Good Billy?



My good freind drew a Utah Mtn Goat tag and we have been hitting the hills pretty hard. We think we may have found a good billy but neither of us are goat experts by any means so thought we would see what you guys think?

Sorry the pics are not the best quality.


LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-13 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]Guessing 8 1/2 inches long. the first profile shot looks like he is super thick.
He's big enough for my tag! I'm going to look tomorrow hopefully i'll have some pics to share also! Keep'em coming!
Looks like a fairly mature billy by body size. It's hard to tell from the photos but looks like he's just over 9". It doesn't look like he has exceptional mass in the upper 1/2 of his horns...but it's a little tough to tell from the pics.
Same here, no expert on goats I am. What I do know for sure with the pictures as is, if I had the tag in my pocket, I would take a closer look assuming I couldnt get a better judge than the pic shows, and the odds are when I took the closer look, Id be punching the tag with him.
He looks like a really good billy to me. I'd bet he breaks 9" quite easily and has good mass/bases.
Like the others, I'm no expert but I've been on a few goat hunts.

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