Good read...



I hate political crapp, but I jus' had to pass this along.

> >This young leader had a lot to say. Too bad he did
> > not survive
> > and go
> > on to provide his leadership to many others.
> >
> > Here's young man, young in years but wisdom far
> > beyond his age.
> > He was
> > killed in Iraq but left some words that need to be
> > read. Not to
> > take a
> > few minutes to do that would be a disservice to his
> > sacrifice.
> >
> > Please read and pass on to anyone you like
> >
> > Very meaty piece of commentary from a fallen
> > Warrior......
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ************************************************************************
> > *
> >
> > SGT. Edmund John Jeffers last few words were some
> > of the most
> > touching,
> > inspiring and most truthful words spoken since the
> > tragedy of
> > 9/11 - and
> > since our nation went to war.
> > SGT. Jeffers was a strong soldier and talented
> > writer. He died
> > in Iraq
> > on September 19, 2007. He was a loving husband,
> > brother and son.
> > His
> > service was more than this country could ever grasp
> > - but the
> > least you
> > can do for the man who sacrificed his life for you
> > ... is listen
> > to what
> > he had to say.
> > Listen up and pay attention to all of the Cindy
> > Sheehan's and Al
> >
> > Franken's of the world. To MSNBC, CNN, and CBS. To
> > all who call
> > themselves Americans ...Hope Rides Alone.
> >
> >
> >
> ************************************************************************
> > *
> >
> > Hope Rides Alone
> > By Eddie Jeffers
> >
> >
> > I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I
> > watch the city
> > burn to
> > the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk
> > through the
> > familiar
> > rubble, and I look at the frightened faces that
> > watch me pass
> > down the
> > streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly
> > rest; my hands
> > are
> > steady on a device that has been given to me from
> > my government
> > for the
> > purpose of taking the lives of others. I sweat, and
> > I am tired.
> > My back
> > aches from the loads I carry. Young American boys
> > look to me to
> > direct
> > them in a manner that will someday allow them to
> > see their
> > families
> > again...and yet, I too, am just a age not
> > but a few
> > years more
> > than that of the ones I lead. I am stressed, I am
> > scared, and I
> > am
> > paranoid...because death is everywhere. It waits
> > for me, it
> > calls to me
> > from around street corners and windows, and it is
> > always there.
> > There are the demons that follow me, and tempt me
> > into thoughts
> > and
> > actions that are not my own...but that are
> > necessary for
> > survival. I've
> > made compromises with my humanity. And I am not
> > alone in this.
> > Miles
> > from me are my brethren in this world, who walk in
> > the same
> > streets...who feel the same things, whether they
> > admit to it or
> > not. And
> > to think, I volunteered for this... And I am
> > ignorant to the
> > rest of the
> > world...or so I thought.
> >
> >
> > But even thousands of miles away, in Ramadi , Iraq
> > , the cries
> > and
> > screams and complaints of the ungrateful reach me.
> > In a year, I
> > will be
> > thrust back into society from a life and mentality
> > that doesn't
> > fit your
> > average man. And then, I will be alone. And then, I
> > will walk
> > down the
> > streets of America, and see the yellow ribbon
> > stickers on the
> > cars of
> > the same people who compare our President to
> > Hitler. I will
> > watch the
> > television and watch the Cindy Sheehan's, and the
> > Al Franken's,
> > and the
> > rest of the ignorant sheep of America spout off
> > their mouths
> > about a
> > subject they know nothing about. It is their right,
> > however, and
> > it is a
> > right that is defended by hundreds of thousands of
> > boys and
> > girls
> > scattered across the world, far from home. I use
> > the word boys
> > and
> > girls, because that's what they are. In the Army,
> > the average
> > age of the
> > infantryman is nineteen years old. The average rank
> > of soldiers
> > killed
> > in action is Private First Class. People like Cindy
> > Sheehan are
> > ignorant. Not just to this war, but to the results
> > of their
> > idiotic
> > ramblings, or at least I hope they are. They don't
> > realize its
> > effects
> > on this war. In this war, there are no Geneva
> > Conventions, no
> > cease
> > fires. Medics and Chaplains are not spared from the
> > enemy's
> > brutality
> > because it's against the rules. I can only imagine
> > the horrors a
> >
> > military Chaplain would experience at the hands of
> > the enemy.
> > The enemy
> > slinks in the shadows and fights a coward's war
> > against us. It
> > is
> > effective though, as many men and women have died
> > since the
> > start of
> > this war. And the memory of their service to
> > America is tainted
> > by the
> > inconsiderate remarks on our nation's news outlets.
> > And every
> > day, the
> > enemy changes...only now, the enemy is becoming
> > something new.
> > The enemy
> > is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to
> > Americans. The
> > enemy is
> > becoming the very people whom we defend with our
