Goodbye Williams

Turning into?? LMAO...I've always thought he complained to the refs more than ANY player in the league!!

Nothing will change with him leaving, the Jazz will still suck :)

I am sure Sloan would have still been there. He had just signed a one year extension. When Williams wants to be, he is the best point guard in the league. However, if he doesn't want to be in Utah, Utah made a great move getting the drama taken care of.
Best point guard in the league when he wants to be? He may be in the top 5 but gotta put Rondo and Chris Paul above him....he is a good point guard though....when he wants to be just won't cut it. Who did Utah pick up in return besides the two picks?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 11:48?AM (MST)

The Jazz picked up Derrick Favors and Devin Harris. Favors is a 6'10" power forward who avg. 6 pts./game and 5 rebounds.
Harris is a 6'3" point guard who avg. 15 pts./game. The Jazz will also receive 3 million in cash.

Point guard devin harris and big man rookie derrick favors. We need a big man. Now if we can be smart with the two first round picks then we could have something. Oh ya get rid of memo and AK too.
Okur is definitely gone, given his age and injuries. But, Kirilenko is still valuable for his D play and scoring pop.

Didn't Harris play for them a few years ago? Or was that Sac? I like AK47 as a player. $3 million? That's the equivalent to $15 to my pocketbook!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Good Riddance. Should have done it weeks ago. The jazz will draft 2 undersized power forwards or point guards! Like usual.
I agree AK is good at D when he wants to play. But how can you like someone or rely on someone who is suppose to be a starter when they are injured more games than not. His offense aint the best either. Somebody needs to tell him he aint an outside shooter. No matter how many 3's he hits he will never be an outside shooter drive the ball for hell sakes.
That's right, Harris played for Dallas. I heard the Jazz were thinking of moving the team to Rock Springs, WY to try to develop a larger, more supportive fan base! You Utah guys got no faith in your team!! LOL!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>That's right, Harris played for Dallas.
>I heard the Jazz were
>thinking of moving the team
>to Rock Springs, WY to
>try to develop a larger,
>more supportive fan base! You
>Utah guys got no faith
>in your team!! LOL!!
>Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha
>sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team
>America World Police

Yeah, great idea.... They never sell out any games lol...

I think its a good trade for both sides. One of the pic's is New Jersey unprotected for next year. Hopefully they can do something.


If Rondo could shoot, he would be the best point guard. Paul over Williams?? Not even close..
With AK's contract coming due, think of the posibilities! Yeah, Ak can be good when his mind is in it but hus paycheck? MFG, that was the stupidest thing they have done in A LONG TIME! offer him a fraction of what he is making now and all that extra money could go to a marquee big man.
DWill is and was a stud but you could see this coming from a mile away. He has been extremely unhappy here and has channeled that frustration on whis whining technique. He will be missed, but they are getting two possibly great players and with all the money and the picks they have coming in the near future to get a big man, might be worth ditch'n Dwill for the possibilities in next year or two.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 05:38PM (MST)[p]its a good deal. hopefully we can develop that big rookie as a backup power forward and get rid of memo. also i hear they are working a deal for a seven foot spaniard who is supposed to be the next pao gasol. utah has developed a lot of great players who come back to bite us. i hate to see deron go but i think it shows that the franchise is not gonna put up with a whiney player who doesnt perform consistantly. it doesnt work to have your team captain badmouth their team all the time. his complaining to refs and media was getting old and i think he got a little selfish this season. hopefully now corbin can really take the reins and show us something. i have faith in the coach and the team. now lets get malone to come in as a strength and conditioning coach to teach these young guys toughness and work ethic and we should have it. plus lets ditch ak and find a good reliable shooter so we use some plays that were designed in the radial tire era
Not a good deal at all the jazz front office cant manage a warm cup of piss. Lets think about this they will draft another lackluster turn into nothing mediocre player just like always. And guess what guys jersy isnt the worst they are fith worst and about to get better this first round might be another 10 and we get Gordon Hayward #2. Dwill said it best "other teams get better we get worse". Think about it since the departure of malone and stockton who was the only player this piss poorly managed team drafted, traded for that was a shadow of malone or stockton: D-Will is the only one that comes close every other player on the team was mediocre they were damn lucky they had Jerry to get the most out of those players I dont have that same faith in Corbin.
Yeah the Jazz will get some first round picks for a few years after this and be lucky to win thirty a year.

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