Got into an argument about wolves


Very Active Member
This morning up at the college I got into an argument with my botany professor about the impact of wolves in yellowstone. He praised the killing off of elk herds and praised the reintro of the wolves. He is always saying that NATURE KNOWS BEST but the tree lovin wolf humpin environmentalists replaces the mexican grey with the canadian timber. The difference in these sub species is outrageous. he discounted it saying that canadian timbers were never there and that i couldn't prove that only mexican greys were, and that there couldn't possibly be that big of a difference between the two. i don't know why I even pay for school!
I got into an argument with a lady at my daughters girl scout cookie stand. I went to pick her up and this woman has a coffee can sitting there on the girl scout table with "Help save the wolves" on the front. She asks me if I would like to donate. I said no, I would like you to take that down, the kids are here to sell cookies not to get donations for wolves in the loudest way I could. She took it down.

"Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints"
Unfortunately, people of his ilk will always be narrow minded and speak of these issues with pure emotion and not facts. Sad indeed.
Tell him to stick to Botany because he sure as hell doesn't know anything about Biology, LOL!!!
Botanists eh...

Why don't you tell him to worry about the spotted nap weed and the dalmation toadflax the real non-natives of the park that are taking over and altering more habitat than the elk ever came close too and let the wildlife biologist take care of the wolves. Seriously ask him what his botany folks are doing to take care of those invasive species. Sounds like a real liberal U of U professor to me, guess you should have come to USU:)

Todd Black
I get to debate these type of folks on saturday at the U of U. can't wait to show them the mutilated calves, cows, fawns, the dramatic drops in herds and say, OK, since you all pay NADA for conservation, who is going to pay when no money comes from hunters ?

Donald Trump: YOUR FIRED, there ain't no more guberment money !
>Kick his Azz Seabass!
>There were a lot of
>times in college that I
>should of spoke up.

I love that movie!
i oftne wonder if i should speak up in class when there are professors that i completly disagree with but i wonder how much good it would do. they are the keeper of my grade and i dont know that arguing with them is a good idea. i certainly doubt you changed your professors mind about wolves, but i bet your on the $%^&* list now
Just remind him who it is that:

-Fixes habitat
-Transplants and restores herds
-Fences highways
-Builds duck nests
-Eliminates Cheat Grass

Without hunters, and animals to hunt, there would be no Wolf, Elk, Deer, etc.

Then ask him how much money he has sent to help the cause of Big Game, including Wolves.
Travis- I got into a similar argument with that same professor I bet. In my experience most WSU professors are VERY overpaid as the majority just spout off their opinions about issues they are not qualified to address personally let alone professionally while on the clock! I also regularly ask myself "why am I paying for this?!?!" I wrote a paper about the negative impact of wolves and I know I got docked points for my opinion but it was worth it!
>This morning up at the college
>I got into an argument
>with my botany professor about
>the impact of wolves in
>yellowstone. He praised the killing
>off of elk herds and
>praised the reintro of the
>wolves. He is always saying
>the tree lovin wolf humpin
>environmentalists replaces the mexican grey
>with the canadian timber. The
>difference in these sub species
>is outrageous. he discounted it
>saying that canadian timbers were
>never there and that i
>couldn't prove that only mexican
>greys were, and that there
>couldn't possibly be that big
>of a difference between the
>two. i don't know why
>I even pay for school!

ALL "college / university professors" are OVERPAID and they seem to think it their personal calling to LIBERALIZE all of us, while on the job OR OFF - By all means, DISAGREE WITH THEM, it is illegal to hold your grade hostage for the sake of an opinion as long as rules are abided by and you are not "disruptive"

"Life is tough, It's alot tougher if you're stupid"
There are a handful of hunters in that class, but it seems that they don't care. I think part of the anti's momentum is the fact that they open their mouths and voice their opinions while we sit back and do nothing. I'd take an F in his class if it makes a difference in the hunting world
Go get em DK!! Too many jobs shipped offshore and we can't understand why we're in economic crisis in many parts of this country. We need to tell the cold hard facts about how many jobs will be lost, increased unemployment, and about how many more businesses will fail as a result of those lost revenues and then hit them with the counterpunch of how many hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on this program. To many things have been swept under the carpet and it's high time the public see how much we're spending fighting lawsuits, and supporting the enviornmental groups through their constant litigation. That money could be spent better on many issues confronting this country currently.

