Good to be back in the game


Long Time Member

I got back on MM Friday night and said I was going to be able to hunt a little in Nebraska although I had to give up my western tags because of my hand problems. Opening morning after hiking back in to my hunt area about as far as I could in my area. I started to pick out deer in the gathering light. I hunt in a mixed muley whitetail area but seldom shoot a whitetail. I started to spot muleys in bunches of 6 to 10 with a few lone small bucks. At one time I had roughly 50 deer and 8 bucks in the spotting scope basically on all sides of me. I had a buck about 250 yards out that I estimate was 26" wide but was really short tined and shallow forked. I decided to pass and see about a group of about 12 deer that had 3 nice bucks for the area I hunt about 3/4ths of a mile an a couple of canyons over. I noticed this buck because of his antlers which were almost black it seemed much darker than the other 2 mature 4x4's. After almost busting does on the stalk probably 4 times I came crawled over a ridge and they were about 150 yards out breeding a doe I waited until he finished and finished the hunt with a shot. I had plenty of help getting it out with some guys that I coached when they were in school and that own the ranch. I know its not a huge deer but I liked the mass, height and symntery for my area. In simple terms it was just fun to get out in the hills again I have spent less time in the hills in the last 6 months than any time in my life. I'm hoping that will change after the next surgery.
I guess it's just been a bad year for the Cornhuskers me and the team. I'm guessing that's going to change for the football team and me, when they get a new coach and I'm getting closer every day. Roy I'm guessing the new coach will be Bo Pelini, or Paul Johnson I think Glenn kind of took his name out of the discussion with the incident in Utah. I've sure enjoyed looking in on you guys and gals posting from time to time and I'm hoping to get back into it with some of you. Dude you never needed my help or anyone else help on this site I thought you kept everybody thinking. 202 I may not agree with you always but I always get sincerity in your posts. Triple K dang did your kids get lucky at birth, I enjoyed the pig story, coon really all of them. This is too long so I won't bore you by typing more, I'm hoping the picture works. Happy Hunting to you all.
Nice buck, I thought mule deer were rare in Nebraska but I guess not.

Get your hand rebuilt and get more hunting done next year.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-07 AT 08:06PM (MST)[p]Cornhusker;
Looks like you came back into the game with a big bang. Congrats on a nice deer. Hope you have many future hunts and being able to be back into the woods.

P.S. You are right, Dude needs no help, he can hold his own with us right wing conservative boys.
That's a great buck! He's got some Nebraska character for sure. He would make a really cool Euro mount!

Awesome! Good luck to the Huskers in the coach hunt too. Pellini would be a great choice. Maybe they can convince ol' Coach Tom back down on the sidelines!!??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Good idea Roy I am making him into a European mount. Nebraska has a lot of mule deer north and west if you get out of the Platte river valley. Just not the quality of most Western states because the state won't nanage for quality. Thanks for all the support and nice comments.

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