Goslin sheep herd



Don't know if you've herd but the goslin sheep herd(utah) which just got opened for a tag this year is going to be eradicated because thay have pneumonia, or some other alement. The dwr has already killed about 30. So my question is why can't they have an emergency draw or something to give sportsman the oppertunity to take some of these animals insted of just killing them all and wasting them. They could at least make back some of their money that they spent getting the herd introduced and going. And use it to help get a new herd going or to try and help the existing herd. Just seems like a waste to me, but there may be a reason I just wanted to know.
They dont want it to spread to 3-corners and the other herds that are in the area.

Good question about the emergency draw deal...
Yea I figured that, But it just seems like a waste to take all the time and money to establish the herd and then just wipe them out With no sportsman oppertunity.
+1 Ghost,
I've often wondered the same thing!

The F&G could accompany the hunters so we don't shoot the wrong animal! duh! I would be willing to bet that there are a bunch of us that can shoot as well or better and we would ENJOY helping out. I would even harvest a ewe! It would look cool mounted next to my ram!

How much money do you think they could raise if they did an emergency draw? Tons?

I have always wanted an Ewe next to my ram and do it 2nd choice in Mont. appl but I just can't seem to justify $1500 for one in Colo.

I was just up there last week filming sheep for a couple days and I really didn't see any with any sign of the sneezing ext so maybe they have got a good hold on it now and have removed the most visible diseased ones?

It (Goslin) finally has been removed from the Rocky draw/application unit page.

I too have wondered why game managers couldn't do something like that with an emergency draw.
Here is my guess as to why they don't conduct such draws.

Time is critical for stopping sheep diseases from spreading. If they feel they have to cull the herd to protect it, they probably need to do it immediately, rather than waiting any time at all. A drawing would require notifying the public, getting the money, holding the drawing, At the minimum it would take a week or two. And, oh yeah, what about all the Monster Muley out-cry when somebody connected to a sportsman's group or DWR actually gets lucky and draws the tag?

It is a sad waste to see a herd that was coming along so well go into a die-off already. Unfortunately these animals we love so much are an accident waiting to happen!
Hopefully they will recover.
>I too have wondered why game
>managers couldn't do something like
>that with an emergency draw.
>Here is my guess as to
>why they don't conduct such
>Time is critical for stopping sheep
>diseases from spreading. If
>they feel they have to
>cull the herd to protect
>it, they probably need to
>do it immediately, rather than
>waiting any time at all.
>A drawing would require notifying
>the public, getting the money,
>holding the drawing, At the
>minimum it would take a
>week or two. And, oh
>yeah, what about all the
>Monster Muley out-cry when somebody
>connected to a sportsman's group
>or DWR actually gets lucky
>and draws the tag?
>It is a sad waste to
>see a herd that was
>coming along so well go
>into a die-off already.
>Unfortunately these animals we love
>so much are an accident
>waiting to happen!
>Hopefully they will recover.

I agree. Besides by nature as hunters, we would likely turn it into a hunt, being selective and the temptation would be great to start trophy hunting rather than a surgical procedure to remove the problem animals before the disease spreads.
Maybe there could be a depredation hunt on the application for the year before? 24 hour notice, and reg fees, might as well get some of the pt holders out.
If they let people goand shoot the sheep there will be conflict. even if there is a fish and game offical with the hunter. Take the senario that two hunters might be with one offical the offical tells one guy to kill a lamb or female and then tells the other guy to take a big ram. now the person who was told to shoot the female is pissed off because they did not get to shoot a ram.
I have seen the dead sick sheep here in NV. I have helped out on tagging and giving meds to the sheep, and have found a couple dead rams while lion hunting in the area. I am not sure I would even want to eat the meat from a sick bighorn! If you could stand the smell of gutting it in the first place. It is BAD.

I also agree that if they decided to kill certain animals, it needs to be done ASAP, and without prejudice. Kill every animal that has the symptoms, and do it now, no glory, no bragging rights, just doing what they think is right. If you put a "hunter" element in the situation, then I can see people getting mad over which animal they get to shoot vs. the next guy.


Not sure who would want to eat a sick sheep. I don't think the fish and game would take the risk of letting someone take a sick animal for fear of getting sued if some human got sick (even though it probably is not transferable to humans). I doubt the hides or capes would be any good since they are sick and also because they would be shedding by now. Seems like after a couple shots they would get pretty wild, so to get the job done I am sure they just want to get it over with. Afterall they are trying to get rid of them before they spread the disease somewhere else. I'd guess the more hunters you have ahooting them one at time would increase the chances of running them to another herd. Doesn't seem like shooting a sick sheep would be much of a hunt or trophy. But that is just me.
Here is the DWR information regarding this pneumonia outbrake.