> > lives. And they
> > do not
> > realize it. But in denouncing our actions,
> > denouncing our
> > leaders,
> > denouncing the war we live and fight, they are
> > isolating the
> > military
> > from society...and they are becoming our enemy.
> >
> >
> > Democrats and peace activists like to toss the word
> > "quagmire"
> > around
> > and compare this war to Vietnam. In a way they are
> > right, this
> > war is
> > becoming like Vietnam. Not the actual war, but in
> > the isolation
> > of
> > country and military. America is not a nation at
> > war; they are a
> > nation
> > with its military at war. Like it or not, we are
> > here, some of
> > us for
> > our second, or third times; some even for their
> > fourth and so
> > on.
> > Americans are so concerned now with politics, that
> > it is
> > interfering
> > with our war. Terrorists cut the heads off of
> > American citizens
> > on the
> > Internet...and there is no outrage, but an American
> > soldier
> > kills an
> > Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are
> > investigations, and
> > sometimes soldiers are even jailed...for doing
> > their job. It is
> > absolutely sickening to me to think our country has
> > come to
> > this. Why
> > are we so obsessed with the bad news? Why will
> > people stop at
> > nothing to
> > be against this war, no matter how much evidence of
> > the good
> > we've done
> > is thrown in their face? When is the last time CNN
> > or MSNBC or
> > CBS
> > reported the opening of schools and hospitals in
> > Iraq? Or the
> > leaders of
> > terror cells being detained or killed? It's all
> > happening, but
> > people
> > will not let up their hatred of Bush. They will
> > ignore the good
> > news,
> > because it just might show people that Bush was
> > right.
> >
> >
> > America has lost its will to fight. It has lost its
> > will to
> > defend what
> > is right and just in the world. The crazy thing of
> > it all is
> > that the
> > American people have not even been asked to
> > sacrifice a single
> > thing.
> > It's not like World War Two, where people rationed
> > food, and
> > turned in
> > cars to be made into metal for tanks. The American
> > people have
> > not been
> > asked to sacrifice anything. Unless you are in the
> > military or
> > the
> > family member of a service member, its life as
> > usual...the war
> > doesn't
> > affect you. But it affects us. And when it is over,
> > and the
> > troops come
> > home, and they try to piece together what's left of
> > them after
> > their
> > service...where will the detractors be then? Where
> > will the
> > Cindy
> > Sheehan's be to comfort and talk to soldiers and
> > help them sort
> > out the
> > last couple years of their lives, most of which
> > have been spent
> > dodging
> > death and wading through the deaths of their
> > friends? They will
> > be where
> > they always are, somewhere far away, where the
> > horrors of the
> > world
> > can't touch them. Somewhere where they can complain
> > about things
> > they
> > will never experience in their lifetime; things
> > that the young
> > men and
> > women of America have willingly taken upon their
> > shoulders.
> >
> >
> > We are the hope of the Iraqi people. They want what
> > everyone
> > else wants
> > in life: safety, security, somewhere to call home.
> > They want a
> > country
> > that is safe to raise their children in. Not a
> > place where their
> >
> > children will be abducted, raped, and murdered if
> > they do not
> > comply
> > with the terrorists demands. They want to live on,
> > rebuild and
> > prosper.
> > And America has given them the opportunity, but
> > only if we stay
> > true to
> > the cause, and see it to its end. But the country
> > must unite in
> > this
> > endeavor...we cannot place the burden on our
> > military alone. We
> > must all
> > stand up and fight, whether in uniform or not. And
> > supporting us
> > is more
> > than sticking yellow ribbon stickers on your cars.
> > It's
> > supporting our
> > President, our troops and our cause.
> >
> >
> > Right now, the burden is all on the American
> > soldiers. Right
> > now, hope
> > rides alone. But it can change, it must change.
> > Because there is
> > only
> > failure and darkness ahead for us as a country, as
> > a people, if
> > it
> > doesn't.
> > Let's stop all the political nonsense, let's stop
> > all the
> > bickering,
> > let's stop all the bad news, and let's stand and
> > fight!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ************************************************************************
> > *
> >
> > Eddie's father, David Jeffers, writes:
> > I'm not sure how many letters or articles you've
> > ever read from
> > the
> > genre of "News from the Front," but this is one of
> > the best I've
> > ever
> > read, including all of America's wars. As I was
> > reading this, I
> > forgot
> > that it was my son who had written it. My emotions
> > range from
> > great
> > pride to great sorrow, knowing that my little boy
> > (22 years old)
> > has
> > become this man. He is my hero. Thank all of you
> > for your
> > prayers for
> > him; he needs them now more than ever. God bless.
> >
> >
> > Though Eddie is no longer with us, you can help to
> > let his voice
> > be heard
Thanks for passing this on.

