Good News/Bad News


Long Time Member
D13er got a new job today. D13er lost his new job today. Turns out, JB got a job as a Walmart greeter. Shortly after embarking on his new career, JB sees a lady walk through the door with two kids.

JB: Those your kids?

Lady: Sure are.

JB: Both of 'em?

Lady: Yup.

JB: Twins?

Lady: Now what on earth would make you think they are twins. The one is seven years old and the other is five years old. Not even close in age or size.

JB: Well, that is what I thought too but...well...lady, you're so ugly I just could not believe you got laid twice.

lol, I loved that job too.....fricken management at walmart are puzzies......but....I like that option BFE posted up even better, might never get rid of this tennis elbow though.

Hey might be interested too...extra cash couldn't hurt you.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Zigga forgot to load his gun, he only shoots blanks, they would not want him.


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