Google Earth favorites


Long Time Member
I recently "discovered" Google Earth and am totally amazed.

If you have it downloaded go to Hooligan Lake, CA to see one of my favorite places. It's a lake in the Marble Mountain Wilderness. Maybe 10 acers in size. It's about a 15 mile hike with no trail for the last two miles or so. Rarely visited, it has tremendous Rainbow trout fishing. The first time we were there I made 8 casts and landed 8 fish 16" to 19". Scan around a bit to see other great lakes in the area.

What are some of your favorite places? List them so we can take a look! No honey holes, unless you want company.:)

Type the following in the "fly to" area in Google Earth.
You can zoom into the areas that have been "upgraded"...


I like visiting beach places Eel, Florida coast is amazing, especially when you find cape canaveral and check out the launch pads and shuttles.
Islands are fun too, and anything in Mexico.

Ransom, I'm not worried about you going there. There's no way to get your 40' Kona yacht in there.:)

Chef, WOW! Elephants! How do they do that?

The best thing about Google earth is the anomoly type fun stuff... like the infamous flying car:


Black helicoptors:



And of course, Groom Lake, otherwise known as Area 51:


Lots of fun stuff out there.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-08 AT 08:23AM (MST)[p]This is what I don't like about Google Earth. THis is the Forward Operating Base in Iraq between Ramadi and Fallujah taken while I was there in 2004. Thankfully they haven't upgraded, b/c it's much different now.
However I love it for a prescouting tool.

Here is mine

Eel mite get it right off

"If it moves shoot it again"
>Here is mine
>Eel mite get it right off
>"If it moves shoot it again"

Oh yeah, Ruth Lake. I can even see you riding your quad behind that locked gate. LOL!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-08 AT 07:14PM (MST)[p]I was here for Y2K with a bottle of Crown Royal! (exact spot)

13 31'05.21"N, 144 48'20.95"E

huntFX4, that place looks very well organized....but a little lonely. Thanks again for your sacrifice!

Chef, Guam! I like it. Thanks!

i just put it on my work computer today and i got to see mount everest.....pretty dern cool if i do say so myself. just trying to think of other stuff now. cuz my unit is fuzzed out.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
It WOULD be the ultimate scouting tool if it were crystal clear.
I think Google blurs things out intentionally.

>It WOULD be the ultimate scouting
>tool if it were crystal
>I think Google blurs things out

Depends on how recent or old the sat scans of the area are. Areas closer to cities and developed areas are scanned more frequently with the latest high detail satellites. Remote areas where only wildlife lives are low priority and usually only have the older low detail images available. Think about how big the earth is and how many detailed images it would take to scan it all in.

Initially though, the government did force google to blur out groom lake. I'm surprised they let it through now.

>It WOULD be the ultimate scouting
>tool if it were crystal
>I think Google blurs things out

They do it cuz they know what tag i have, the whole unit is clear except where the elk are! its frustrating. but it sure would be nice.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-08 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-08 AT 10:16?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-08 AT 10:14?AM (MST)

Here is one that I was just told about. Another High Defination photo. This time it is of a beach in Australia. Such good defination that you can see actual people laying out on the beach.

33 53'30.14"S 151 16'36.92"E

Pretty cool.


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