Why is it that the majority of the men and women in the military see and talk about the progress which is being made in Iraq and yet the news only gives air time or front page space to those who see only doom and gloom or who want to share their blinding hatred of President Bush?

Sgt. Jeffers wrote a great piece, to bad it will not be heard by most of the people who do support our troops and President.
Thanks Elkabong for posting this.
It is so true that the enemy within is much worse than the enemy without.
Like Yukon says. The blinding HATRED of these people towards our President is astounding.
These are the same people that preach tolerance (by God fearing folks) of deviant sexual behaviour. That it's okay to KILL the unborn. That our brave Men and Women in Iraq and elsewhere are a bunch of baby killers' and go around terrorizing women and children in the dark. Call them traitors and other vile epithets.
They need to take a long look in the mirror. There they will find the traitor, coward etc. that they truly are!

May we never forget the sacrifice of our WARRIORS!!!!
They gave ALL for me. And for the people that aren't worthy to lick their boots!!!
>Thanks for passing this on.
>Why is it that the majority
>of the men and women
>in the military see and
>talk about the progress which
>is being made in Iraq
>and yet the news only
>gives air time or front
>page space to those who
>see only doom and gloom
>or who want to share
>their blinding hatred of President
>Sgt. Jeffers wrote a great piece,
>to bad it will not
>be heard by most of
>the people who do support
>our troops and President.

If you ask Hdude all the troops are liars and only CNN and himself know what the truth is!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Good spin 202 I was expecting it. if it's all so sweet why are we still fighting 6 years later? and yes we're still fighting don't give me any crap about the war is won.

Besides, ALL the troops aren't saying what you want to hear. you just choose to listen to the ones who support your political cause and ignore the rest. real deep there guy.
No spin here Dude just fact. I could if you like back and archive all the times you have down played what our troops are saying about the situation there in Iraq. Every time this subject is brought up you are in disbelief just like you are now.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
That is a great letter. It pretty much sums up how my friends and family feel, that are serving or have served over in Iraq. It is amazing how the armchair experts try to deny what these people are saying. They are over there. They know a hell of a lot more of what's going on than CNN,NBC,or the Bush haters on MM. I have preached this before, but truth is not what some people want to hear. They are all on the Bush hating band wagon and no facts will ever stop them from what they want to believe.
All your blabber aside the troops are coming home, numbers will continue to draw down and then we'll see what happens. if we're lucky the Iraqi government will pick up the ball before it's too late. you goody two shoes never acknowledge the thousands of soldiers over there and the ones who've returned who dispute your Shangri la version of Iraq and are critics of the war. why is ignoring those people any better than questioning your pro war sources? just 'cause right?
>you goody two shoes never
>acknowledge the thousands of soldiers
>over there and the ones
>who've returned who dispute your
>Shangri la version of Iraq
>and are critics of the
>war. why is ignoring those
>people any better than questioning
>your pro war sources? just
>'cause right?