Utah Wildlife News

Posted Monday, 01 March 2010

Disease kills NE Utah bighorn sheep.

Vernal ? Bacterial pneumonia, which has been raising havoc with bighorn sheep herds in other Western states, has found another set of victims on Goslin Mountain in northeastern Utah.

A bighorn sheep from Montana is released onto Goslin Mountain in 2007.

Recent surveys by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) biologists have found most of the bighorns in the Goslin herd near the Green River in Daggett County are infected with the disease.

"We've noticed a decline in the Goslin population for a couple of years, but we weren't able to identify the reason until recently," says Charlie Greenwood, regional DWR wildlife manager.

In mid-February, Lowell Marthe, area wildlife biologist for Daggett County, saw a bighorn coughing. He then surveyed other animals in the area to determine if the coughing was an isolated event. Unfortunately, he found other bighorns coughing too. And some of the sheep were acting quite sick. Samples of lung tissue taken from several animals confirmed the animals had pneumonia.

The Goslin herd is relatively new. Bighorn sheep captured in Montana were reintroduced to the area in 2004 and 2007.

The population increased fairly rapidly after the 2004 release, which is normal for a new herd. That didn't happen with the 2007 release, however. Lamb production and survival were poor and the total number of sheep started to decrease.

The population estimate dropped from 65 to 40 between 2008 and 2009.

Tough decisions

When a deadly disease infects a herd, wildlife managers have very few options. Native wild sheep have several things going against them: they're very social animals, and they've evolved with few defenses or immunities against diseases. As a result, most diseases can be deadly to wild sheep. And those diseases can rapidly infect all the bighorns in an area.

Wildlife managers are left with two choices: watch the sheep die or try to keep the disease from spreading to other bighorns by severely culling (taking) animals from the herd.

"We've been watching similar events unfold in Montana, Washington and Nevada," says Leslie McFarlane, DWR wildlife disease coordinator. "There's no known cure for pneumonia in bighorns. [The good news is that] it's not hazardous to livestock or humans.

"Taking infected sheep is the only way to prevent the disease from spreading to other bighorns in the herd," McFarlane says. "It's also the most humane thing to do. When sheep get pneumonia, it's almost always fatal. We want to end the suffering as quick as we can."

As of Feb. 22, 2010, the DWR had taken 26 bighorns from the Goslin herd. Biologists are closely monitoring another small band from this herd. Biologists haven't noticed any coughing, but they're concerned that these animals could also be infected.

Surveys of bighorns in nearby herds indicate that the animals in these herds are healthy.

"Our biggest concern is stopping the spread of the disease to the Bare Top, Carter Creek and Sheep Creek herds," Greenwood says. "We are still trying to locate all of the animals in the Goslin unit. It's not a pleasant task, but we know if we don't get ahead of the disease, we could lose everything."

Deadly legacy

Like many North American wild animals, ancestors of today's wild sheep crossed the Bering Land Bridge from Asia. These sheep were isolated from their cousins in Asia, Europe and Africa by the great ice sheets that covered North America during the ice ages. They evolved into the bighorns (Ovis canadensis) and thinhorns (Ovis dalli) found today.

In addition to isolating the sheep, the ice sheets kept temperatures cold and dry. These conditions helped prevent diseases from spreading. As a result, North American wild sheep evolved few defenses or immunities against diseases.

In contrast, some of the sheep populations in Europe, Asia and Africa were domesticated. Great herds of domestic animals wandered the steppes and grasslands moving north or south as weather permitted. These great herds were breeding grounds for disease. Because they frequently encountered each other, the domestic sheep?exposed to a variety of diseases?developed strong defenses and immunities.

Wild sheep are highly social animals. They seek each other out and travel in small bands or larger herds. Individual bands will often mix with sheep from other herds. This mixing allows a disease to spread quickly from band to band and herd to herd.

When domestic sheep were introduced to the Americas, they brought their exotic diseases with them. These diseases proved deadly to native wild sheep and often eliminated entire populations. Bighorn sheep, once the most abundant large mammal in the mountainous areas of the West, were nearly driven to extinction by the early 1900s. Many factors, including competition for forage, habitat degradation and unregulated hunting all played their parts, but exotic diseases were the biggest factor.

Today's bighorns are ancestors of isolated, remote bands that somehow escaped the exotic diseases rampaging through the herds as the Wild West was tamed. They still lack immunities to most diseases, and their survival depends mostly on remaining relatively isolated.

This deadly ice-age legacy?the lack of immunity to exotic diseases?is the biggest challenge still facing bighorns today.

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