazer. Just be glad that it is imployed today. It is far safer for the suspect. Before the taser we were taught if the suspect attempted to resist by use of his hands or feet, we were to resort to using the baton to drop him. I broke several arms and legs on male suspects who resisted while on drugs and feeling no pain. If he used any weapon, we were taught deadly force was reasonable and we were to shoot the suspect. I and fellow officers have shot suspects for that. Do you really want to go back to that time period.

....a little overboard???.....unless that was a felony stop on a known dangerous granny he should be fired then shot.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

People need to learn how police work.When you commit a crime you are not in charge.Been punched by granny before and I was not thinking it could happen,nice guy thinking.I dont like people getting hurt!
>I just love to listen to
>all the "arm chair quarterbacks"
>that consider themselfs as experts
>on the duties of LEO's
>concerning the use of reasonable
>physical force to effect an
>Has any of you experts
>considered what that officer may
>have been taught in his
>dept. as to what is
>expected concerning the escalation of
>force to be applied. Some
>depts are teaching their officers
>to go to the tazer
>before using hands on physical
>force that may result in
>more severe injury to the
>officer and even the suspect.
> One of
>you mentioned he should have
>applied hands on restraint in
>leu of the tazer. That
>would call for the officer
>to grab her by her
>wrist and twist the arm
>to her back in order
>to be cuffed by applying
>what is referred to as
>a "arm bar" movement.
> During that, if
>she should lose her balance,
>or kick out at the
>officer, she could fall while
>the officer is holding her
>arm behind her back. At
>her age and due to
>brittle bones, you have a
>high expectation of a broken
>arm. For the ones who
>may say bullcrap to this,
>it happen to me with
>a lot younger woman. Upper
>arm was fractured due to
>her kicking out at my
>partner as I applied the
>arm bar and spun her
>around to the trunk of
>the car to get her
>in a cuffing position.
> Now
>if that officer violated dept.
>rules by failing to use
>the taser, guess who is
>in trouble. You also run
>the risk of a gun
>grab during a scuffle or
>being stab by a knife
>you did not know the
>suspect had.
>My personal feelings, you do
>not abuse a suspect nor
>allow any other officer to
>do so, but if that
>suspect should use or attempt
>to use physical force to
>resist an arrest, take them
>to the ground hard and
>fast by any lawful means
>that avoids injury to yourself.
> A lot of
>you seem to have a
>objection to the use of
>a tazer. Just be glad
>that it is imployed today.
>It is far safer for
>the suspect. Before the taser
>we were taught if the
>suspect attempted to resist by
>use of his hands or
>feet, we were to resort
>to using the baton to
>drop him. I broke several
>arms and legs on male
>suspects who resisted while on
>drugs and feeling no pain.
>If he used any weapon,
>we were taught deadly force
>was reasonable and we were
>to shoot the suspect. I
>and fellow officers have shot
>suspects for that. Do you
>really want to go back
>to that time period.

Us armchair quarterbacks are the bosses...and LEO's are our employees. So using the same analogies...What ifs and what nots...What if she had a pacemaker? Probably rather have a broken arm. I do think cops should be able to use whatever force just shooting a gang banger and saving us money, but they also have another tool available called discretion, and if that idiot tazer happy cop cant differentiate between a true pysical threat and a loud mouth little old lady...well he can go.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
great post.. Alot of armchair quarterbacks in internet land. Tasing someone is one of the safest ways to subdue someone.. Hurts like hell while riding the lightning for the 5 seconds, yet causes no harm, other than to ego, as soon as it's over.
When I decided to step up and get qualified to carry it for the Federal Agency I work for, in addition to the mandatory classroom session, we had to get shot by the damned thing as well. Hurt like all get out, but it was over before you knew it.. And it gave me a TON of respect for the tool.

your posts are the most worthless, on a whole, as anyone I've seen on any huting site, bar none. You NEVER post anything pertaining to hunting or shooting (MM being a hunting site, first and foremost), constantly criticize others on here, and do nothing more than stir the perverbial pot of $hit on here any and every chance you get. I've come to the conclusion that you're either one of those kids who was picked on relentlessly as a child and now use the internet as an outlet for all of those old penned up frustrations or you're an old geezer with nothing better to do with your day but post your mindless internet verbal masturbation.. You are a troll in the purest form. And while I'm sure you and your gang of lackys will raise hell about this post, I'm fairly confident that far more will be behind their computers this evening reading this thread and raising a toast to this post because it is what most everyone on this site has wanted to say to you all along.

To the rest of you, I apologize for having to read that. I just couldn't read another utterly useless post by D13 without having to at least speak my mind.. It's gone on far too long with him.

