

Long Time Member
Who gets it? Where do you get it? How often do you get it? What do you take to either control or make it go away?

I get it and if i don't or can't medicate right away, it hurts like a Son B**ch! In my big toes or ankles mostly but have got it before in my knee. Runs in spurts, i'll have several little attacks in a month and then maybe not any for 6 months or longer. When i feel a gout attack coming on, feels like i twisted my ankle or stubbed my big toe, i take Indomethacin. Seems to make the attacks go away fast but doesn't keep them from reoccurring.

A full blown untreated Gout attack is to truly know Pain!!

Hey there Sage! Do you eat a lot of venison. If you do, that will actually make your gout worse. Venison is high in Uric Acid, which is main cause of Gout. My Dad has it and he can't eat venison. He also takes Indomethacin as well.

It's always an adventure!!!
Venison? Yeah Kind of, more last year than this, but that hasn't been one of the two sure fire ways of bringing on an attack to me. Both things i do dearly love that after eating are likely for me to "start" are; Dry Salami and Shell fish, especially oysters or cracked Crab.

At the moment i'm going thru a particularly stubborn case that has not yet, because of the meds, progressed into full blown yet it has hung on and not gone away either. I've had none of the above mentioned food lately.

Lots of guys say don't eat this or don't drink that but i have found that there is no certain "thing" to avoid from one person to another. Yes, high levels of Uric acid bring it on or are the cause of Gout but people can get high level even completely avoiding the foods defined as the ones most likely to bring it on. Thanks!!

Thankfully I've never had it. I know it is very painful though. One of the plick bosses at work gets it bad. When it flares up on him I just feel terrible.:)

I get it same places toe and ankle.Cherry juice is supposed to drop uric acid levels.Trader Joes has the best cherries which are in a jar.It also seems to act up more in the winter.
I feel your pain man! As noted above, a regular glass of REAL cherry juice will help to keep it away. It is some rugged stuff to drink, But it does work.It only takes one good bout with gout to make a guy a believer! Hard to find the real stuff, but worth it.
ive had the gout for a few years.i started taking black cherry fruit extract pills and havent had it come back in over a year.
I started getting gout not long after I had kidney stones.

This past Thanksgiving I had it. The meds I take say 'take one an hour until you poo.' So I did. Started going and going and going, just like a cow on a flat rock. 17 times in one 24 hour period. 17 times.

Hadn't had it since 2008 hunting season. Try setting up a tent with those kind of squirts. It took me 4 hours just to get my tent up.

I hate gout and curse the day it was invented.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
sounds like the mm docs have spoken and you should stop hunting and start drinking cherry juice.

sorry for your luck I would hate to get it.


Screw SFW and their BS worthless projects and once in a life time 100% success shoots! This state deserves better!!!
Tart cherry juice does seem to help me a lot. I had the beginning of a flare up a few weeks ago, in the evening out at my duck club. Nothing there to help me, so I poppsed about 6 advil over 4 hours, and drank so much water that I was peeing about every 15 minutes. I went to bed in a lot of pain, but when I woke up the next morning (after getting up probably 5 times that night to pee) it was mostly gone.

My doctor told me once that being dehydrated will make you more likely to get a flary up, so I try to drink plenty of water. I almost always get it in my ankle or the ball of my foot when it comes on. I do not take any medications for it, or to keep it away, so cna't comment in that regard. When cherries are in season, I do try to eat them somewhat regularly. Also, dairy products help, so I eat yogurt every day, which is easy since I like it.
Sage, lay off the beer and red meat. Both of those cause it to flair up. Like everyone said cheery juice extract mixed with a sprite or 7up tastes pretty good and it helps.
I've never had it but I dad used to get it. Coffee is what did it to him! Somthing to look at.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Thanks Guys!!

Feddock, i too was on the meds your Doc gave you...once! I went back and darn near punched him :) yes it's bad!! The Indo...stuff has worked much better for me and i only need to take it when i feel an attack coming on, a plus to me.

Cherry Juice, That was the very first way told to me to combat Gout. I drank the Knudsen brand, pricey, until the stuff was coming out my ears yet i still could not even put a sock on my foot let alone a shoe. I did gain 20 pounds that week though. lol Actually for many, i believe Cherry Juice, the real stuff, does work but it hasn't helped much in the several times i prayed it would work for me in the past.

Beer, that too is supposed to bring on Gout...but i haven't had a beer in going on 14 years. Red meat, yep, that too. But it's tough not to eat meat and the red stuff is my favorite kind.

Interesting to note; Diets, and while i'm losing weight, will usually bring on a serious case. Also, they seem to be the ones hardest to make go away.

Good stuff guys, Yogurt hmmm, i appreciate it!!

Imflamation is the cause of all disease. Some foods that are imflamatory would be sugar, red meat, dairy,and anything processed. Acidic foods cause imflamation. Coffee would be another big one. Instead of taking a med to cover up the problem, look deeper for the cause and fix that. Diet is the biggest role in anything that shows up in your health good or bad. Try drinking a table spoon of apple cider vinegar a few times a day. Its a natural alkaline. It will neutralize the acid in your body. It also works wonders for heartburn.
If your gout shows up when you go on a diet...it may be your body detoxifying. Good luck, stick with whatever you try. Don't give it up as soon as it starts working.
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LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-10 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]Horsie,

Vinegar is an acetic acid. It is not alkaline.

"Imflamation", did you mean Inflammation?
Geeze....ignorance is bliss....could you please leave some surprises for us less aged mm'ers. What we don't know now won't hurt us.
>AT 09:15?PM (MST)

>Vinegar is an acetic acid.
>It is not alkaline.
>"Imflamation", did you mean Inflammation?

Beanie weenie,
Apple cider vinegar does in fact neutralize acid in the body. Sorry if I classified it as an alkaline. As for the spelling, I do my best.

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