Good youtub Video

Awsome video! IMO the most important holiday is next thursday. Please don't forget to say thanks to any vets you know. Thanks for posting this.
Never forget!!! Everyone of us should show our kids this clip. I'm sending this to everyone on my email listing!! True American heroes. Thanks for the reminder....
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-10 AT 07:10AM (MST)[p]Powerful video...brings tears to my eyes.

+1 Grizly
It sure touch my heart.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Kingfish 1+ on that. If every child, no every american, watched the video and took it to heart maybe it could change a few things. Far to many people here in Cali with their hands out waiting for government aid of some kind. There is also to many kids that take freedom,a good home,food,education,and a somewhat safe place to live for granted. If more parents took time to talked and show their kids how lucky they are and that they owe alot to our veterans maybe they would take a little more pride in America. I have always tried to teach my kids the right thing to do and to be thankful for what they have, but its hard, kids today take too much for granted.


That video does cause a little eye problem "excess watering"

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