Governor Tags / Commissioner Tags


Active Member
A recent discussion in the WY forum got me doing research regarding WY Governor Tags 2012 and WY Commissioner Tag 2011. Here are some interesting facts:

100 total tags given out by Commissioners and Governor:


Wildlife Heritage Foundation of WY
18 Commissioner Tags (2011 stats) / 20 Governor Tags (2012)

They receive 38% of total tags.

Out of 20 Governor Tags the Wildlife Heritage Foundation selects "sellers." The sellers get 10% of the total the tag receives at auction.

Additional information to follow:
2011 Commissioner Tags:

Wild Sheep Foundation: 5
Goshen Rooster Boosters: 1
2 Shot Goose Hunt: 2
Wyoming Wildlife Federation: 2
Outdoor Dream Foundation: 1
Wildlife Heritage Foundation of WY: 18
Trout Unlimited: 1
California Waterfowl: 1
National Bighorn Sheep Interpretive Center: 1
WY Game Warden Association: 2
The Wildlife Society: 3
WY Guide and Outfitters Association: 2
Festival For Families: 1
Pheasants Forever: 2
SFW (Hunts for Heroes) SFW (WY) (Sheridan Chapter) (SFW WY Chapter): 4
SCI: 2
Big Game Forever: 2
Hunts for Heroes: 1
Gillette Gun Club: 1
Ducks Unlimited: 1
North Platte Walleye Assoc: 2
Bow Hunters of WY: 1
Cody Shooting Complex: 1
WY Stock Growers Association: 1
Sundance Rod & Gun Club: 1
NE WY Raptor Center: 1
4H: 2
Wyoming Natural Resource Foundation: 1
Upton Gun Club: 1
Fathers in the Field: 1
One Shot Hunt Club: 1
Water for Wildlife, One Shot Foundation: 1
Mule Deer Foundation: 1
Trout Forever: 1
Trout Unlimited: 1

Total: 80

2012 Governor Tags:

Wild Sheep Foundation: 4
Grand Slam / OVIS: 2
Foundation of North America Wild Sheep: 1
SCI Foundation: 1
MDF: 6

Total: 20
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-12 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]
I also went to their "Partners" tab on their website. It showed the WY G&F as a partner.

Here are some "Directors" of interest to me:

# John Baughman
Retired Director - Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Retired Executive Director - Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Cody, WY
Term: September 2010 - September 2013

# Terry Cleveland
Retired Director - Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Casper, WY

Jerry Galles,
Casper businessman
Term: June 2011 - June 2014

Ex-Officio Directors

* Wyoming Game and Fish Director
Wyoming Game and Fish Commission President

Jerry Galles was a past Commissioner.
I would like to hear the point of that one too because the first 2 of the 3 three named persons were well thought of guys in their position. I know nothing about the last guy mentioned.
If it doesn't raise any concerns for you about how tags are being awarded then go on about your day. It raised my suspicions. Why do they get so many tags compared to other NPO's?

It is my understanding the WY Hertiage Foundation recieves 10% for their foundation from each Governor Tag sold, the seller gets 10%. Then the WY Hertiage Foundation gets the other 80% for projects. The tags are given out at a hugely disproportionate rate to the WY Heritage Foundation.

The second biggest receiver of tags receive 50% less tags, and are "Partners" with the Foundation.

The WY Heritage Foundation has two past commissioners, Retired Director from G&F, and retired person from G&F as "Directors" of the Foundation. They also have at least one other retired G&F employee associated with the Foundation.

I posted the facts of where the tags are being awarded. It is hard to argue with the facts.

They have no membership, and I am curious how they financed the Foundation since it's beginning. I am curious if it always been through Commissioner Tags and Governor Tags? If you know some other ways of finance please provide the information. Did they see how much money was being made via the tags, and made a NPO to capture a huge % of the money being made off the tags? That why they could re-direct that money into projects they deem necessary.

TopGun, I never stated they were doing anything illegal, so I don't understand your comments about them "being well thought of."

