Good News for wild sheep

Thanks LBH. That's huge. I wonder where it will go now. Supreme court? They're not going to take it sitting down. I never thought I'd be happy with the ninth circuit but I guess in this case I am.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
Thanks LBH.

"good news" and "wild sheep" are not words often seen in the same sentence, as of late.

We'll see where it goes but there's a real shot that it might keep them safe(r).

There has been a string of good news reports from Idaho related to sheep. Last year they doubled tags in one area, due to a very good air count, and a history of a growing herd.
Great move Idaho!
Thanks littlebighorn, thats great to hear.
We could have doubble the Bighorn sheep
in Idaho, if we could control the domestic sheep
on national forests.

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