Good Fishing Day


Long Time Member
I was able to do some trout fishing on Tuesday with my Dad and one of his long time buddies. We went up to Cachuma Lake and trolled for trout. It was a bit slow but boated 12 trout. One was a monster 3.5 pounder. Thought you'd enjoy some pictures.



I've been getting the "bug" myself. That really put's me in the mood to fish.
Nice fish!!!

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Thanks guys! I'm not able to get out on the water very often so when I can, I try to take advantage of it. That morning started out rather slow. We didn't even have any bumps for the first hour or so. It wasn't until about 830 that the fish really started to hit. We only had 2 fish in the boat when we left the first spot and headed over to the second spot. It wasn't but 10 minutes when we boated our first one at the second spot. We really started to get into them. For some reason, we lost about 6 or 7 fish before landing them. We couldn't figure out why we were losing so many fish. We checked the hooks....they werent straightened out or anything. They weren't barbless was very strange. Anyway, the big 3 1/2 pounder made the day worth while. Thanks for the comments.

Damn it Wiz now I no you have your prioritys straight, I'd much rather be out there chasing trout, Hell I got home from work at 8 tues morn, your right in my back yard did you get them trolling or drifting? you hit it on a good day been talking to some guys that been going and havent caught chit.Bob..

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