Good hunting location?



LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-13 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]Hello everyone. I want to start out by saying this is my first post on a hunting forum board. I live in Utah and I have been hunting for 18 years. I have always hunted with my family and now that I am 30 years old, I often find myself hunting solo. So I am trying to understand a few things that I have not been able to find solid answers to.

Sorry for the long post.

I am trying to locate a good spot for the deer hunting as the Utah Rifle hunt is this weekend (October 19th). I have found this spot which is about 600 yards from the nearest dirt road. I have some screenshots from Google earth of the place I plan to be sitting before sunrise on opening morning. I was hoping that some of you experts could fill in some of the blanks for me.

My plan: I plan to be sitting in the spot where the yellow pin is located in the photos. I am hoping to have a good view into the canyon below, as well as the east facing slope on the other side. I am hoping that deer will be either feeding on the east slope come sun-light, or they will be moving up the canyon floor below me. I am thinking that watching the east facing slope is the best choice to see deer feeding or moving across in the first morning hour. Here are my questions that maybe some of you can help me with.

1- I am not sure if this would be considered a Canyon, or a draw or what that I would be sitting on the edge of. Would you call this a canyon, a draw, or a wash?

2- I have attached a picture of what it will look like at first sun at 7:18 a.m. The sun hits the hill facing east first and appears to be one of the first slopes hit in the area making it look like a good choice.

3- It has snowed up there a little the last couple days, I think in 4 days it will be melted, but there has been some snow fall. I am not sure if this changes the direction of slope I should be glassing, but I feel that east is a good bet.

4- The blue arrows are pointing to water spots that are created by runoff and have a bit of deadfall around them. The water hole closest to my sitting point I am hoping will have some deer drinking at where they will then head into the little canyon to move up or down to their bedding spot.

Does this look like a good place to be for the first hour of sun on opening morning? I have never watched a canyon as I am usually walking in the trees come first sun.

Attached is another spot I am considering. The mountain slop is facing West. I am thinking of sitting in the little clearing where the yellow pin is, and finding deer moving up the mountain side, or down to eat or drink, or up the canyon (red arrow). I am not sure of this spot as It is facing west, and it is only about 300 yards from the road and these trees seem to get walked pretty hard first thing in the morning.

When looking for a good hunting spot using Google maps, is there specific things or a combination of things to look for that would help pick out a great location?

thank you in advance for any tips and advise.
I like spots with multiple options and where I can glass the most country. Have you scouted the area? If it's a busy area look at where the pressure will push the deer. JMO
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-13 AT 12:08PM (MST)[p]I have not scouted the area. I have hunted in these mountain since I was 13. however I now live 3 hours away in the city and can't go down scouting due to the drive. These mountains have lots of deer some years and then others there seem to be less, I am not sure what this year will bring, but after hearing some friends that are bow hunters, they say it was average, some days good, and some days there were little deer seen.

The way I see it is deer like the little canyons, and use them to move from point A to B in hopes of not being seen. So I am hoping that walkers could push some deer up or down this canyon, or across the flat where that water hole is and into the canyon where they try to find cover. Maybe I am looking at it wrong.

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