Grand Torino


Long Time Member
Don't have any theaters where I live but visited Nevada & saw this movie & thought it was pretty good, it spoke to the generation some of us older folks grew up in where people were either a ;zipper-head, honkey, hadji, spook or wetback.

Whad'ya think ?
Great movie...One of Eastwoods best for sure..


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Maybe i'm showing my lack of years here; but what's a "zipper-head"?

That's a new one to me, old guy Beefy!
My grandfather who servrd in WWII called those of the Asian persuasion Zipper heads.
ahhh gotcha. Thanks.

Oh to get back on topic, Grand Torino was a great movie. Clint reminds me of my Grandpa!
Great Movie. Although filled with fowl language, it has a real moral story. Also, havn't laughed so hard at a movie in a long time.

I agree, did not like the ending. You know in the real world everyone of those thugs would get off. Clint should of taken them out with a bomb!

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