Got in a hurry


Long Time Member
Ya' gotta be careful driving. (not that you are not)

Yesterday I was coming back to my kids house from getting some new faucets. Up ahead, I saw what looked like a wreck. It was. Four vehicles involved; a big box truck, a tiny car, an overturned dodge one ton quad cab truck and a vehicle in the ditch.

I was third on the scene. The over turned truck had three occupants; two kids and a pregnant woman. All are fine.

The guy in the ditch had no one with him, so I went to his car. He was talking, but injured. I wiggled my fingers through the airbag curtain and asked if he could see them. I cut the airbag curtain just to see what kind of shape he was in.

Anyway, without the details I began taking a medical history, did some simple neurological tests and then asked him if he wanted to call someone. He was coherent throughout. He rattled off his wife's number without hesitation. They spoke for a bit, then I promised to follow up with her with regards to which hospital careflight was taking him.

Unfortunately, his wife called about an hour later and said he had passed away. Seventy one years old, on his way to Alabama (home) and now his wife is planning his cremation all because someone was in a hurry to pass the box truck.

A full head on crash is tough to survive when one of the vehicles weighs 7 or 8K. All his airbags deployed (they were still smoking), his seat belt was on, he passed all the neuro checks.
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🙏🙏🙏.....I see bad driving everyday out here in California. I drive a box truck for a living and constantly see irresponsible drivers. Gotta keep my head on a swivel. Thank you for your efforts to save him. Prayers for the family.
Terrible. You did the only thing possible and tried to help.
My niece just got her license to drive and it scares the hell out of everybody.
She asked me what “left turn yield to oncoming traffic” means. We hopped in my truck, me driving, and went to one of these signs. Upon explanation she says “I wish someone would have told me that”.
These are the folks we’re sharing the road with, smh.
Sorry you had to go through that Doc.

When I was a forest fire fighter in 1966, we got a call for a car over the bank with a possible fire just a few miles from our station. When we got there smoke was coming from under the hood. Me and another kid started the pump and ran a hose down to the car. I looked in the car and it was an elderly lady behind the wheel. She had her eyes closed and was moaning but unresponsive. We popped the hood and put the fire out. Then the ambulance was there, thank goodness. I was trained to put out fires not render first aid. I was totally lost. We later learned that she had died. Some things you never forget.
Man I’m sorry you had to be roped into that one. I imagine things like that are pretty hard to un-see.
I’ve never been first on scene of a bad one and hope to hell I never do…
Dang Doc, very sorry to hear that. One of my greatest fears is coming up on wrecks like that……… I’m just useless when it comes to knowing how to help people under those circumstance. I’m sure your being there with her brought her comfort…… likely more than you’ll ever know.

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