Gov. Mead Pushes Grizzly Delisting

I guess it can't hurt, but I doubt it will do any good.

I agree on the accurate count. The number is being kept low on purpose to try and keep the bear on the list. Even the agency bear guys say the "500 bears in the GYA" number is low.
I know I appreciate Governor Mead's efforts to get things moving again. It continues to amaze me that so many refuse to allow grizzly bears to be recovered and see hunting restored. The NAM model works but only if hunting remains a significant portion of that model. Sportsmen have always been the first to shoulder the burden and responsibility of conserving and maintaining healthy and robust populations of wildlife.

The retired biologist is nuts to think that Wyoming should allow further expansion of their recovery area. He also fails to recognize the GYE has a higher grizzly bear density now than has ever been recorded. If in fact, the whitebark pine nut is so critical for the survival of grizzly bears then why has the reproduction rates remained so high?

Using the courts to stop recovery of a species was never the intent of the ESA; yet, that seems to be the main role they are playing today.
The whitebark is another ploy. Most of the bear area, in NW wyoming doesn't even have whitebark. The bears do just fine without them.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-12 AT 12:54PM (MST)[p]When the antis can use the liberal Federal Court system to dictate wildlife management like they have done on wolves until recently and continue to do on grizzlies, we are lucky we can hunt anything nowadays! If the tide doesn't turn pretty soon, the end of hunting as we know it will eventually happen. It's probably just a question of whether it will be a decade or a generation or two away.
The people that do not want to see the grizzly bear delisted will always try to find an excuse. The white bark pine is the current excuse. In NW Wyoming, the USFS is trying to get rid of vast stands of dead lodgepole and red fir that have been killed by disease and insects. Allowing wildfires to grow is the most expedient way to accomplish that task. The white bark pine that is deemed to be so necessary to the grizzly bear gets burned in the process. I don't know how that can be avoided.

The State of Wyoming really needs to spend the money to get an accurate count of the grizzly bear population. My observation is the population of grizzly bears in the Shoshone River and Clark Fork drainages is way up. Every year while hiking or hunting in these drainages, I have more and more encounters with these bears. You cannot let your guard down or you may become a statistic. Last year, I had two grizzly bears come to a gun shot while hunting mule deer. The 20 minute standoff was a little interesting. There are drainages going into the North Fork of the Shoshone that I just don't hunt anymore because of these bears.

I doubt that Governor Mead will have much success trying to fast track the delisting. Unfortunately, the only thing that might speed the process up is more mauings and deaths of people within the recovery area. However, if the maulings and deaths continue to increase you can bet that Chris Servheen of the USFWS will invent more reasons and excuses to blame everything but the grizzly bear.He is the master of spin in this regard. The pending lawsuit that involves the man killed on Kitty Creek may also speed delisting up. If the lawsuit is successful, it may open a floodgate of lawsuits that the federal government can't stop. That may provide the incentive to delist and cut the population.
2 years ago a griz was spotted and caught by the willwood dam.

this last weekend a griz and a cub were spotted near cowely wy and 3 wolves near horsebend area.

the bears are moving off the mountain and coming down really low.
The Clark Dump is already having grizzly bear problems. The guy
who operates the dump for Park County carries a gun. The last time I was there, he suggested that I take my .41 if I was going to use the pit. The Tolman Ranch has already experienced grizzly bear problems with cattle killings. Moving the problem bears around doesn't accomplish anything. The problem will continue to get worse even when the solution seems obvious.
>The Clark Dump is already having
>grizzly bear problems. The guy
>who operates the dump for Park
>County carries a gun. The
>last time I was there,
>he suggested that I take
>my .41 if I was
>going to use the pit.
>The Tolman Ranch has already
>experienced grizzly bear problems with
>cattle killings. Moving the problem
>bears around doesn't accomplish anything.
>The problem will continue to
>get worse even when the
>solution seems obvious.

Its getting bad that is for sure. i just dont understand the thinking of transporting the bears. a ranch up in meetetsee every year has there calves killed by a big ol boar. the game and fish come up and catch it and put it down in jackson. the rancher a week later calls game and fish and says the bear is back. game and fish said there is no way.

i live right next to the shoshone river and i know sooner or later i will get one on the trail cam

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