When the public finds out that THEIR taxpayer dollars are being spent to bring suit against themselves that may wake a few up. While you're at it why not bring it to their attention that some of these groups are operating tax free, while taking funds from the state and federal tax revenues to fight these lawsuits, employ the people bringing the litigation and causing the agencies to fund expensive studies while sticking the American publc with all the costs through cleverly disguised reimbursement programs. There are entire legal corporations that derive the majority of their income stream from this type of activity! It's no wonder why their funding never seems to diminish.

Just a few of the miracles of imprudent legislation being passed at the public's expense and promoted by the Clinton and Obama administration. Why aren't their hands bound by the original agreements and why do we as a people allow a minority to legislate from the bench hampering efforts by the states to manage their game for the benefit of all the people. Thanks!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-11 AT 10:02PM (MST)[p]>
>ALL "college / university professors" are

I beg to differ - I am currently teaching 4 classes in 3 different locations for 3 different College/Universities commuting on the average 1 1/2 hours a day between locations and I guarantee you I am not making enough to feed my family. Mind you I am only currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Spanish - I don't have a tenure-track position yet, but I don't get any benefits, I am not guaranteed any classes from one semester to the next and to tell you the truth, I represent the majority (by sheer numbers) of college professors. Even when I do get a tenure-track position I doubt I will make more than $60K/year for the first 7 years while I am in a "probationary status". If that is overpaid, then I guess you are right.

The tenure system is currently under attack by a lot of conservative media pundits because they don't like the fact that they perceive they have competition for control of the weak minded of this nation. Just like in the classroom - don't believe everything you hear on the radio or see on TV even if it appears to follow along with what you are comfortable believing. These media pundits would have you believe that all college/university professors are just rich fat cats working in cush jobs because they can't hack the real world. That is a load of bullcrap - and if you are as intelligent as you are claiming to be then you should no more believe it than the liberal rhetoric you are being fed and refuse to believe from your wolf-loving professors. The tenure process is a legitimate prescribed promotion process that weeds out the lazy and poor professors from the dilligent, hard working, committed academic professionals. Yes there is always a fair amount of politics invloved in the process, but no more than exists in a corporate environment. I guarantee you that if you were to take away the prescribed promotion process away from these talking heads they would raise holy hell over the airwaves about how unfairly they are being treated. The bottom line is - don't believe everything you hear on the radio or on TV and expect everyone to have an agenda other than what they are saying. Which brings me to my next point...

and they seem to
>think it their personal calling
>to LIBERALIZE all of us,
>while on the job OR
>OFF -

I will admit that there are many liberal professors who don't have a clue as to what is happening in the real world. BUT it is always the students responsibility to filter the information as useful or not. This is not High School any more - you can now choose what to think and how to react to it. In fact, this is the great purpose of a Universiy education - you get out of it what you put into it. YOU are the central factor in your education. Your professor is only a guide along the path of your educational/career goals. The same thing applies to the textbook - use it as a resource - not the end all / be all of your higher education experience. YOU take control of what you learn and how you assimilate it - the purpose of a university education is to teach you HOW to think, not WHAT to think.

Believe me, I have been fed a lot of educational garbage that I don't care to follow or believe in. However, I have carefully picked through this garbage to form my own opinions and you can bet your ass that I am as well versed in these contrary opinions as I am in my own area of focus. If you are going to get into an academic argument - you better understand both sides thoroughly before you spout off or you will just sound immature and narrow minded and from then on your opinions will be regarded as a copy cat version of a part of a greater argument you don't fully understand.

By all means,
>illegal to hold your grade
>hostage for the sake of
>an opinion as long as
>rules are abided by and
>you are not "disruptive"

Yes - disagree and challenge their positions - but do so intelligently. Cross your t's and dot your i's -don't come to these arguments half-cocked with some information you haven't fully and carefully researched. It has been my experience that it is far more important that you argue your position well and back it up with fact and data than to rely on a contrary opinion. Even if you agree with the professor, don't just toe his or her line and expect it all to turn out in your favor becuase you agree. BRING IT. If you are going to write a paper - write it well. I can almost guarantee you that most professors don't care what you believe or what you write, just as long as they can't poke holes in your argument and if your paper isn't poorly written (which is most likely the problem) they are not going to "hold your grade hostage". And, if they do and you feel your work is solid, you can always appeal your grade to the department chair, supervisor or dean. Their job is to make sure that the students are treated fairly.