And with that, let the poo slinging comence.. I'll be alright, my skin is far thicker than most.
>I just knew this would be
>a fun topic. :)
>"walk softly and stir with a
>big stick"

What was fun, was gettin rowdy on that big wheel at JB's. It smokes like hell....and needs a new back tire now, but she's a keeper :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hardway, tasers cause ZERO damage to pacemakers. That's already been studied in ernest, far before they were released to be used in a field capacity.

I will agree though, the cop should have used alternate meathods first.. He seemed a bit trigger happy. But that old hagg certainly won't do that again. She did get what she had coming. Being old and female does not preclude you from being a law abiding citizen.
You rode it? Nice! Heard you were there for some silly reason. Measuring a pipsqueak or something.

Oooops. Maybe we shouldn't admit to knowing anything about JB. We may be "lackys", whatever that is.

Tell us how you really feel. I sense some animosity.
>again. She did get what
>she had coming.

OK, you may notice I have not advanced an opinion on whether the officer was justified. And I won't now. I'm just the facilitator of the topic (aka lacky pot stirrer). But I would have to ask this. I think everyone agrees that the officer could have used other means to subdue "the old hagg". But this "got what she had coming" attitude runs deep here. Does the scope of the arresting officer's duties include administering punishment for the crime?
>Tell us how you really feel.
>I sense some animosity.

Animosity? No, none of that. I don't know the guy whatsoever. Just felt like saying what was on my mind to him. Read one post too many from him and decided it was time.
His posts just remind me of what runs out of my child's dirty diapers. Crap, poo, caca, mierda, dooky, dump...well, you get the idea..
I guess the cop did use some restraint. At least he didn't use his one bullet. Granny did look pretty mean you
I will agree with you on that. The officer could have TRIED other means to arrest her before moving to the taser. I won't disagree with that. Talking can go a long way. But I will say that had he tried to take her down, he would have hurt her WAY worse than that 5 second shock did.

But I have to ask, what punishment??? Punishment is what the judge residing over the case will decide, not the arresting officer. He was only using the taser as a means to arrest, not to deal out punishment. She resisted, and by doing so, escalated the senario, so he tazed her and the scene IMMEDIATELY was descalated, and the arrest was made. End of story. What would have come had she just signed the damn ticket and been on her merry way? We'd be talking about the NM and CO draw and what tags we're hoping for, not some dumba$$ old lady who thought the law didn't apply to her, correct?
> But I have to ask,
>what punishment??? Punishment is what
>the judge residing over the
>case will decide, not the
>arresting officer. He was only
>using the taser as a
>means to arrest, not to
>deal out punishment.

Not sure if you are asking me or not. Again, I am not saying right or wrong one way or the other. I was only quoting you:
"She did get what she had coming. Being old and female does not preclude you from being a law abiding citizen." I would assume you are referring to resisting arrest, which I believe she clearly was. So from that, I think I understand you to say he punished her appropriately for resisting.

>What would have come had
>she just signed the damn
>ticket and been on her
>merry way?

Now that wouldn't very news worthy would it?

>We'd be talking
>about the NM and CO
>draw and what tags we're
>hoping for, not some dumba$$
>old lady who thought the
>law didn't apply to her,

I didn't apply for either... or any of the three. And I'm bored waiting for a hunting topic to come up here that interests me.

Smile man. It's all good. :)
At 72 years old that "grandma" should have known better than to get into an argument that you can't win.

To allow it to escalate to where an arrest was the next step, was just stupid on her part.

I'm not the supervisor here, but I have to go with the cop.

Besides, she's probably had a few good days now where crossword puzzles are WAY easier than before the "recharge".
>You rode it? Nice! Heard you
>were there for some silly
>reason. Measuring a pipsqueak or
>Oooops. Maybe we shouldn't admit to
>knowing anything about JB. We
>may be "lackys", whatever that

LOL, No kidding...went all the way over there to be told I was 2/8ths short...LMAO.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
IMO I'll take D13er and his comments anyday, " some people cant handle the fact that most of the time he is right (just not in this case)LOL;)
We seam to be at the point in our history where civil servants are no longer servants, and definately no longer civil.......and that includes you Scottyboy.....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

This whole thread is just "shocking" to me....:)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
The cop did the right thing! What if she would have got back in her vehicle and pulled and into traffic causing a wreck, and or killing innocent people?

Its pretty simple when you get pulled over for something

1 keep your hands on the wheel
2 Dont be an ass to the cop
3 If you think the cop is wrong go to court
4 Deal with it and shut up
morale of the story, don't tell the officer your are going to get back in the car and drive away. If granny was a 35 year old male would we be having this discussion or do we expect the officer to softly wrestle her to the ground and tell her its okay.

It like wondering why the officer in a shooting didn't shoot the gun out of the suspects hand, ever been shot at, you don't think about being John Wayne at that point.

There is a process established for pleading not guilty and seeing a judge, not arguing on the side of the street.

The Dummy got what she deserved, if you ask me he did use restraint, he asked her 5 times to turn around and put her hands behind her back or she was going to be tazed, if that would of been a 20-30 year old dude they would have been tazed after 2 warnings.

