GoPro - WTF!?!



I happened to stumble across this official GoPro "Wild Mustang" promo video.

I'll say no more - other then...

Let them know what you think...

Nevada Badger
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-14 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]I fail to see a problem. I enjoyed the video. Whats the issue? You have a problem with horses, cowboys, ext? WTF is your problem?

What are you pizsed the GoPro wasn't attached to a turd riding a quad snow machine or dirt bike tearing the land up? God forbid people ride horses huh..
I think his problem is that is a endorsement for wild mustangs on public land that is displacing deer and elk and other species of wild game animals.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-14 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]Truth be known, all State wildlife agencies hate the proliferation of the "wild" mustang and the Fed control which is once again hamstringing local wildlife management efforts.
We've allowed the Fed to become omnipotent and State's rights are being kicked to the curb.
boohoo. i got into this discussion when it had a thread here long ago.

There is a place for the horses and they should stay. But to take this GoPro video and slam it as being 'pro mustang' and pushing it onto people is a stretch. It was tastefully done. they didn't slam anyone or bad mouth. they showed them being enjoyed by horsemen that appreciates their heritage in the settling of the west.

Trying to pass this off as some horrible video is ridiculous.

Ever been up to Medora ND on the Teddy Roosevelt N.P.? They have wild horses and it is high fenced... they don't have a problem with the horses dispersing the other wildlife. Matter of a fact, the Elk population grew so much so fast, they had to have a depredation hunt to reduce the Elk numbers.. so much for the mustangs hurting the elk, deer, bison numbers....

You wanna bich about an animal displacing and killing.... lets discuss wolves.
Maybe the problems a bit more severe in Nevada than where your at. And the feds aren't exactly dealin with it in the best interest of anybody.
You can see who has been around horses and who hasn't.

I'm not one for telling my grandson how big of turd I had to pinch off from having to eat so much meat. I want to give him the trophies that hang from my wall and tell him the unforgettable experience that came with each and every one.
+1 to those saying they are a problem.

They have EXPLODED in Modoc county in kali too! Saw a herd last year in deer season that must have had a couple hundred in it!

Tough time walking up on deer without bumping horses all day.

They are a huge problem and anyone who doesn't see it doesn't look past their own back yard. Kinda like me saying I don't see a wolf problem because I don't see them when blacktail hunting here.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
....and it takes a fair amount of dirt bikes to disturb as much soil as 250 horses.....and horses pay no taxes

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
I'm not sure about the "wild mustangs" in this video lol. He'd be in prison for running them if they were. There was one I saw with a freeze brand on the neck and that's it which means it was probably adopted. Just another video crying about how few there are when its the complete opposite.
I live in this area and I know this ranch. I know how it got started and how it became a drain on tax payers.
Did you notice that there were no young horses in that group of "wild" horses? Did you notice how this guy supposedly was able to get up to these "wild" horses and let them smell his hand? They get plenty of human contact and are seperated. Hence, they are not "wild" horses.
In my opinion this video does not depict "wild" horses. A group of wild horses will have studs in it and studs don't like strange horses coming into thier group. Wild horses can be very dangerous and do not let you walk in amongst them. Fake depiction of wild horses which makes the video fake. fatrooster.
Wow, it's disappointing to see some people on this site are unable to see that this video is nothing more than a slick - high dollar - romantic (cowboy kids and mustangs - wow - I can relate to that - I'm a rancher who loves horses) - pro feral horse propaganda piece of sh$t! (I too love main street media news - it keeps me well informed!!!!)

It's a page right out of the pro-wolf camp!

For the uninformed, this is nothing more than a promotion for Madeleine Pickens -

"Mustang Monument - a sustainable resort and preserve for wild horses. Surrounded by majestic mountain ranges, the resort encompasses over 900 square miles just south of Wells, Nevada, and provides guests with an unforgettable safari adventure."

Her intent is to use federal land (BLM) and your tax $$$ to finance this project.

