goodbye founder



I'm leaving mm for real this time.
I'm going to the bahamas! be back in two weeks! lol

bet TK just had the best and worst day of her life all in under 5 seconds!

sorry to get your hopes up founder but I love jackin with u guys on here. lol

hey bessy, light a fire on here somewhere for me while im gone will ya? lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Nv...could u kindly post a link to ur acronym library please....ciwrltk(cuz I would really like to know....thank u very much da! And no that does not stand for district attorney.... :)

Stinker, I have gone thru all possible combos for amf and I'm begining to the nv is and has been trying to express the fact that he really does not like you. Unless amf means adios my friend, which I'm leaning towards no on given his histoy with you..... Too bad u could careless huh.

>>I'm leaving mm for real this

Q maybe this is it,,,,,

A=== audios

M=== a parent

F=== something parents do for fun !!

Trying to spell it out this way as it is a family sight. lmao!!!
Have fun in the sun kids!! Stinky, regardless of what others think, I'd miss yer krazy ass around here stirring the chit dude!! :)

Just a bit of advice to gain more fans though...take and post lots of pics of the surgically enhanced twins while on vacation...I mean sure TK might not be impressed but a lot of others will be!! }> }> }>

Bahamas Huh?
I don't get invited?
That wasn't very nice!}>}>}>
So is this vacation really for QTPie or WTH do they hunt in the Bahamas?(Lol!}>}>}>)
I won't be too worried stinkbug if you're doing any shootin,well as long as QTPie is there to back you up,lol!
You takin your web-cam?
Have Fun!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And one more thing!
I think Lil Red could explain what an AMF or a few AMF's are after 1911 done some experimenting,lol!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
bessy, want some plane tickets? someone may need to watch qtpie while im in the hospital over there. have a feelin she may nock my eyes outa my head. lol. I'll take this phone and post a great pic of the twins just for u never catch. lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Take me take me!!
You won't even have to bring me back!![/IMG]
Well if Rugarm77 is means what I thought it meant, in which case I really can't be offended because its the if that's an insult...sheesh some people.

>bessy, want some plane tickets? someone
>may need to watch qtpie
>while im in the hospital
>over there. have a feelin
>she may nock my eyes
>outa my head. lol. I'll
>take this phone and post
>a great pic of the
>twins just for u never
>catch. lol
>ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde
>ego sum bardus (I participate
>on monstermuleys therefore I am

How many times I gotta tell u....I bet all we r gonna see is fat grandmas and grampas...I would never knock your eyeballs out for oogleing over me! But oogle anyone else and there won't be a body left to find to put in the hospital! It is our anniversary afterall! :)

QTIP, you are very intuitive but to jump to the conclusoon that I dislike stinky is harsh. I was simply bidding him farewell.

I thought it was gonna be a manny-style farewell speech and I got a little excited at the smell of blood in the water.

Have fun in the Bahamas. Hug hug kiss kiss. AYAHB
the bahamas is merely an extension of my class. the last phase in becoming a stinky wannabe is to pass my course "how to long range spear fish". in this course i teach the basics of thousand yard shots under water.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Hope you got a few dozen quivers full of spears........


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I hope you get a sunburn, stung by a jellyfish and after your sunburn you do something stupid for qtip to slap you around a bit! Good luck on your anniversary!


I spent a couple of years in the Bahamas long ago. Where are you going? Hopefully not Nausshole or Freeport. Have fun, Mon.
were going to stay at the royal bahamian. i assume thats on the bahama island if there is one...???

i tried to get one of those topless islands but qtip said no. next i tried to talk her into a strip club but was quickly beat down. i figured since we never had a honeymoon and i've never had a bachelor party, or been to a strip club that i deserved to go for being a good boy but qtip disagreed. instead we now have a private butler thats staying with us and she now wants a cabana boy.

???? wth happened? the tables got turned on me! i guess its all good as long as she doesnt nickname the butler mandingo!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Smelly never got a bachelor party?!? We can change that!

Don't worry about mandingo, just throw in the 338 and a couple cases of ammo.


The Royal Bahamian Resort is on the island of New Providence, about ten minutes from Nassau. Shawn Connery lives nearby at Lyford Cay. You'll probably take a trip to Paradise Island where the Casinos are, It's joined to New Providence by a bridge. Saturday mornings there is a pretty cool fish market on the New Providence side of the bridge. If you catch a water taxi at the cruise ship dock you'll save some coin going to Paradise Island versus using a land type taxi. They drive on the 'wrong' side of the road so be careful when you cross streets, your instincts will make you look the wrong way for that first step.

There are about 300 inhabited islands in the Bahamian Island Chain. We tried to sneak in at the Royal but they weren't letting us Yachties in. You should have a great time, hold on to your wallet in Nassau, and don't go out of the tourist districts without a local who knows what they are doing. It can get pretty rough in Nasshole.
thanks for the advice beanman. i was hopin to find somethin fun to do. thanks to u im now looking forward to a stroll outside the tourist area alone with $100 taped to my forehead. yeeeeehaaawwwwww!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>QTIP, you are very intuitive but
>to jump to the conclusoon
>that I dislike stinky is
>harsh. I was simply bidding
>him farewell.
>I thought it was gonna be
>a manny-style farewell speech and
>I got a little excited
>at the smell of blood
>in the water.
>Have fun in the Bahamas. Hug
>hug kiss kiss. AYAHB

If by ayahb....u r asking....Are You A (female dog with horns) then yes...that's a good possibility....I'm definitly not a hamburger...that's fo sho!

noooooo leaving in 3 days

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
QTBIE, I can't believe you think so little of me that you would assume the "B" stood for some crude reference to a female dog! It was actually a reference to your hair color, whether that be blonde or brunette now. I'm sure even stinky doesn't know the real color.
Be Nice NVB!
What's all these abbreviations anyway?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Sooooo......u meant everything else...just not the female dog part??? DANG I'm good! Lmao sorry nv, I will start trying to give you a little more credit.

wth nv? Ur bein all nice all the sudden to qtip? its as if u think ur gonna get some or something!

well u just keep trying. if u do score please take good notes and let me know just how the heck u talked her into it cuz im sure as heck clueless. think i may need a little help with her. lol

now quit being nice UBFA! slam that B!....... uh, i meant that in the cyber sense. more like be mean to her! For god sake. someone casterated bessy and now nv's balls are locked in someones purse? I dont think we can be friends nv until u start being hateful again! sheeeesh, qtip messes up another perfect relationship lol.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
you guys should take B+BOP....he'd make a good lube man!(rubbing the spf 2000 on both your members!)!
leaving QT-PIE in the hot sun might give "STINYSTOMPER" a new meaning!!


You really never had a bachelor party Stinky?? Damn dude...I think anyone who commits to ONLY 1 vagina the rest of their life deserves, actually should be entitled to a frickin bachelor party!! LET'S DO IT!!

u have no clue the fire ur playin with z. u throw me a bachelor party and you'll be dead in less than 5 seconds flat. my bachelor party consisted of sitting at home with her grandfather watching a dodgers game the whole time trying to remember how to breath. lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

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