GPS advice

Never had one but i hear they are getting popular.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I have a map of my hunt area , but it is pretty checkerboard on the north end. Thinking a GPS might make it a little easier to stay out of trouble
Yes, I've just had the maps too when i needed them and never have gotten in trouble hunting where i shouldn't...but a guy sure could. I have been turned around a couple times that i'd rather have not happened.

I never had lots of stuff that is considered normal gear nowadays. Never had a ice chest or flashlight costing more than #30., never hunted with any top of the line "glass", never had any hi tech clothes they seem so popular. No ATV either for that matter just lots of boot leather and cheaper boot leather at that.

It's amazing that i've killed all the good to better bucks through the years that i have considering i usually went in work clothes with a pocket knife and a hand full of ammo. :)

Good luck with the GPS. I'll bet it could be right handy!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>Yes, I've just had the maps
>too when i needed them
>and never have gotten in
>trouble hunting where i shouldn't...but
>a guy sure could. I
>have been turned around a
>couple times that i'd rather
>have not happened.
>I never had lots of stuff
>that is considered normal gear
>nowadays. Never had a ice
>chest or flashlight costing more
>than #30., never hunted with
>any top of the line
>"glass", never had any hi
>tech clothes they seem so
>popular. No ATV either for
>that matter just lots of
>boot leather and cheaper boot
>leather at that.
>It's amazing that i've killed all
>the good to better bucks
>through the years that i
>have considering i usually went
>in work clothes with a
>pocket knife and a hand
>full of ammo. :)
>Good luck with the GPS. I'll
>bet it could be right
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

I'm pretty much the same Sage.
I did get a GPS finally,Garmin Oregon 450 w/xmaps chip when I moved to NM as it is totally checkerboarded and most fences are NOT on property lines/accurate....LOL.
I always carry map & compass and use with my GPS now.
The GPS/xmaps has saved me tons of leg work and I KNOW were I am standing for those run ins with irrate "Landowners/ranchers".
My son told me I can use ONXMAPS on my phone. GPS works when you don't have cell coverage. Around thirty bucks to load whatever state I want. Looks good, anyone out there ever try this app
LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-15 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]My son put an app on his cell phone called Neotreks gps. We were amazed at how good it was. We were up in the Cascade Range, Northern Ca. Wilderness area and even though he didn't have coverage he could call from, he could see Forest service trails on the map and they were right on the money. They must work with the phones built in gps?

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