Government Honesty ?



A couple of few weeks ago I realized I wasn't going to draw an out of state tag and I would have to hunt locally. Locally for me is in the far southern end of A zone. Anyone who hunts this area knows how tough the hunting can be that time of year. It is hot and access is limited so you need to do your homework (scouting). That for me is packing into areas that not many will go into, and taking water to the areas I want to hunt prior to the season. One of these areas you need to get a permit from the Forest service with a combo so you can drive into a campground that is on NF land that our tax money pays for. From that point it is about a 3 mile hike for me to get into the Deer areas.
So I called the Forest service office in Ojai Ca to get a permit. I was told that the road was washed out and there was no money to repair it so they were not going to let anyone drive in there. But If I wanted I could hike into there or bike in. I guess they thought a guy over 50 would not do that , but I train hard all year long to hunt so I got a mountain bike from a friend and pedaled my ass of with a full pack the approx 4 mile into there. To my surprise there was no wash out to the campground and beyond. There maybe a washout in the road but it is well beyond the campground. So a couple of days ago I called the Forest service and asked to talk to someone who could explain why we cannot use this campground. It is in the forest and should be accessible to the tax payers of the USA. I am sure this will make it better hunting fewer people, But why lie to people. Anyway I was put on hold for a few minutes, then disconnected. You don't think they would do that on purpose? Just like all the BS they fed us about the condors and lead bullets.
>A couple of few weeks ago
>I realized I wasn't going
>to draw an out of
>state tag and I would
>have to hunt locally. Locally
>for me is in the
>far southern end of A
>zone. Anyone who hunts this
>area knows how tough the
>hunting can be that time
>of year. It is hot
>and access is limited so
>you need to do your
>homework (scouting). That for me
>is packing into areas that
>not many will go into,
>and taking water to
>the areas I want to
>hunt prior to the season.
>One of these areas you
>need to get a permit
>from the Forest service with
>a combo so you can
>drive into a campground that
>is on NF land that
>our tax money pays for.
>From that point it is
>about a 3 mile hike
>for me to get into
>the Deer areas.
> So I called the Forest
>service office in Ojai Ca
>to get a permit. I
>was told that the road
>was washed out and there
>was no money to repair
>it so they were not
>going to let anyone drive
>in there. But If I
>wanted I could hike into
>there or bike in. I
>guess they thought a guy
>over 50 would not do
>that , but I train
>hard all year long to
>hunt so I got
>a mountain bike from a
>friend and pedaled my ass
>of with a full pack
>the approx 4 mile into
>there. To my surprise there
>was no wash out to
>the campground and beyond. There
>maybe a washout in the
>road but it is well
>beyond the campground. So a
>couple of days ago I
>called the Forest service and
>asked to talk to someone
>who could explain why we
>cannot use this campground. It
>is in the forest and
>should be accessible to the
>tax payers of the USA.
>I am sure this will
>make it better hunting fewer
>people, But why lie to
>people. Anyway I was put
>on hold for a few
>minutes, then disconnected. You don't
>think they would do that
>on purpose? Just like all
>the BS they fed us
>about the condors and lead

Been saying it for 20 years now the tree huggers and PETA have been infiltrating our government ...
Yep! I guess they don't want me to eat venison anymore. Of course if it is farm raised like cattle it is OK to kill and eat. Or the fish these fools eat, that is OK if they flop around on the deck of a boat suffocating.
I wonder if some of the huggers are so crazed that they would take hunters ed and get licences to try and grab tags from the hunters.
>I wonder if some of the
>huggers are so crazed that
>they would take hunters ed
>and get licences to try
>and grab tags from the
.........I must assume you are joking! They get several tags a year and have a BBQ and burn the up on Thanksgiving. They have been doing it for years!

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
For some reason the FS can't seem to find the pot gardens. If you could track a hippo through a snow bank you could find them.

If you're a hunter be careful which road you drive on.

A few years ago, hunters received notice that the US Forest Service had decided to restrict access to part of x-6 due to hazard presented by dead, falling timber in the area of the Moonlight Incident, I believe it was. In speaking with a senior-level employee who had taken part in the conversation leading to this decision, he indicated that he was the only one to speak in favor of maintaining hunter access. He was grossly outnumbered by those who argued that, with fresh browse reappearing in open, fire-cleared terrain, the deer would be "too easy" and so the decision was made to restrict access, but not for the reasons of hunter safety cited. And so, a game/hunter management decision was imposed by a number of department "professionals" with little knowledge or authority, except that which they claimed for themselves. The Forest Service, in the past thirty years, has become a dysfunctional society of super-egos, each struggling to justify her own position within the unit and fighting to assert her status.
OK,I went to a meeting here in the D7 area for the yellow leg frog,they are wanting to close 2 million acres for this frog from kern county to lassen county.They are closing all roads in the Sierra's.JUst last year they tried to chase out of a area because the road wasn't marked,the road has been there for over 30 yrs.the Forest Service cop told us that u can't be more than a car lenght of any dirt road,but u can carry all ur gear in and camp there ,but no vehicles..At his meeting the Sheiff said that 76% of the natioal Forest's are State owned.SO why are the fed's telling us what to do on State land.You all need to contact your county see what's going on.Fish and Wildlife say nothing going to happen but they said the samething about the Spotted Owl.cowboy57

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