Goodbye Cutler... Hello Orton???


This sucks!,-Orton?MSNHPHMA

Updated: April 2, 2009, 5:11 PM EST 245 comments Jay Cutler told Wednesday night that he thought he would be dealt to an NFC team.

JAY CUTLER SAGA Glazer: In a exclusive, Jay Cutler says he didn't want the Broncos to trade him, no matter what the Broncos said. More ....

Kriegel: Josh McDaniels may be young at 32 years old, but he's definitely an old-school coach. And it shows in his standoff with Jay Cutler. More ....

Czar: Like Brett Favre last year, Jay Cutler's agent portrays the QB as a victim. This seems odd, since Cutler asked out back in January. More ....
He was right.

Cutler has been traded to the Chicago Bears for two first-round picks, a third-round pick and quarterback Kyle Orton, has learned.

Denver will receive Chicago's first- and third-round pick in this year's draft, and Chicago's first-round pick in 2010, along with Orton. The Bears get Cutler and the Broncos' fifth-round pick this year.

Cutler has been feuding with the team since new Broncos coach Josh McDaniels pursued a trade with New England for former Patriot, and current Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Matt Cassel.

McDaniels was never able to rebuild a relationship with a quarterback who felt spurned. Cutler was so angry that he never reported for the team's offseason program ? a decision that reportedly costing him a $100,000 workout incentive.

In a team-issued statement Tuesday, Broncos owner Pat Bowlen said his attempts and those by McDaniels to reach Cutler for the past 10 days were "unsuccessful."

"A conversation with his agent earlier (Tuesday) clearly communicated and confirmed to us that Jay no longer has any desire to play for the Broncos," Bowlen said. "We will begin discussions with other teams in an effort to accommodate his request to be traded."

However on Wednesday, in an exclusive interview with, Cutler refuted many of the team's characterizations, saying it was the Broncos who had not contacted him.

"I didn't want to get traded," Cutler told "This wasn't me. (The Broncos) had been going back and forth saying things, wanting me to be their quarterback and then they didn't. I really didn't want this. I love Denver. I really like my teammates. I didn't want it to get this far."

A 2006 first-round draft choice, Cutler is coming off his first Pro Bowl appearance in 2008. Cutler had a 62.3 completion percentage, tossing 25 touchdowns and 11 interceptions in a 4,526-yard passing campaign. But the Broncos failed to reach the playoffs for a third consecutive season, leading to the offseason firing of 14-year head coach Mike Shanahan.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I just saw this on ESPN. Who the hell would want to go to Chicago? What is Cutler thinking? Chicago also had to give away two first round picks. Who are they going to get in the draft one!! Good luck, Jay Cutler.

This does suck, at least the picked up chris simms.
Hes good, mark my word

I dont think this sucks at all!!! I think the Broncos got WAY more than they should have for the WUSSY WHINY Cutler!! The big BABY!!! I hope he has fun trying to have a passing game in that stadium with that offensive line and with all the wind!! He also went to a VERY defensive minded head coach. I do not think he will do as well as he did in Denver.... Now I do think that he is a TREMENDOUS talent just a REAL attitude problem!!!

I still can not believe that Chicago gave 3 Draft picks (TWO 1st Rounders!!!!) and Kyle Orton!!!!! Now I am not sure about the Orton side of it. He has struggled in The Windy City!!! But I still think part of that is the system that he was in. If anyone can develop more out of him I think McDaniels will be able to do it. AND I think Simms is pretty good also!!! With all the Draft picks they have and being able to build the Defense with that....I am actually EXCITED!!! Now I know there will not be a 13-3 year this year...but I think 8-8 or 9-7 is VERY real and good things for the future!!! Nothing to do as a BRONCO FAN than to hope for the best and look at it as a positive!!!!!

Everybody I know say good riddance to bad rubbish. The Whahhhhh Baby should have returned the calls.

The Bears got screwed...(2) lst rounders and a 5th rounder for Cutler and a 8th rounder...BTW, Orton and the 8th rounder are an even trade. Or maybe not, he started some games over Griese, and Griese started some games over him (and we know what he did in Denver...nut'N). So, for Cutler, the Bears gave 2 first rounders and a fifth rounder...what fools!!!

If they talk sweet, I bet they could get Plummer back.
donkey fans stop trying to make yourselves feel better by typing in a bunch of trash. you lost a franchise QB that don't come around to often. Now your team can fight with my no good Raiders for the basement of the AFC WEST. LOL
I'm with you Nascar. I actually think we'll be sucking hind tit with them black and silver beeatches and the chiefs. Cutler was immature in the handling of this situation and his agent is a greedy plick. We'll be lucky to win 5 games this year. It will be many years ahead of the Broncos going through head coaches and quarterbacks before we find another Cutler. Simms aint his dad, and Orton who? I hope I'm wrong. A buddy of mine has faith in McDaniels, I hope he's right.
I'm a hardcore Broncos fan. This sucks. It should have been handled much different by Mcdaniels. Cutler has hall of fame potential if he can keep his head together. I think that Cutlers agent and the media played a huge role in what transpired.

It sucks,

I'm with Beanman on this one I'm a Viking fan, The trade Sucks a big one. Well maybe Vick will be in a Viking camp before season. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>I'm with Beanman on this one
>I'm a Viking fan, The
>trade Sucks a big one.
>Well maybe Vick will be
>in a Viking camp before
>season. LOL
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never

I'm with you Gator. I'm a Packer Shareholder and I don't want my opponents getting better talent. You want Favre? LOL.
we could use him last year But not this year. We just need another Wide rec,with a good Q-back We would be good.
You know we are in the Black and Blue business and BUSINESS IS GOOD.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Well I was going to leave this one alone BUT.

To bad for her if she got her feelings hurt about a poss trade rumor. This is what happens, it is a buisness. I bet if he was a rookie it would be a different story.

He got a taste of sucess,,,,,,,, got paid a-lot of money to play a sport, and became spoiled.

How many of us would play a sport we love for Just double our current income??????? These guys get paid a ton, ya they are the best but come on. He gave up on his teammates. To much of a ME GUY for one to like.

This is one reason the college game is more enjoyable.

The kids have not been poisened yet.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-09 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]Cutler has a rocket arm, but he also likes to throw completions to the opposing team. We will soon find out if his success was due to the quality of receivers he was throwing to.

Denver still needs a D-line, and a running back, regardless if Cutler would have stayed.

And what does being a "pro-bowl" player mean anyway? Gus Frerotte went in 1996, Griese in 2000, and even Dante Culpepper went three times.

In Cutler's defense, I don't think any of us would react positively if we got a new boss, and he was sneaking around to try and get rid of you. Then you have a meeting with him, and he doesn't deny it, and doesn't promise to keep you around. I would quit, especially if I was in demand and had the earning potential of Cutler.
Don't get me wrong I still love the Pro game just not some of the drama that comes with it sometimes.. IE T Owens
1st the coach, then there QB! WHOS NEXT?
Not to late for all you orange crush fan to hop of Steelers ban wagon!

Point is, we, the Bears didnt give that much up if you look at things as a long time Bears fan...They have never drafted well, look back there history proves it. As for giving up Orton, the donkeys are getting a good QB, he works his a$$ off, and his record speaks for itself, he wins! I like Cutlers ability, but he better get tough quick, or Chicago will make him their next #####...I mean Grossman. Bear down chicago Bears!!
I'm with Rugarm77. Guys just don't give a rip about TEAM anymore. Whatever coach can get the pro whineybabies to think of the team has a great chance of winning the SB. Hard job,though...

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