>"Life is tough, It's alot tougher
>if you're stupid"

Couldn't have said it much better myself!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
come on down to suu. i have some great professors and never feel afraid to voice my opinion here. i have a great professor in my ag class who loves to talk hunting and stands up for the right of farmers and hunters at every public forum he is invited to. he calls the wolf reintroduction a complete disaster and his opinion draws a lot of water areound here.
he is the head of our agricultural science department and teaches classes about forestry, crop production, and general agriculture. one of his favorite topics is the endangered prairie dogs here in southern utah and he has fought to keep the activists in check and done a lot to protect farmers rights. i also have an econ professor who i really like. he goes off on some tangents sometimes and trash talks democrats and republicans. the other day he was on a rant and i asked him if he has any of his own opinions or if he just likes to contradict everyone elses. he went into quite a bit of detail about which elected officials he likes and why he likes them. he told me that he was a independent leaning right because he thought that either party would screw things up without opposition. he could have held a grudge against me for asking my smart a-- question but instead he explained his stance and left it up to me to form my own opinion. i have never had a teacher force his ideas on me here or even downgrade my stance on issues. i could tell a hundred stories about the great professors here.
really i love it down here at suu. i was awarded a scholarship and part of that deal is that i go to other universities and recruit transfer students to come and get their degree here. if you dont like your university find another one. we would love to have ya. and if anyone has any kids looking for a university shoot me a message and i can get you all the info you want
Sorry Roy, but you are not a professor, you don't fall into the catagory of being a dbag or a liberal wienie. You are an educator and I thank you for your dedication and the effort you put in, and you are underpaid for what you do, my hat goes off to you.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
"The tenure system is currently under attack by a lot of conservative media pundits because they don't like the fact that they perceive they have competition for control of the weak minded of this nation. Just like in the classroom - don't believe everything you hear on the radio or see on TV even if it appears to follow along with what you are comfortable believing. These media pundits would have you believe that all college/university professors are just rich fat cats working in cush jobs because they can't hack the real world."

So are the weak minded only for the liberal fruit cakes to colonize / control? lol. Your attitude is nuts.I work in the real world, self employed and do not see much tenure + pay just because I've been there.

>AT 10:02?PM (MST)