So this thousands of soilders you claim is this another fact pulled from the made up huntindude fact bag. You libs anfd your made up facts is CLASSIC!!!! and HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Give me a break 202, are you saying there are no servicemen in or returned from Iraq speaking out against the Iraq war? by all accounts other than yours there are THOUSANDS, I'm not saying they're anymore correct than your Bush bunnie supporters but to deny they exist in good numbers just makes your arguement ignorant. again you try to justify everything over a vet saying the war is good and going well, since when did the rank and file control a war? their opinion be it pro or anti war isn't what runs the war or sets policy. we heard how much the Iraqis loved us from pro war vets 5 years ago, and 3000 + dead Americans ago.
So I am to assume these "thousands" are the silent majority or minority or just silent or is it a vast right wing conspiracy to keep them from talking. Because I just don't here "thousands" of servicemen speaking out against the war.

Oh and incase you didn't notice, despite all your hate the war is going quite well!!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Quite well? a 60% better chance of not being blown up or beheaded is an improvement I'll agree but hardly anything that could be considered " well ". an article out in the news today says Sadr is using the lull to rebuild and restucture his Madahi fighters, they most likely won't attack US troops but they will continue their civil war once we give them some slack.

Thigs are better in Baghdad, but many predicted they would be until the US presence was drawn down, live to fight another day as the saying goes. nobody knows, certainly not you or I what the outcome will be in Iraq. the only thing I know for sure is you're like arguing with a woman, no amount of proof or pictures will change your mind once it's made up. it's useless.
So I take it you are dodging the "Thousands" question?

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
You give me the exact number of pro war activist vets and I'll give you a number of anti, the records aren't real good but if you want to guess I can too. I'm confident it's thousands but like everything you say I can't document it. I have no doubt the number of pro war vets exceeds the anti, it's a volunteer military, how many actually sign up to do something they disagree with? some were already signed up before the war began or have changed their minds on the subject but it's simple to see where the majority would fall given the situation.

When did the GI opinion trump the voters of the nation anyway? if 100% of the military vote for those who support the war they wouldn't outnumber the Americans who are voting against it. so this whole argument is useless unless martial law is in our future. do you even recall what happened last November? the pro war politians got their butts kicked, this is America, the voters decide not the military, get over it.
So the military should decide what battles we fight and how to fight them you guys think? they can also choose the general/dictator to head them up. kind of like Castro and Kim Jong are doing, sweet idea who needs democracy anyway it just gives those dang libs a say in things.
You are missing the point AGAIN dude, if the anti-Bush media would report just 5% of the positives going on in Iraq, which would be a major increase from what is reported now, do you thjink the public opinion just might change? Think about it! Every soldier I have talked to that has been over there say there are TONS of good going on DAILY, but the media stays silent on it. Why hasn't this letter been posted on the front page of any major newspapers? You can bet your arse if it was negative it would be on the front page nation-wide.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-07 AT 00:08AM (MST)[p]OK, I'll try one last time to explain it to our special needs section. you tell me the media is lying to me and the truth is Iraq is going great. let me give you a few reasons only a moron would fall for that. Why did Bush need a troop surge if things were great? why did it take longer to reduce violence in Iraq than it did to defeat Germany and Japan? why do we have 3900 dead Americans and an estimated 1.6 trillion dollars spent on a war thats going well but nobody knows when it will end? Not to mention Fox news just as well have Bush and Cheney as anchormen and they can't even put a spin on this thing like you can. if we've won end it already guys.

Things are much improved in Iraq no doubt , but FAR from over.
Even if we get what we want in Iraq it really changes little, Al qaida killed a bunch of people in Algiers today, ( WOW! I though they were all in Iraq ) Musharrif says we're not going into the areas of Pakistan were the terrorist are, the Taliban are gaining popularity and strenght in Afghanistan and Iran laughing at us. Iraq is just a side show in the big picture, prove me wrong with something more than an extra hit of propaganda.

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