Gotta love a good Dog


Long Time Member
This is Otter, my brother's Chessie. We're dogsitting tonight and we LOVE this dog. He just rocks. He lives to retreive, you just have to say the right words.....

>aparently wasn't a timed event,,lol,
LOL 1st time with MY shoes, OK? He fetches my dad's shoes for him every night. When he wants to go outside, he gets my dad's boots. When they come in, he gets my dad's slippers. But you can't say 'fetch it up' around him unless you are ready to play.

I had a Chessie when I was hunting the Missouri River hard. Toughest dog I ever owned almost died several times on retrieves I shouldn't have sent him on. I swithced to labs after he died he was just hard headed as all get out, but great with kids so I could forget his stubborn streak.
two words...
Chessie Diet chow!!! and crunches.
my friend has a chessie......stupid slobbering good for eatting a whole ross goose then puking it on my lap good for nottins.
I love labs!

BTW you can't say fetch it up around this dog..... he would have brought so much crap, kids, cats(which weren't happy about it), twigs, sticks, pine cones, balls pieces(already chewed up) back to you and still look for more stuff and drop it at your feet!
he even once dropped a tennis ball in front of the she devil cat and acted like she was suppose to throw it..NOT!
Yep! Otter is a good dog! You should have seen him run down those pheasants! There were two of them that I knocked down a little far out and they hit the ground running, but Otter got them!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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