Got Busted by my 5 year old



We were at my wifes parents house eating dinner, when out of the blue my daughter says "Mom and Dad talk alot, they always go in there bedroom and lock the door, and talk for a long time." Well lets just say everything went quiet for a few seconds, then everyone just started laughing. Man the things kids say!
If you would hurry up and conceive your daughter a brother, she would be busy playing big sister and not talking about your late night private talks.


P.S. Be very careful what you say in front of the little ones. They have this bad habit of repeating it when it will embarrass you the most and get you in trouble with the wife.
This time of year you can always use the excuse that you're "wrapping presents". +1 on the cartoons. At 5 a Barney DVD should keep her occupied for a while. Another couple years you can give 'em a few beers and a pack of smokes and they are entertained for a long time. :)

Its funny, because we made sure the kids were occupied with wii and cartoons before we started "talking". Guess they couldn't hear the movie over there mom;)
>This time of year you can
>always use the excuse that
>you're "wrapping presents". +1 on
>the cartoons. At 5 a
>Barney DVD should keep her
>occupied for a while. Another
>couple years you can give
>'em a few beers and
>a pack of smokes and
>they are entertained for a
>long time. :)

I spewed coffee on the screen at that one! Spoken like a true 'neck!!!

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