>>ALL "college / university professors" are
>I beg to differ - I
>am currently teaching 4 classes
>in 3 different locations for
>3 different College/Universities commuting on
>the average 1 1/2 hours
>a day between locations and
>I guarantee you I am
>not making enough to feed
>my family. Mind you I
>am only currently an Adjunct
>Assistant Professor of Spanish -
>I don't have a tenure-track
>position yet, but I don't
>get any benefits, I am
>not guaranteed any classes from
>one semester to the next
>and to tell you the
>truth, I represent the majority
>(by sheer numbers) of college
>professors. Even when I
>do get a tenure-track position
>I doubt I will make
>more than $60K/year for the
>first 7 years while I
>am in a "probationary status".
>If that is overpaid, then
>I guess you are right.
>The tenure system is currently under
>attack by a lot of
>conservative media pundits because they
>don't like the fact that
>they perceive they have competition
>for control of the weak
>minded of this nation. Just
>like in the classroom -
>don't believe everything you hear
>on the radio or see
>on TV even if it
>appears to follow along with
>what you are comfortable believing.
>These media pundits would have
>you believe that all college/university
>professors are just rich fat
>cats working in cush jobs
>because they can't hack the
>real world. That is a
>load of bullcrap - and
>if you are as intelligent
>as you are claiming to
>be then you should no
>more believe it than the
>liberal rhetoric you are being
>fed and refuse to believe
>from your wolf-loving professors. The
>tenure process is a legitimate
>prescribed promotion process that weeds
>out the lazy and poor
>professors from the dilligent, hard
>working, committed academic professionals. Yes
>there is always a fair
>amount of politics invloved in
>the process, but no more
>than exists in a corporate
>environment. I guarantee you that
>if you were to take
>away the prescribed promotion process
>away from these talking heads
>they would raise holy hell
>over the airwaves about how
>unfairly they are being treated.
>The bottom line is -
>don't believe everything you hear
>on the radio or on
>TV and expect everyone to
>have an agenda other than
>what they are saying. Which
>brings me to my next
>and they seem to
>>think it their personal calling
>>to LIBERALIZE all of us,
>>while on the job OR
>>OFF -
>I will admit that there are
>many liberal professors who don't
>have a clue as to
>what is happening in the
>real world. BUT it is
>always the students responsibility to
>filter the information as useful
>or not. This is not
>High School any more -
>you can now choose what
>to think and how to
>react to it. In fact,
>this is the great purpose
>of a Universiy education -
>you get out of it
>what you put into it.
>YOU are the central factor
>in your education. Your professor
>is only a guide along
>the path of your educational/career
>goals. The same thing applies
>to the textbook - use
>it as a resource -
>not the end all /
>be all of your higher
>education experience. YOU take control
>of what you learn and
>how you assimilate it -
>the purpose of a university
>education is to teach you
>HOW to think, not WHAT
>to think.
>Believe me, I have been fed
>a lot of educational garbage
>that I don't care to
>follow or believe in. However,
>I have carefully picked through
>this garbage to form my
>own opinions and you can
>bet your ass that I
>am as well versed in
>these contrary opinions as I
>am in my own area
>of focus. If you are
>going to get into an
>academic argument - you better
>understand both sides thoroughly before
>you spout off or you
>will just sound immature and
>narrow minded and from then
>on your opinions will be
>regarded as a copy cat
>version of a part of
>a greater argument you don't
>fully understand.
> By all means,
>>illegal to hold your grade
>>hostage for the sake of
>>an opinion as long as
>>rules are abided by and
>>you are not "disruptive"
>Yes - disagree and challenge their
>positions - but do so
>intelligently. Cross your t's and
>dot your i's -don't come
>to these arguments half-cocked with
>some information you haven't fully
>and carefully researched. It has
>been my experience that it
>is far more important that
>you argue your position well
>and back it up with
>fact and data than to
>rely on a contrary opinion.
>Even if you agree with
>the professor, don't just toe
>his or her line and
>expect it all to turn
>out in your favor becuase
>you agree. BRING IT. If
>you are going to write
>a paper - write it
>well. I can almost guarantee
>you that most professors don't
>care what you believe or
>what you write, just as
>long as they can't poke
>holes in your argument and
>if your paper isn't poorly
>written (which is most likely
>the problem) they are not
>going to "hold your grade
>hostage". And, if they do
>and you feel your work
>is solid, you can always
>appeal your grade to the
>department chair, supervisor or dean.
>Their job is to make
>sure that the students are
>treated fairly.
>>"Life is tough, It's alot tougher
>>if you're stupid"
>Couldn't have said it much better
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

First, in an open market how much do you think a Spanish professor is worth, compared to say a microbiology, chemistry, accounting professor? Second, why is a botany professor yapping about wolves? Or for that matter a Spanish professor yapping about deer? Do your job. My mechanic doesn't paint my house. My painter doesn't do my taxes. My spanish professor shouldn't waste my time talking about anything other than spanish, that is what I PAID FOR, I am the customer, I AM RIGHT!!!

Argue with the dumb bastards, its fun. I had a english professor who decided to discuss women as front line combat troops. We fought about it, me vs. the class and professor. As ususal these academic pinheads have all sorts of theory and stats. I went with what happens when bad guy takes women prisoner, rape??? Then just to make my point I laid on the floor and challenged any woman in the class to pick me up and carry me to the door. My point, if I get shot sure would be nice if someone picked me up and got me out of there. Needless to say no one could. The problem, I PAID for that day and we did NO english related activities.

No disrespect but you went to school 4 yrs as an undergrad, then grad school? Then PhD? You spent 7+yrs and how many tens of thousands of dollars to get a job that paid 60k? "What were you thinking" You were thinking that once you got tenure, you were set for life, just like other professors.
Unfortunately, the "controlling body" of professional instructors in this nation, are liberal,insitiutionalized, meatheads.

They follow guidelines established by others of that same description.

You have to sit there and take the required BS, play the "paper chase" game and graduate. You are a fool if you would take a failing grade in a class, just to expound your own opinion. It ain't worth the time, trouble or money!

Graduate.....Only then, can you begin to make a difference in the world.

I had a biology prof at Lewis & Clark in Portland, who was excellent, but his mantra was, "Do what you HAVE to do so that you can do what you WANT to do".