As far as Jerry Galles. It is my understanding he was a past President of the Casper RMEF. He was appointed Commissioner by the last governor, and completed his appointment. I know him, and he is a nice guy. I was just pointing out past associations with the G&F, and his current position with the Heritage Foundation.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 05:44PM (MST)[p]Your question and comments, in and of themselves, just seemed to give me the impression that maybe you feel they are doing something illegal and thus my comment. The tag allocation may have raised your suspicions, but I see no problem as long as monies go for a good purpose and are accounted for like they are. Politics are involved in lots of things and it would not surprise me that what you are talking about is some of that! Would you happen to know how long the Foundation has been in existence compared to the length of time the retired F&G persons have been involved in it? Also, I don't believe anyone is arguing with your facts and since you have asked a lot of questions that concern you, why don't you try to find out the answers and if you come up with anything that appears to be wrongdoing, please let us know. Have a good evening!
The foundation has no membership because it is a foundation appointed by the governor's office to administer funds raised by the governor's big game licences. This is why 90% of the revenues raised from sales go to them. They administer the funds which go directly to on the ground wildlife enhancement.
That makes sense, so the persons on the Foundation Board or whatever you call them, would probably be appointed based on politics at least to some extent. Correct? If that's the case, it would be even more important to have good checks and balances to insure that the funds are accounted for and spent properly.
Yes, some could be. The majority are appointed based on their wildlife expertise (hence former WGFD directors.) You can almost think of the Foundation as the money management arm of the State of Wyoming, specific to these revenues.

The allocation of grants is based on the review and recommendation of several committees, bighorn sheep, mule deer, elk, moose, and general wildlife, made up of various WGFD "specialists" for each species, that determine who/what grant $$ are awarded. Additionally, each species committee contains representatives from the Wyoming chapters of the respective big game species "advocacy" groups: RMEF, MDF, Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation. I belive that the intent is that the $$ raised from the species-specific licenses is allocated, as much as possible, to projects benefitting that species, i.e. the sale of bighorn sheep tags results in funding the re-introduction of bighorn sheep of prescribed fire in bighorn habitat, and so-on and so-forth. The committees can be viewed on the foundation site under: WGBGLC Coalition Members.

Believe me, there are strict qualifications and restrictions to how this money can be spent: no funding of salaries for permanant employees, purchases of new equipment is generally frowned upon, and usually must be returned following completion of the project, etc.

The bottom line is that the foundation and Big Game License Coalition were formed in order to facilitate placement of the money from the Governor's licenses on the ground, for wildlife conservation in Wyoming. Remember, under state law, the governor can do whatever he/she pleases with these licenses. This is intended to ensure that the $$ hits the ground for wildlife, and facilitate cooperation between species specific advocacy groups rather than competition for the funds. This is the specific reason that, outside of the 10% off the top that is taken by the seller organization, the remainder of the sale revenues go to the Foundation/Coalition.

You seem to know a lot about the Foundation.

I don't have a problem with the Governor Tag explanation. It makes sense to me.

I see you have not commented on the number of Commissioner Tags awarded to the Foundation. Any explanation that you may know of about why the Foundation gets awarded so many tags? Do you think it is an outrageous amount of tags or acceptable number of tags, and why? Thanks in advance for your reply.
G14, I don't think you really understand what the Foundation is. Go back and read S. Wyo's description. Think of what the Commissioners are doing as giving the tags back to who they got them from. They are giving them back to the state to administer.
Colorado Oak said it alot better and much more quickly than I could. I think it's great that the Foundation also gets commisioners' tags, it's that much more $$ that go directly back to "boots on the ground" wildlife management in Wyoming.
I've been doing some reading and research tonight on this and I would have to say that Wyoming has it all together the way they are administering the tags and resultant monies. I guess it's not exactly in conformance to the NAM, but it looks like it is putting money on the ground where it should be put and it looks like it's a lot better setup than in Utah.
Wyoming Heritage Foundation is an awesome program.Many other states would do well to follow this example.TOPGUN-just wondering-what is the NAM you refer to?
G14, let me just correct you a little bit on the distribution of the Gov's tags. All five of the 2012 WY Gov moose tags were issued to the North American Moose Foundation (NAMF). These five tags were then distributed by us (NAMF)to five different organizations (WSF, MDF, SFW, Grand Slam Ovis and SCI)to sell at their conventions. These orgs will split the 10% with the NAMF. Wyoming Wildlife - The Foundation has a moose committee which consists of 2 WG&F personnel and 3 members chosen by the NAMF. These 5 members decide which moose related projects will receive funding. It's a great program. The first moose tag of 2012 sold for $22,000 at the Wild Sheep Foundation convention in Reno last week.

Also, I'd like to welcome our newest member to the moose committee and Monster Muleys regular, "Buzz" Hettick. We're excited and lucky to get someone with his experience.

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