Congrats on your 2nd ram. I'm a bit confused, what is the 7/8 for? I think Dec 2nd was the date, 35" and 15" understand, but that 7/8, oh never mind, I think I know now, 7/8's curl, right?
Got any pictures to show us?? If you want me to post them for you , send them to me and I will post them for you and then you can add the story about the hunt.

Here is the picture that Elkspy sent me of his Colo Ram. Congrats to you Brandon and welcome aboard

Tried posting the "new way" and it worked. Brian
hunted southern colo dec 1 scouted 2days found this ram and another ram that was much larger.tryed to kill the bigger ram but the wind had gotten meat 25 yrds the ram took off .he stopped at 70 i thought i put my 70 yrd pin on him hitting at his feet off he goes never to be seen again .day 2 found the ram i end up shooting with some ewes stocked with in 35 yrds for a killing shot .
Mr Powell, Not bad, congrats! Still shootin that Hoyt! Hows life, I haven't seen you in a long time.
Gselkhunter/ Gregg Stevens
Way to go Brandon! I had one tag and took a 5x5 bull up at Buffalo Peaks. You have your self a Happy New Year, best of wishes to your family. I was thinking about your Dad a while back, was talking to a guy about using back muscles for a release. I still remember when Mike went to the range with me and showed me how to do it. One of the best tips I ever had. I had to go through the pain this year, I lost my Dad just before Thanksgiving, hard thing to go through. You still help CBA? I will try to catch up with you soon.
Gselkhunter/ Gregg

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