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Great idea nickman, just roll over and play dead? I am too much of a pain in the keester to do that. Just ask my wife!

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Well then, my young friend, you have a LOT left to learn. Has all your education so far, come from the Utah school system? LOL!

Pay attention here for 5 minutes, I'm trying to help you, so don't get your fur all in a knot!

Beginning with the fact that, you taking an F in a class, won't make a fart of a difference 10 minutes after everyone quits laughing at you. You will just be "that idiot who pissed off the professor". They will laugh at you for years!

Right now, you are "just some weirdo who kills stuff 'cuz he has a short pecker". Those people you are arguing with are just not going to hear/care what you have to say.....or pay your rent.

What if you got an A, made the Dean's list and actually impressed somebody......THEN took your stand with the "sword of credibility"?

Hell son, I'm on your side, but so far, you ain't showing me much intelligence either!

You might have a brain and I'd hate to see you waste it. We need you!

You have to learn to pick your battles and realize that NOBODY, of any importance, gives a chit what you think, at this point in your life.......they MAY pay attention to what you do later.

Play the game and then score when it CAN make a difference.

By the way, your "honorable principles" will make poor table fare for the family you referenced........use your head!

I'll get off the soap box what you think is best.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Nickman is right.

You must choose your battles in life.
In principle you are right and we all know it, but unfortunately life don't always revolve around principle.

As a student this guy basically signs your paycheck.

Suck it up, get good grades, then after you graduate, go on a northern wolf hunt.
Send that liberal plick some bloody wolf pics with you grinning ear to ear.

He who laughs last, laughs best.

Totally agree with the Nature Knows Best. With the caveat that only works when nature is left alone. However, here in the real world there are 300 million of us messing with the balance and that is just in this country. That is the biggest and most obvious point the activists miss.

So, since I'm not volunteering for extinction we need to try and manage for the best balance we can.
TH3006---I have to go along with nickman and HH regarding their last posts giving you some pretty darn good advice. One of these days you'll be like a lot of the other younguns who one day wake up and wonder how the old folks got so smart so fast, LOL!!!
I am currently going to school studying to be a wildlife biologist. Yep one of those guys who ruins our wildlife populations (although that is not my plan). Anyways i am a senior and have seen quite a few professors opinions. I think a really good point was made, you dont have to agree with it, and its not worth taking a stand. Nickman and HH made great points. You need to pick your battles, you teacher wont change his mind. How many arguements between highly opinionated people get anywhere? It just pushes each farther to the other side. One of the best things I personally think i learned from college is to think on my own, not just beleiving everything that someone spoons feeds you. I still love talking to someone at the gas station who says they heard a black helicopter dropped off 5 wolves in the middle of the night,,, really? Also just a quick question TH3006 what study or research is there that proves the wolves were in fact mexican gray wolves and not canadain wolves? Thats my two cents worth, although thats about my whole bank account right now :)
<Also just a quick question TH3006 what study or research is there that proves the wolves were in fact mexican gray wolves and not canadain wolves?>

None, they are relying on the fact that wolves are smaller in the south(bergmans Rule) and so the re-introdcution of wolves from Canada(Canadian Timber wolf) isn't the same as te Mexican gray... reallity is it doesn't mean squat. What matters is the post introduciton management(or at this point lack of)

If you pick a fight with every prof you have who you disagree with your getting nowhere. Get ahead, get noticed then take a stand and make your educated, valued opinion heard.

When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
I am in college as well. Of course a botanist professor is talking positive about how the wolves are killing the animals that eat and survive on the the grasses, shrubs, trees, and florals that he studies and loves. Any time that we ourselves as well as our jobs are intruded upon, such as elk and deer eating these objects of said affection, then of course we must defend ourselves. Keep going to and paying for school. Don't get disenchanted by the rhetoric of one person that has such b.s. and ignorant thoughts.
Nickman and HH have some great advice....

I absolutely hated College. My greatest memory was the day I graduated. Several of my Professors were out of touch with how the real world works. I am also sure many of them never worked in an Industry (besides education). However, I did have a few good ones. And I am grateful I stayed with it!

Your family is more important than making a stand with some idiot who has no concept of reality. As others have said, an education and good grades will go farther....

Besides, when you graduate you will hopefully get a good job and be able to go on some great hunts!

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