Plus the dummy kept trying to push through him to get to her truck, witch pushs the officer right into oncomeing traffic.

Compleatly Justified IMO.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Big bad law man. If he can't handle a little old lady, who is unarmed, maybe he should seek a career change. No excuse what so ever. Yes she should have obeyed. And lost, it is nowhere close the same in arguing, that why a cop should shoot the gun out of the hand of a suspect. Common sense is defienatly lacking in oregon. If little ol lady is armed then we have a different story. He discraced the badge he wears on his chest and the many, many decent law enforcement officers in this country.
Jeez, Jack.....a week or so ago, you wanted to spend the night in jail with some poachers, to keep them warm and comfy!

Now we have a woman who has clearly been given the option of "using the legal system", who chose not to, and you are defending her actions.......How much are your ACLU dues?
Look nicholas, never did I say I wanted to do anything with any of the poaching suspects period. The cop used poor judgement to use the tazer. If he cannot handle a little old lady, like I said earlier, he should make a career change. Some of you on here think that just someone has a badge that they can do no wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-09 AT 01:23PM (MST)[p]This happened here in Texas, Jack - Travis County (Austin area) and the officer's superior's are backing him 100%, not saying he couldn't have handled the situation differently from the beginning, but they are saying the result complied with all training and guidelines. She has hired an attorney - so I am sure the Travis County Constable will get sued over it. At any rate, the whole incident will definitely be reviewed and scrutinized.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"Don't taz me Bro!"

Heck, I think she would have been hurt more being man armed to the ground rather than being tazed.

And it is Texas.. everyone has a gun. He most likey thought she was headed back to the truck to get one.. ;-)

I think the ole bitty got what was coming to her!!!!!!

Did the officer handle it wrong...maybe! I think he could have done it a little better...but the ole hag was asking for it...she kept using her age as an excuse!!!

I think respect is something that is EARNED!! Not just a right because you are OLD!!

Again.....LMAO!!! I thought it was funny as hell!
Could not agree with you more on respect. It is earned, whether you are old or not, and whether you wear a badge or not. Hell whether you are a poacher or not. Still he used poor judgement in handeling the ol bitty. But that is ok, his superiors will back him up, after all he is a big strong law man.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-09 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]Jackrussel;

After reading some of your prior comments, I am beginning to wonder if you are not half way outlaw yourself. It is obvious that you do not like cops or anyone with authorty.
As for your comment about cops should shoot the gun out of armed suspects hands, well! that is about the most stupid unreasonable statement I have heard in a long time.
I was a cop for thirty years, firearms instructor, Swat sniper and held a distinguished master rating as a competition shooter in matches where shooters came from this state and other states to complete in law enforcement matches. I am still shooting IDPA matches on a monthly basis.
I would never even think about shooting a gun out of the hand of a suspect that was trying to kill me or some inocent person. It only happens in the movies, I will shoot to stop his aggressive behavior instantly. That means he will take a shot to the vitals and keep taking shots until he drops.
It is a very good thing that you are NOT A COP, with your mind set, YOU WOULD BE A DEAD COP IN NO TIME AT ALL.
Easy for you to set back and make impossible rules, you are not on the firing line and a good thing for you. You would not survive to see a retirement. You certainly do not need a career change.

I read all the responses, and then went and tasered myself.:)

Scottyboy, D13er may not have the same brand of humor as you do, but that's no reason to rip him the way you did. You say he NEVER contributes to this site? He is an official measurer for B&C and has contributed a lot IMO. You should read more posts than just your own. This is the first one I came across on a search.


I also think you may have misjudge D13er. He has contributed to this forum in the past and has helped others when they had questions. He does at times have a somewhat dry sense of humor, which I have at times myself.
I have never met him in person, but I am aware that he is the type of person that values his friends and thinks nothing of dropping several hundred bucks on a custom knife to return a favor to a person he considers as a friend.
Hell! if you lived in Bakersfield, you would have a dry sense of humor too!! I was born in that craphole and left at age 16 and never went back. I'm a Norther Kali boy now and run in better circles with the likes of eel and kilo and my cuz, and D13er will give me hades for running down his hometown.

Look RELHish, if you look at what my post said regarding shooting the gun out of a suspects hand. I was refering to a previous post of someone who suggested that. That is retarded to think a cop would do that. If a cop has to shoot a suspect, there is no question its all about center mass, hands down. I am no where near an outlaw, just because I dont agree with everything a law enforcement officer does. Some of them are as dishonest has all get out. Just like people of all walks of life. Just because one wears a badge he is not above the next guy in my book. This officer made poor judgement in tazering this old lady. I am not against any law enforcement anywhere, just the over zealous clowns who claim to be above and beyond the average joe, this goes from cops to garbage men and so on.

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