You too can spend $1200 a night to stay in a tepee (you can see them in the video background) and have a "Buffalo Bill's Wilds West Show" like experience (seven vegans - and a mule) !!!

Nevada is home to over half the feral horse population - 23,000 plus according to 2014 BLM stats. I have no problem sending the whole Nevada herd of SH$TTERS to Wyoming. It seems some ranchers there would like to have them.

Nevada is the driest state. I have serious issues when a perennial seep/spring gets turned into a literal DUST BOWL (bye - bye birdies)!!! Yet we have over half the population of these immigrant welfare fother muckers

I have no issue with feral horses on the public range as long as they are properly managed - read - heard size!!!. Nevada/North East California is the front line. (We give Ne/California feral horses and in exchange they give us mountain lions).

Have you ever culled your herd? Why not the federal feral herd? What is wrong with turning horses into dog food and/or human food!?!

mickeymouse - say no more - your name - says it all. Though I have never owned horses - family friends and neighbors let me ride horses (not ponies) by the time I was two. Death grip on the saddle horn being led at a trot. By the time I could walk, I would head to my neighbors horse barn - free range child up bringing...

Nevada Badger
I'd like to see Him Ride/Walk up to some of the Wild Horses We have!

#1 He'd never get Close Enough!

#2 And if He did He'd get a Quick Lesson in getting His Ass Handed to Him!

Most of the Wild Horses around here are not TRUE Wild Horses!

But they are Wilder than that Flock!

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LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-14 AT 10:39AM (MST)[p]DW -I realize that now. Sorry for the slander mmo.

I shouldn't be making personal attacks anyways.

Nevada Badger
No worries. If the bleedin hearts could see they're lovin those "wild" horses to death we could solve the issue. Hope for the sake of Nevadas real wildlife it happens soon. Hard to believe go pro would crap on a big part of their customer base.
It's all good Badger. I guess I wasn't very specific.
I haven't had much to do with horses, my brothers have though. I guess I only keep my distance because they can be sometimes unpredictable, no matter how well trained they are. I was usually the one who brushed them down. I enjoyed that more than riding them anyways. And it's always nice when they take my elk out for me.
It seems like they don't have very many predators, so from what I saw from that video that was a big herd that needed a few taken out. And yes, they did seem too friendly, but I don't know how long he has been around them. Just like any animal, once they realize you are not a threat they relax. And just like all animals, they are going to do what they do (eat, sleep, and multiply). Everyone is apart of regulating their populations, from the ones who don't care turning a blind eye to the ones who care too much and get tunnel vision.
And I do believe that we should use them for something rather than let them rot and go to waist. With no surprise, that is how our government is ran. They take the opinions of the city slickers because they are the ones who elect them. So it can only get worse.
I have to go now, the deer are rutting really hard right now. So, I'm going to take my kids and take a few pictures. Try to enjoy it as much as I can before it's gone.

I'm not one for telling my grandson how big of turd I had to pinch off from having to eat so much meat. I want to give him the trophies that hang from my wall and tell him the unforgettable experience that came with each and every one.
>I'd like to see Him Ride/Walk
>up to some of the
>Wild Horses We have!
>#1 He'd never get Close Enough!
>#2 And if He did He'd
>get a Quick Lesson in
>getting His Ass Handed to
>Most of the Wild Horses around
>here are not TRUE Wild
>But they are Wilder than that

We have some wild horses but they are quarter horses released years ago by farmers/ranchers that could not afford them. They hang out in the boonies and if you ride your horse with even in sight of them they will charge and attack. but if there are more riders than wild horses they stay away. we don't mind them cause we keep the herds in CHECK... They round them up once year and auction them off. They make hell of an animal.

Then other areas old a true wild horse the spainish blood.

But no over population here and no problems.
I would love to see Obama try to ride a wild horse....and I'm not talking about Michele.
I'd like to see them get rid of some of the "wild" feral horses in areas such as central Wyo and introduce truly native species such as bison. Not to mention, bison are an accepted game species for hunting, while these horses are a sacred cow.

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