Google Earth Question

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Does anyone know why some area show lots of detail when you zoom-in and other areas just get fuzzy? At least that what happens to me. Example-Chama, NM is fuzzy while just across the border I can see individual trees???

Phantom Hunter
It does that to me too. I have no idea why though. Unless they have pot plants they want to hide.:)

Chama, NM. Home of the Chama mamma. But that's another story.....

Got me, but ive got the same problem. just downloaded it to my work computer and all my hunting spots come up...EXCEPT where my bull tag is this year....its actually really frustrating it would be nice to be able to do some satellite scouting.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
I think its because they don't have updated satellite imagery for those areas. The images are provided by a different company.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Glad to know it is not just my lack of computer skills. I will have to do my desktop scouting the old fashioned way, with topo maps and the phone.

Phantom Hunter
It has to do with the resolution. They obtain and load higher resolution photos for more popular areas first, everything else comes after that. Another problem with Google Earth is that even some of the high res photos are older, sometimes a couple years old.

I don't expect it to get much better in the near future, they sort of move at their own pace.

For what it's worth, it is possible it import/map your own sat. photo into GE.....
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-08 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]yes, depending on the format of your file and the version of GE you're using.
It will be what I would term an "overlay", you set the transparency.
Exactly, overlay..... Very handy tool if the area your interested in happens to be covered in snow or Googles resolution isn't very clear. Also spots that show cloud cover and you can't see the ground.
Images taken on hot days will have heat wave distortion, every so often the image will be updated. hopefully as it gets closer to season you will get a better image. Last year my area was updated with a good image in september.
Not to hi-jack the thread but I cannot get it to download. After hitting the download button for google earth, accepting their agreement, and then hitting install it takes a few seconds and says "not all programs could be installed". Whats up?


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