Good for them! Even if they never see a DIME...good for them. I can't stand that people use something like that...someone else's death (and an honorable one at that!) as a soapbox for their own screwed up agenda.
soldiers deaths are because of america's tolerance of homosexuality..... HAHAHAHA!!!

ya right!

i'll tell you why the few ande the proud are being killed,

its because there aren't enough troops in iraq to kill all the towel heads shooting back! if they would stop protesting and stop trying to interfer and stop committing treason, then our boys will come home, safe and sound!!!

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
>Good for them! Even if they
>never see a DIME...good for
>them. I can't stand
>that people use something like
>that...someone else's death (and an
>honorable one at that!) as
>a soapbox for their own
>screwed up agenda.

Ditto and amen what 3K said.


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