Good-Bad Ugly Cape Buff Sculpture


Very Active Member
Anybody that knows me one of the things I am obsessed with are Cape Buff they are the baddest dudes and filled with character which is gold for an artist.
Each one has a different face unlike lots of animals. Some handsome, some Piggy, some mean looking (ahhh all mean looking) some butt ugly, some angry mutants, they are just cool. My favorite western of all time is the Good the Bad and the Ugly, and the final epic scene is of course in a graveyard. This bronze is a pretty small piece and each Buff is about seven inches long. The Middle is the "Good" a more handsome face, then to his right the bad with a beady little slit eyes (Lee Van Cleef) and the one to the left the 'Ugly" an old scrub cap worn horns, jowls, no ears left and they are all standing in a "graveyard" of cracked mud and a buff and lion skull in the dried mud. But at the end of the day it is three dugga boys doing their thing...

It is just too much fun to sculpt a piece like this...and give me a chance to dream about going back again to chase those beasts threw the thorns...




You did some nice work.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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